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引述 Web of Science

Air Caballero-Gonzalez, Yen; Garcia-Valcarcel Munoz-Repiso, Ana;. Enhancing computational thinking skills in early childhood education: Learning experience through tangible and graphical interfaces REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIA EDUCATIVA-RELATEC , 2019.


Caballero-Gonzalez, Yen-Air; Garcia-Valcarcel Munoz-Repiso, Ana; Garcia-Holgado, Alicia;. Learning computational thinking and social skills development in young children through problem solving with educational robotics TEEM'19: SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGICAL ECOSYSTEMS FOR ENHANCING MULTICULTURALITY , 2019.


Jose Garcia-Penalvo, Francisco; Angel Conde, Miguel; Goncalves, Jose; Lima, Jose; Gonzalez, MAC; Sedano, FJR; Llamas, CF; GarciaPenalvo, FJ; . Computational thinking and robotics in education TEEM'19: SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGICAL ECOSYSTEMS FOR ENHANCING MULTICULTURALITY, 2019.


Belmonte, Jesus Lopez; Sanchez, Santiago Pozo; Cabrera, Arturo Fuentes; Bujez, Manuel Ricardo Vicente; . Innovative scenarios in Physical Education: body and musical expression work mediated by robotics European Logo, 2020.


Tang, Xiaodan; Yin, Yue; Lin, Qiao;. Assessing computational thinking: A systematic review of empirical studies COMPUTERS & EDUCATION , 2020.


Air Caballero-Gonzalez, Yen; Garcia-Valcarcel, Ana;. Learning with Robotics in Primary Education? A Means of Stimulating Computational Thinking EDUCATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY , 2020.


Avello-Martinez, Raidell; Lavonem, Jari; Zapata-Ros, Miguel;. Coding and educational robotics and their relationship with computational and creative thinking. A compressive review RED-REVISTA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA , 2020.


Caballero-Gonzalez, Yen-Air; Garcia-Valcarcel Munoz-Repiso, Ana;. Strengthening computational thinking and social skills through learning activities with educational robotics in early school levels PIXEL-BIT- REVISTA DE MEDIOS Y EDUCACION , 2020.


Alvarez-Herrero; Juan-Francisco;. Computational Thinking in Early Childhood Education, beyond Floor Robots EDUCATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY , 2020.


Alden, Dochshanov; Tramonti, Michela;. Computational Design Thinking and Physical Computing: Preliminary Observations of a Pilot Study ROBOTICS , 2020.


Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Segura-Robles, Adrian; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Parra-Gonzalez, Maria-Elena; . Robotics in Education: A Scientific Mapping of the Literature in Web of Science EDUCATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY, 2021.


Alvarez-Herrero, JF. Design and validation of an instrument for the taxonomy of floor robots in Early Childhood Education PIXEL-BIT- REVISTA DE MEDIOS Y EDUCACION, 2021.


Lin, YS; Chen, SY; (...); Lai, YH. Exploring Computational Thinking Skills Training Through Augmented Reality and AIoT Learning FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 0.


Castro-Gutierrez, Eveling; Bobadilla-Charaz, Sebastian; Mendoza-Pinto, Diego; Fernandez-Granda, Whinders; Chara-Barreda, Caterine; VillalbaCondori, KO; AdurizBravo, A; GarciaPenalvo, FJ; Lavonen, J; . Robotics in First Year Engineering Students: An Experience in Learning Concepts of Linear Motion CISETC 2019: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN SCIENCES, 2019.


Alvarez-Herrero, JF; Martinez-Roig, R and Urrea-Solano, M. Use of digital technologies in early childhood education in times of pandemic CAMPUS VIRTUALES , 2021.

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Bati, Kaan; . A systematic literature review regarding computational thinking and programming in early childhood education COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 2000.


Clarke-Midura, Jody; Silvis, Deborah; Shumway, Jessica F.;. Developing a kindergarten computational thinking assessment using evidence-centered design: the case of algorithmic thinking COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION , 2021.


Boya-Lara, Carlos; Vega, Melany;. A proposal to enhance STEM learning based on BEAM Robotics REVISTA PUBLICACIONES , 2020.


Mejia, CIC; Salazar, EBG; (...); Hurtado, JA. Educational robotics as a tool for computational thinking development. A literature review REVISTA EDUCACION EN INGENIERIA, 2022.


Avci, C and Deniz, MN. Computational thinking: early childhood teachers' and prospective teachers' preconceptions and self-efficacy EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, 2022.


Berciano-Alcaraz, A; Salgado-Somoza, M and Jimenez-Gestal, C. Computer Literacy in Early Childhood Education: Difficulties and Benefits in a 3-year-old Classroom REVISTA ELECTRONICA EDUCARE, 2022.


Khodabandelou, R and Alhoqani, K. The effects of WeDo 2.0 robot workshop on Omani grade 5 students' acquisition of the computational thinking concepts and acceptance of the robot technology EDUCATION 3-13, 2022.


Boya-Lara, C; Saavedra, D; (...); Marquez-Araque, A. Development of a course based on BEAM robots to enhance STEM learning in electrical, electronic, and mechanical domains INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN HIGHER EDUCATION , 2022.



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Acevedo-Borrega, J; Valverde-Berrocoso, J and Garrido-Arroyo, MD. Computational Thinking and Educational Technology: A Scoping Review of the Literature EDUCATION SCIENCES, 2022.


McCormick, KI and Hall, JA. Computational thinking learning experiences, outcomes, and research in preschool settings: a scoping review of literature EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, 2022.


Shumway, JF; Welch, LE; (...); Lee, VR. Kindergarten students' mathematics knowledge at work: the mathematics for programming robot toys MATHEMATICAL THINKING AND LEARNING, 2021.


Picado-Arce, K; Matarrita-Munoz, S; (...); Zuniga-Cespedes, M. Drivers for the development of computational thinking in Costa Rican students COMUNICAR , 2021.


Fernandez, MOG; Gonzalez, YAF and Lopez, CM. Overview of Educational Robotics for STEAM Learning REVISTA EUREKA SOBRE ENSENANZA Y DIVULGACION DE LAS CIENCIAS, 2021.




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Yang, K., Liu, X., & Chen, G. (2020). Global Research Trends in Robot Education in 2009-2019: A Bibliometric Analysis. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 10(6).


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