Palabras clave
Inteligencia emocional, ciberacoso, victimización, adolescentes, regulación emocional, género, cibevictimización y habilidades socio-emocionales
Dilucidar los factores personales que protegen contra las consecuencias psicológicas de la cibervictimización podría ayudar a una detección e intervención escolar más eficaz. Ningún estudio ha examinado el papel de la inteligencia emocional (IE) y el género en adolescentes víctimas de ciberacoso y cómo estas dimensiones interactuan para explicar la cibervictimización. El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la relación entre IE y cibervictimización, y el papel moderador de las habilidades de IE y el género como predictores de la cibervictimización en una muestra de 1.645 adolescentes españoles (50,6% mujeres) de edades entre 12 y 18 años. Con respecto a la prevalencia, nuestros resultados indicaron que el 83,95% de la muestra no eran cibervíctimas mientras un 16,05% eran cibervíctimas ocasionales o severas. Los resultados mostraron que los déficits en IE y sus dimensiones se asociaron positivamente con la cibervictimización en ambos géneros, pero más en mujeres. Además, se encontró una interacción significativa entre regulación emocional y género explicando las experiencias de cibervictimización. Aunque no hubo interacción para los hombres, para las mujeres el déficit en regulación emocional se asoció significativamente a mayor cibervictimización. Nuestros hallazgos proporcionan apoyo empírico para el corpus teórico que conecta las habilidades de IE, el género y la cibervictimización, sugiriendo que la regulación emocional puede ser considerada un recurso valioso, así como de inclusión en futuros programas de prevención de cibervictimización ajustados por géneros.
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Recibido: 18-09-2017
Revisado: 25-10-2017
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OnlineFirst: 15-05-2018
Fecha publicación: 01-07-2018
Tiempo de revisión del artículo : 37 (en días) | Media de tiempo de revisión de los manuscritos del número 56: 43 (en días)
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Tiempo de edición OnlineFirst: 241 (en días) | Media tiempo edición de los OnlineFirst del número 56: 179 (en días)
Tiempo de publicacicón final del artículo: 286 (en días) | Media tiempo de publicación final de los articulos del número 56: 224 (en días)
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Citado por
Citas en Web of Science
Alvites Huamani, Cleofe Genoveva; . Adolescence, ciberbullying and depression, risks in a globalized world ETIC NET-REVISTA CIENTIFICA ELECTRONICA DE EDUCACION Y COMUNICACION EN LA SOCIEDAD DEL CONOCIMIENTO, 2019.
Rey, Lourdes; Merida-Lopez, Sergio; Sanchez-Alvarez, Nicolas; Extremera, Natalio; . When and How Do Emotional Intelligence and Flourishing Protect against Suicide Risk in Adolescent Bullying Victims? PSICOTHEMA, 2019.
Tome-Fernandez, Maria; Manuel Ortiz-Marcos, Jose; Maria Olmedo-Moreno, Eva; . Educational Environments with Cultural and Religious Diversity: Psychometric Analysis of the Cyberbullying Scale RELIGIONS, 2019.
Foody, Mairead; McGuire, Lian; Kuldas, Seffetullah; . Friendship Quality and Gender Differences in Association With Cyberbullying Involvement and Psychological Well-Being INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF METHODS IN PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH, 2019.
Mendez, Inmaculada; Belen Jorquera, Ana; Ruiz-Esteban, Cecilia; Pedro Martinez-Ramon, Juan; Fernandez-Sogorb, Aitana; . Emotional Intelligence, Bullying, and Cyberbullying in Adolescents REVISTA DE PSICODIDACTICA, 2019.
Carmen Martinez-Monteagudo, Maria; Delgado, Beatriz; Manuel Garcia-Fernandez, Jose; Rubio, Esther; . Cyberbullying, Aggressiveness, and Emotional Intelligence in Adolescence JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE, 2019.
Garcia, Laura; Quintana-Orts, Cirenia; Rey, Lourdes; . Cybervictimization and life satisfaction in adolescents: emotional intelligence as mediator REVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA CLINICA CON NINOS Y ADOLESCENTES, 2020.
Chan, N. N.; Ahrumugam, P.; Scheithauer, H.; Schultze-Krumbholz, A.; Ooi, P. B.; . A hermeneutic phenomenological study of students' and school counsellors' "lived experiences" of cyberbullying and bullying INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE AND YOUTH, 2020.
Estevez, Jesus F.; Canas, Elizabeth; Estevez, Estefania; . The Impact of Cybervictimization on Psychological Adjustment in Adolescence: Analyzing the Role of Emotional Intelligence PSICOTHEMA, 2020.
Maria Martinez-Martinez, Ana; Lopez-Liria, Remedios; Manuel Aguilar-Parra, Jose; Trigueros, Ruben; Jose Morales-Gazquez, Maria; Rocamora-Perez, Patricia; . Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Cybervictimization, and Academic Performance in Secondary School Students International Journal of Educational and Psychological Researches, 2020.
Leon-del-Barco, Benito; Lazaro, Santiago Mendo; Polo-del-Rio, Maria-Isabel; Lopez-Ramos, Victor-Maria; . Emotional Intelligence as a Protective Factor against Victimization in School Bullying Pediatría Atención Primaria, 2020.
Munoz-Rodriguez, Jose Manuel; Torrijos Fincias, Patricia; Serrate Gonzalez, Sara; Murciano Hueso, Alicia; . Digital environments, connectivity and education: Time perception and management in the construction of young people's digital identity COMUNICAR, 2020.
Yudes, Carolina; Rey, Lourdes; Extremera, Natalio; . The Moderating Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Problematic Internet Use and Cyberbullying Perpetration Among Adolescents: Gender Differences JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENT HEALTH, 2000.
Palomares-Ruiz, Ascension; Garcia-Perales, Ramon; Cebrian-Martinez, Antonio; Ines Martin-Garcia, Maria; . Bullying and Cyberbullying in Primary School: The Impact of Gender and Student Academic Performance Int. Educ. Stud, 2021.
Yang, Chunyan; Chen, Chun; Lin, Xueqin; Chan, Mei-Ki; . School-Wide Social Emotional Learning and Cyberbullying Victimization Among Middle and High School Students: Moderating Role of School Climate SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY, 2021.
Cebollero-Salinas, A; Orejudo, S; (...); Iniguez-Berrozpe, T. Cybergossip and Problematic Internet Use in cyberaggression and cybervictimisation among adolescents COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 2022.
Cebollero-Salinas, A; Cano-Escoriaza, J and Orejudo, S. Are emotional e-competencies a protective factor against habitual digital behaviors (media multitasking, cybergossip, phubbing) in Spanish students of secondary education? COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 2022.
Cebollero-Salinas, A; Cano-Escoriaza, J and Orejudo, S. Social Networks, Emotions, and Education: Design and Validation of e-COM, a Scale of Socio-Emotional Interaction Competencies among Adolescents SUSTAINABILITY, 2022.
Quintana-Orts, C; Merida-Lopez, S; (...); Extremera, N. A Closer Look at the Emotional Intelligence Construct: How Do Emotional Intelligence Facets Relate to Life Satisfaction in Students Involved in Bullying and Cyberbullying? EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATION IN HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION, 2021.
Fragoso-Luzuriaga, R and Ramirez-Santiago, I. Grooming and emotional intelligence in adolescents. Can emotional development in school prevent this type of cyber-bullying? REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIA EDUCATIVA-RELATEC, 2022.
Arrivillaga, C; Rey, L and Extremera, N. Problematic social media use and emotional intelligence in adolescents: Analysis of gender differences EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY, 2022.
Citas en Scopus
Rey, L., Mérida-López, S., Sánchez-álvarez, N., Extremera, N.. When, how do emotional intelligence, flourishing protect against suicide risk in adolescent bullying victims?), International Journal of Environmental Research, Public Health, .
Tomé-Fernández, M., Ortiz-Marcos, J.M., Olmedo-Moreno, E.M.. Educational environments with cultural, religious diversity: Psychometric analysis of the cyberbullying scale), Religions, .
Méndez, I., Jorquera, A.B., Ruiz-Esteban, C., Martínez-Ramón, J.P., Fernández-Sogorb, A.. Emotional intelligence, bullying,, cyberbullying in adolescents), International Journal of Environmental Research, Public Health, .
Martínez-Monteagudo, M.C., Delgado, B., García-Fernández, J.M., Rubio, E. . Cyberbullying, aggressiveness, and emotional intelligence in adolescence), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .
Chan, N.N., Ahrumugam, P., Scheithauer, H., Schultze-Krumbholz, A., Ooi, P.B.. A hermeneutic phenomenological study of students', school counsellors' “lived experiences” of cyberbullying, bullying), Computers and Education, .
Estévez, J.F., Cañas, E., Estévez, E. . The impact of cybervictimization on psychological adjustment in adolescence: analyzing the role of emotional intelligence), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .
Quintana-Orts, C., Rey, L., Mérida-López, S., Extremera, N.. What bridges the gap between emotional intelligence, suicide risk in victims of bullying? A moderated mediation study), Journal of Affective Disorders, .
Epelde-Larrañaga, A., Oñederra-Ramírez, J.-A., Chacón-Cuberos, R.. Prevalence of cyberbullying: Data from two education centres in Spain), International Journal of Humanities Education, .
Alfaro, A.C. . Bullying, cyberbullying and the new information and communication technologies | [Acoso escolar, ciberacoso y las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación]), Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral, .
García, L., Quintana-Orts, C., Rey, L. . Cybervictimization and life satisfaction in adolescents: Emotional intelligence as mediator | [Cibervictimización y satisfacción vital en adolescentes: La inteligencia emocional como variable mediadora]), Revista de Psicologia Clinica con Ninos y Adolescentes, .
Martínez-Martínez, A.M., López-Liria, R., Aguilar-Parra, J.M., (...), Morales-Gázquez, M.J., Rocamora-Pérez, P. . Relationship between emotional intelligence, cybervictimization, and academic performance in secondary school students), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .
Muñoz-Rodríguez, J.M., Torrijos Fincias, P., Serrate González, S., Murciano Hueso, A. . Digital environments, connectivity and education: Time perception and management in the construction of young people’s digital identity | [Entornos digitales, conectividad y educación. Percepción y gestión del tiempo en la construcción de la identidad digital de la juventud]), Revista Espanola de Pedagogia, .
León-Del-barco, B., Lázaro, S.M., Polo-Del-río, M.-I., López-Ramos, V.-M. . Emotional intelligence as a protective factor against victimization in school bullying), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .
Ríos Ariza, J.M., Matas-Terrón, A., Chinguel, G.C., Chávarry, R.D.P.R. . Validation of the sexting scale (ECS) in a sample of university students from Peru | [Validação da escala de sexting (ECS) em uma amostra de estudantes universitários do Peru]), Meta: Avaliacao, .
Peña-Casares, M.J., Aguaded-Ramírez, E. . Emotional intelligence, well-being and bullying in primary and secondary education students | [Inteligencia emocional, bienestar y acoso escolar en estudiantes de educación primaria y secundaria]), Journal of Sport and Health Research, .
Yang, C., Chen, C., Lin, X., Chan, M.-K. . School-wide social emotional learning and cyberbullying victimization among middle and high school students: Moderating role of school climate.), School Psychology, .
Quintana-Orts, C., Mérida-López, S., Rey, L., Extremera, N. . A closer look at the emotional intelligence construct: How do emotional intelligence facets relate to life satisfaction in students involved in bullying and cyberbullying?), Sustainability (Switzerland), .
Palomares-Ruiz, A., García-Perales, R., Cebrián-Martínez, A., Martín-García, M.I. . Bullying and cyberbullying in primary school: The impact of gender and student academic performance), Psychological Reports, .
Quintana-Orts, C., Chamizo-Nieto, M.T., Sánchez-Álvarez, N., (...), Rey, L., Extremera, N. . Testing the contribution of emotional intelligence in bullying context: A comparison of victims, bullies, bully-victims and uninvolved adolescents), School Psychology, .
Yudes, C., Rey, L., Extremera, N. . The Moderating Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Problematic Internet Use and Cyberbullying Perpetration Among Adolescents: Gender Differences), Meta: Avaliacao, .
Cebollero-Salinas, A., Orejudo, S., Cano-Escoriaza, J., Íñiguez-Berrozpe, T. . Cybergossip and Problematic Internet Use in cyberaggression and cybervictimisation among adolescents), Computers in Human Behavior, .
Cebollero-Salinas, A., Cano-Escoriaza, J., Orejudo, S.. Are emotional e-competencies a protective factor against habitual digital behaviors (media multitasking, cybergossip, phubbing) in Spanish students of secondary education?), Computers and Education, .
Cebollero-Salinas, A., Cano-Escoriaza, J., Orejudo, S.. Social Networks, Emotions, and Education: Design and Validation of e-COM, a Scale of Socio-Emotional Interaction Competencies among Adolescents), Sustainability, .
Murciano Hueso, A., Torrijos Fincias, P., Serrate González, S. . Youth Perception of Connectivity: Times and Uses), Texto Livre, .
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Peña-Casares, M. J., & Aguaded-Ramírez, E. (2021). INTELIGENCIA EMOCIONAL, BIENESTAR Y ACOSO ESCOLAR EN ESTUDIANTES DE EDUCACIÓN PRIMARIA Y SECUNDARIA. Journal of Sport and Health Research, 13(1), 79-92.
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Yang, C. School-wide Social Emotional Learning and Cyberbullying Victimization among Middle and High School Students: Moderating Role of School Climate (Doctoral dissertation, The University of California Berkeley).
Murciano Hueso, A., Torrijos Fincias, P., & Serrate González, S. (2020, October). Youth Perception of Connectivity: Times and Uses. In Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (pp. 909-914).
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Cómo citar
Rey, L., Quintana-Orts, C., Mérida-López, S., & Extremera, N. (2018). Emotional intelligence and peer cybervictimisation in adolescents: Gender as moderator. [Inteligencia emocional y cibervictimización en adolescentes: El género como moderador]. Comunicar, 56, 09-18.