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引述 Web of Science

Casal Otero, Lorena; Barreira Cerqueiras, Eva Maria; Marino Fernandez, Raquel; Garcia Antelo, Beatriz; . Digital Teaching Competence of Galician Vocational Training Teachers Pixel-Bit. Revista de Medios y Educacion, 2021.


Alejandra Blanco, Maria; Eugenia Blanco, Maria; Vila Hinojo, Bernabe Teodoro; . EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING ACTIVITIES PROPOSED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEANINGFUL LEARNING IN POST-PANDEMIC TIMES Consecuencias psicologicas de la COVID 19 y el confinamiento, 2021.


Colas-Bravo, Pilar; Conde-Jimenez, Jesus; Reyes-de-Cozar, Salvador; . Sustainability and Digital Teaching Competence in Higher Education COMUNICAR, 2021.


Rangel-Perez, Celia; Gato-Bermudez, Maria-Jose; Musicco-Nombela, Daniela; Ruiz-Alberdi, Cristina; . The Massive Implementation of ICT in Universities and Its Implications for Ensuring SDG 4: Challenges and Difficulties for Professors HDB RES INEQUITIES O, 2021.


Barragan Sanchez, Raquel; Llorente Cejudo, Carmen; Aguilar Gavira, Sonia; Benitez Gavira, Remedios; . Initial self-perception and level of digital competence of university teaching staff Revista complutense de educacion, 2022.


Torres Inga, Luis Alberto; Huaman Ramos, Leon; Amancio Anzuhueldo, Alison Marisu; Sanchez Diaz, Sebastian; . Digital skills and teaching performance in the communication area of secondary education, in times of pandemic Investigacion Academica,, 2022.


Folkman, Anne Katrine; Josefsson, Kristina Areskoug; Fjetland, Kirsten Jaeger; . Norwegian Teachers' Experiences with Distance Teaching and Online Schooling During the COVID-19 Pandemic White Paper No. 19, 2000.


Candel, Elena Carrion; Roblizo Colmenero, Manuel Jacinto; . Gamification and mobile learning: innovative experiences to motivate and optimise music content within university contexts COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 2000.


De la Calle, Ana Maria; Pacheco-Costa, Alejandra; Gomez-Ruiz, Miguel Angel; Guzman-Simon, Fernando; . Understanding Teacher Digital Competence in the Framework of Social Sustainability: A Systematic Review REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, 2021.


Garzon Artacho, Esther; Sola Martinez, Tomas; Trujillo Torres, Juan Manuel; Rodriguez Garcia, Antonio Manuel; . Digital competence in adult education: a study in a Spanish context Education as a Lifelong Process, 2021.


Song, BQ; He, BY; (...); Cai, YJ. Research on Open Practice Teaching of Off-Campus Art Appreciation Based on ICT SUSTAINABILITY, 2022.


Barzabal, LT; Gimeno, AM; (...); Rodriguez, JMH. Pablo de Olavide University teaching staff's perception of their Digital Teaching Competence PIXEL-BIT- REVISTA DE MEDIOS Y EDUCACION, 2022.


Gil, ML; Lozano, CP; (...); Quintas-Hijos, A. ICT in Health Education at University students CULTURA CIENCIA Y DEPORTE, 2021.




Kumpikaite-Valiuniene, V; Aslan, I; (...); Anandkumar, V. Influence of Digital Competence on Perceived Stress, Burnout and Well-Being Among Students Studying Online During the COVID-19 Lockdown: A 4-Country Perspective PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH AND BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT, 2021.


Fernandez-Jimenez, MA; Rodriguez, EM and Jimenez-Perona, MI. Transformation of the public University as a consequence of COVID' 19. Teacher perspective through the Delphi method REVISTA COMPLUTENSE DE EDUCACION, 2021.


Lopez-Noguero, F; Garcia-Lazaro, I and Gallardo-Lopez, JA. Consequences of COVID-19 at Schools According to Their Socioeconomic Context and Type REVISTA PUBLICACIONES, 2021.


Gonzalez-de-Eusebio, J and Tucho, F. Ethology of media literacy in the twenty-first century's digital society: a literature review EDMETIC, 2021.


Sadio-Ramos, FJ; Ortiz-Molina, MA and Bernabe-Villodre, MD. Developing creativity through ICT and Music Teachers' Training: a biographical experience TEXTO LIVRE-LINGUAGEM E TECNOLOGIA, 2021.


Ferrero-de-Lucas, E; Canton-Mayo, I; (...); Bernardo-Sanchez, A. ICT and knowledge management in Teaching and Engineering Students COMUNICAR , 2021.


Ortega-Sanchez, D; Gomez-Trigueros, IM; (...); Perez-Gonzalez, C. Self-Perception and Training Perceptions on Teacher Digital Competence (TDC) in Spanish and French University Students MULTIMODAL TECHNOLOGIES AND INTERACTION, 2020.


Rojo-Ramos, J; Carlos-Vivas, J; (...); Adsuar, JC. Study of the Digital Teaching Competence of Physical Education Teachers in Primary Schools in One Region of Spain INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2020.


de Lucas, EF and Mayo, IC. Perception about the Influence of ICT Tools on Knowledge Management Processes in Grade of Primary Education PIXEL-BIT- REVISTA DE MEDIOS Y EDUCACION, 2020.


Laurente-Cardenas, CM; Rengifo-Lozano, RA; (...); Neyra-Huamani, L. Development of digital skills in university professors through virtual environments: experiences of university professors in Lima ELEUTHERA, 2020.


Espino-Diaz, L; Fernandez-Caminero, G; (...); Alvarez-Castillo, JL. Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 on Education Professionals. Toward a Paradigm Shift: ICT and Neuroeducation as a Binomial of Action SUSTAINABILITY, 2020.


Cascales-Martinez, A; Vicente, MAG and Simon, AP. WhatsApp as an educational tool in Primary Education: students, teachers and families PIXEL-BIT- REVISTA DE MEDIOS Y EDUCACION, 2020.


Artacho, EG; Martinez, TS; (...); Garcia, GG. Teacher Training in Lifelong Learning-The Importance of Digital Competence in the Encouragement of Teaching Innovation SUSTAINABILITY, 2020.


Gomez-Trigueros, IM. Geolocalizing with LKT: Digital Teaching Competence and Space Competence with TPACK REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS ANDALUCES , 2020.


Gomez-Trigueros, IM. Digital Teaching Competence and Space Competence with TPACK in Social Sciences INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN LEARNING , 2020.


Meza, JAD; Castro, MLC and Vivas, RVJ. The diagram as a mediator in collaborative learning: A conceptual review LEARNING CULTURE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION, 2022.



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Manrique, JM and Garcia-Martin, J. Spanish Primary School Teacher's digital competence in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic PROFESORADO-REVISTA DE CURRICULUM Y FORMACION DE PROFESORADO, 2022.


Fernandez-Sanchez, MR and Silva-Quiroz, J. Assessment of the Digital Competence of Future Teachers from a Gender Perspective RIED-REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA, 2022.


Sazonova, Y. Inventions in Media Education with the Use of the Innovative Technologies (with the Example of Teaching the Discipline "History of Journalism") MEDIA LITERACY AND ACADEMIC RESEARCH, 2022.

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Paz, DP; Pontarolo, E and Peloso, FC. Digital teaching competence: a literature review TEXTO LIVRE-LINGUAGEM E TECNOLOGIA, 2022.


引述 Scopus

Artacho, E.G., Martínez, T.S., Ortega Martín, J.L., Marín Marín, J.A., García, G.G. . Teacher training in lifelong learning-the importance of digital competence in the encouragement of teaching innovation), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Cascales-Martínez, A., Ángeles Gomariz Vicente, Ma., Simón, A.P. . WhatsApp as an educational tool in Primary Education: Students, teachers and families | [WhatsApp como herramienta educativa en Educación Primaria: Alumnado, docentes y familias]), Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, .


Lucas, E.F.D., Mayo, I.C. . Perception about the Influence of ICT Tools on Knowledge Management Processes in Grade of Primary Education | [Percepción sobre la influencia de las herramientas TIC en los Procesos de Gestión del Conocimiento en el Grado de Educación Primaria]), Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, .


Rojo-Ramos, J., Carlos-Vivas, J., Manzano-Redondo, F., (...), García-Gordillo, M.Á., Adsuar, J.C. . Study of the digital teaching competence of physical education teachers in primary schools in one region of Spain), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .


Ortega-Sánchez, D., Gómez-Trigueros, I.M., Trestini, M., Pérez-González, C. . Self-perception and training perceptions on teacher digital competence (TDC) in Spanish and French university students), Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, .


Espino-Díaz, L., Fernandez-Caminero, G., Hernandez-Lloret, C.-M., Gonzalez-Gonzalez, H., Alvarez-Castillo, J.-L. . Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on education professionals. Toward a paradigm shift: ICT and neuroeducation as a binomial of action), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Gómez-Trigueros, I.M. . Digital Teaching Competence and Space Competence with TPACK in Social Sciences), International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, .


Ferrero-de-Lucas, E., Cantón-Mayo, I., Menéndez-Fernández, M., Escapa-González, A., Bernardo-Sánchez, A. . TIC y gestión del conocimiento en estudiantes de Magisterio e Ingeniería), Comunicar, .


Sadio-Ramos, F.J., Ortiz-Molina, M.A., del Mar Bernabé-Villodre, M. . Developing creativity through ICT and Music Teachers' Training: A biographical experience | [Desenvolvimento de competências por meio das TIC e formação de professores de Música: Uma experiência biográfica]), Texto Livre, .


Bardales Mendoza, O., Fernandez Bringas, T., Saavedra Bendezú, L. . Perspectives of the use of ICT for the teaching-learning process among Peruvian university students and lecturers during the COVID-19 pandemic), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Otero, L.C., Cerqueiras, E.M.B., Fernández, R.M., Antelo, B.G. . Digital teaching competence of Galician vocational training teachers | [Competencia digital docente del profesorado de FP de Galicia]), Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, .


López-Noguero, F., García-Lázaro, I., Gallardo-López, J.A. . Consequences of COVID-19 at schools according to their socioeconomic context and type | [新冠疫情对学校的影响,基于社会经济背景和学校类别的分析]), Publicaciones de la Facultad de Educacion y Humanidades del Campus de Melilla, .


Fernández-Jiménez, M.-Á., Rodríguez, E.M., Jiménez-Perona, M.-I. . Transformation of the public university as a consequence of covid´19. Teacher perspective through the delphi method | [Transformación de la universidad pública como consecuencia del covid´19. Perspectiva del profesorado a través del método delphi]), Revista Complutense de Educacion, .


De la Calle, A.M., Pacheco-Costa, A., Gómez-Ruiz, M.Á., Guzmán-Simón, F. . Understanding teacher digital competence in the framework of social sustainability: A systematic review), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Colás-Bravo, P., Conde-Jiménez, J., Reyes-De-cózar, S. . Sustainability and digital teaching competence in higher education), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Artacho, E.G., Martínez, T.S., Torres, J.M.T., García, A.M.R. . Digital competence in adult education: A study in a Spanish context | [Competencia digital docente en educación de adultos: Un estudio en un contexto español]), Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, .


Kumpikaitė-Valiūnienė, V., Aslan, I., Duobienė, J., Glińska, E., Anandkumar, V. . Influence of digital competence on perceived stress, burnout and well-being among students studying online during the covid-19 lockdown: A 4-country perspective), Psychology Research and Behavior Management, .


Meza, J.A.D., Castro, M.L.C., Vivas, R.V.J.. The diagram as a mediator in collaborative learning: A conceptual review), Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, .


Herrera Alvarez, A.M., Huaire Inacio, E.J., Mori Sánchez, M.P., Condori Ojeda, P.. Digital skills and sense of humor: challenges for teacher training), Revista Venezolana de Gerencia, .


Ruiz-Cabezas, A., Medina-Domínguez, M.C., Subía-Álava, A.B., Delgado-Salazar, J.L.. Evaluation of a competences training program for university professors: A case study ), Formacion Universitaria, .


Song, B., He, B., Wang, Z., (...), Zhou, R., Cai, Y.. Research on Open Practice Teaching of Off-Campus Art Appreciation Based on ICT), Sustainability , .


Carrión Candel, E., Colmenero, M.J.R.. Gamification and mobile learning: innovative experiences to motivate and optimise music content within university contexts), Music Education Research, .


Torres Barzabal, L., Martínez Gimeno, A., Jaén Martínez, A., Hermosilla Rodríguez, J.M.. Pablo de Olavide University teaching staff's perception of their Digital Teaching Competence), Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, .


Folkman, A.K., Josefsson, K.A., Fjetland, K.J.. Norwegian Teachers’ Experiences with Distance Teaching and Online Schooling During the COVID-19 Pandemic), Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, .


Sanchez, R.B., Cejudo, C.L., Gavira, S.A., Gavira, R.B.. Initial self-perception and level of digital competence of university teachingstaff), Texto Livre, .


Fernández-Sánchez, M.R., Silva-Quiroz, J.. Assessment of the Digital Competence of Future Teachers from a Gender Perspective ), RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion a Distancia, .


Diaz, J.R.D., Ucharima, I.H., Egas, M.M.S. . Learning to Learn: Learning Theory Associated with the Domain of Digital Skills in University Students ), Revista de Filosofia, .

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