Ключевые слова
Meta-research, communication, content analysis, academic papers, impact journals, Scopus, Spain, Latin America
This paper approaches the state of academic production in communication confined to the Hispanic sphere, namely, Spain and Latin America, during the period extending between 2013 and 2017. As in previous meta-research, the aim here is to highlight potential shortcomings in the discipline, both theoretically and methodologically. From an instrumental standpoint, a systematic, objective and quantitative content analysis was implemented on a probabilistic sample of 1,548 articles from the seven main journals in the field, all indexed in the first quartiles of the SJR-Scopus ranking. Aside from the percentage report for each variable, two-stage cluster analyses were performed twice to identify statistically significant publication patterns. As far as the results are concerned, it is worth highlighting the empirical nature of the studies, generally relying on quantitative methodologies, although no specific theoretical corpora are referenced. On the other hand, and although social networks and ICTs have gained a notable prominence, traditional media continue to be, collectively, the most prominent in communication research. Finally, the challenges of the field seem to revolve around two axes: providing studies with methodological robustness and, above all, with the theoretical background necessary to confront, with guarantees, the understanding of the liquid communicative manifestations that flow, at great speed, from the Information Society.
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Arroyave-Cabrera, Jesus; Gonzalez-Pardo, Rafael; . Communication bibliometric research in Latin American scientific journals (2009-2018) Return to meaning: A social science with something to say, 2022.
Aguaded, Ignacio; Castillo-Abdul, Barbara; Romero-Rodriguez, Luis M.; . EDUCOMMUNICATION AND 'MEDIA LITERACY': SPACES OF REFERENCE IN SCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMIC DIFFUSION IN SPANISH Human Communication Research, 2020.
Gonzalez-Pardo, Rafael; Repiso, Rafael; Arroyave-Cabrera, Jesus; . Ibero American communication magazines through the Latindex, Dialnet, DOAJ, Scopus, AHCI, SSCI, REDIB, MIAR, ESCI and Google Scholar Metrics databases Biblioteca Universitaria, 2020.
Pineiro-Naval, Valeriano; Morais, Ricardo; . Politics as a topic of study in Hispanic communication journals Epistemologia de la comunicacion y cultura digital: retos emergentes, 2020.
Pineiro-Naval, Valeriano; Morais, Ricardo; . Trends in academic articles on ICTs and social web in the 2013-2017 period JISC Technology and Standards Watch, 2021.
Segado-Boj, Francisco; Prieto-Gutierrez, Juan-Jose; Diaz-Campo, Jesus; . Coauthorship networks in Spanish and Latin American Communication research (2000-2019): Internal cohesion and transcontinental isolation SCIENTOMETRICS, 2021.
Mari Saez, Victor M.; do Nascimento, Clara Martins; . Communication Research, the Geopolitics of Knowledge and Publishing in High-Impact Journals: The Chronicle of a Commodification Process Foretold The Culture Industry: Selected Essays on Mass Culture, 2021.
Gutierrez Gonzalez, Carlos; Gonzalez Pardo, Rafael; . Analysis of publications on "public television" indexed in Web of Science (2001-2019) ROUTLEDGE HDB LINGUI, 2021.
Calvo, Dafne; . COMMUNAL, COLLABORATIVE AND FREE: LESSONS OF FREE CULTURE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH Fronteras de la ciencia: Hibridaciones, 2021.
#EANF#; . The framing studies in the communication research context: an analysis of the main Brazilian and Portuguese scientific journals Media & Jornalismo, 2021.
Barranquero, Alejandro; Angel, Adriana; . Researching language and its meanings. Traditions in Latin American communication journals INTERCIENCIA, 2021.
Pineiro-Naval, V; Morais, R and Baptista, JP. Hispanic Perspective on Current Communication Research (2014-2019) REVISTA GENERAL DE INFORMACION Y DOCUMENTACION, 2021.
Carrasco-Campos, A and Saperas, E. Between Centrality and Theoretical Dispersion: Theoretical Frameworks in Spanish Peer-Reviewed Communication Journals. Analysis of Research Papers Published by Five Top-Ranked Journals 2011-2020 COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY-SPAIN, 2022.
Segado-Boj, F; Gomez-Garcia, S and Diaz-Campo, J. Intellectual and thematic structure of Communication research in Scopus (1980-2020). A comparative perspective among Spain, Europe, and Latin America PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2022.
Garcia-Marin, D and Salvat-Martinrey, G. Trends in scientific production on disinformation in Spain. Systematic literature review (2016-2021) ADCOMUNICA-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE ESTRATEGIAS TENDENCIAS E INNOVACION EN COMMUNICACION, 2022.
Цитаты в Scopus
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Piñeiro-Naval, V. . The content analysis methodology. Uses and applications in communication research on spanish-speaking countries), Communication and Society, .
Gonzalez-Pardo, R., Repiso, R., Arroyave-Cabrera, J. . Ibero American communication magazines through the Latindex, Dialnet, DOAJ, Scopus, AHCI, SSCI, REDIB, MIAR, ESCI and Google Scholar Metrics databases | [Revistas iberoamericanas de comunicación a través de las bases de datos Latindex, Dialnet, DOAJ, Scopus, AHCI, SSCI, REDIB, MIAR, ESCI y Google Scholar Metrics]), Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica, .
Piñeiro-Naval, V., Morais, R. . Politics as a topic of study in hispanic communication journals | [La política como temática de estudio en las revistas hispánicas de comunicación]), Convergencia, .
Piñeiro-Naval, V., Morais, R. . Trends in academic articles on ICTs and social web in the 2013-2017 period | [Tendências dos artigos acadêmicos sobre TIC e web social no período 2013-2017]), Cuadernos.info, .
González, C.G., Pardo, R.G. . Analysis of publications on “public television” indexed in Web of Science (2001-2019) | [Análisis de las publicaciones en “televisión pública” indexadas en Web of Science (2001-2019)]), Historia y Comunicacion Social, .
Mangana, R., Piñeiro-Naval, V., Morais, R. . The framing studies in the communication research context: An analysis of the main Brazilian and Portuguese scientific journals | [Os estudos de framing no contexto da investigação em comunicação: uma análise a partir das principais revistas científicas de Brasil e Portugal]), Media and Jornalismo, .
Barranquero, A., Angel, A. . Researching language and its meanings. Traditions in latin american communication journals | [Estudiando el lenguaje y sus sentidos. Tradiciones y tendencias en las revistas latinoamericanas de la comunicación]), Cultura, Lenguaje y Representacion, .
Marí Sáez, V.M., Do Nascimento, C.M. . Communication research, the geopolitics of knowledge and publishing in high-impact journals: The chronicle of a commodification process foretold), TripleC, .
Segado-Boj, F., Prieto-Gutiérrez, J.-J., Díaz-Campo, J. . Coauthorship networks in spanish and latin american communication research (2000-2019): Internal cohesion and transcontinental isolation | [Redes de coautorías de la investigación española y latinoamericana en comunicación (2000-2019): cohesión interna y aislamiento transcontinental]), Profesional de la Informacion, .
Calvo, D. . Communal, collaborative and free: Lessons of free culture for social research | [Comunal, colaborativa y libre: Enseñanzas de la cultura libre para la investigación social]), Athenea Digital, .
Arroyave-Cabrera, J., Gonzalez-Pardo, R. . Communication bibliometric research in Latin American scientific journals (2009-2018) | [Investigación bibliométrica de comunicación en revistas científicas en América Latina (2009-2018)]), Comunicar, .
Carrasco-Campos, Á., Saperas, E.. Between Centrality and Theoretical Dispersion: Theoretical Frameworks in Spanish Peer-Reviewed Communication Journals. Analysis of Research Papers Published by Five Top-Ranked Journals 2011-2020), Communication and Society, .
Segado-Boj, F., Gómez-García, S., Díaz-Campo, J.. Intellectual and thematic structure of Communication research in Scopus (1980–2020). A comparative perspective among Spain, Europe, and Latin America ), Profesional de la Informacion, .
Piñeiro-Naval, V., Morais, R., Baptista, J.P.. Hispanic Perspective on Current Communication Research (2014-2019)), Revista General de Informacion y Documentacion, .
Цитаты в Google Scholar
Piñeiro-Naval, V., & Morais, R. (2021). Tendencias de los artículos académicos sobre TIC y web social en el período 2013-2017. Cuadernos. info, (48), 1-26.
Aguaded, I., Castillo-Abdul, B., & Romero-Rodríguez, L. M. (2020). Educomunicación y media literacy: Espacios de referencia en divulgación científica y académica en español.
Aguaded Gómez, J. I., Castillo Abdul, B., & Romero Rodríguez, L. M. Educomunicación y'Media Literacy': Espacios de referencia en divulgación científica y académica en español.
Piñeiro-Naval, V. (2020). The content analysis methodology. Uses and applications in communication research on Spanish-speaking countries. Communication & Society, 33(3), 1-15.
Morais, R. Valeriano Piñeiro-Naval.
Piñeiro-Naval, V., & Morais, R. (2020). Politics as a topic of study in Hispanic communication journals. Convergencia, 27.
Piñeiro-Naval, V., & Morais, R. (2020). La política como temática de estudio en las revistas hispánicas de comunicación. Convergencia, 27.
Castillo, P. F. N., & Paredes, J. C. P. (2020). Estrategia de los Mapas Mentales Armónicos (MMA) para la Comprensión y Producción de textos narrativos en estudiantes universitarios. Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, (E25), 237-260.
Gonzalez-Pardo, R., Repiso, R., & Arroyave-Cabrera, J. (2020). Revistas iberoamericanas de comunicación a través de las bases de datos Latindex, Dialnet, DOAJ, Scopus, AHCI, SSCI, REDIB, MIAR, ESCI y Google Scholar Metrics. Revista Española de Documentación Científica, 43(4), e276-e276.
Piñeiro-Naval, V., & Morais, R. (2020). Cultura, patrimonio y turismo como campos de estudio para la comunicación. Obra digital, (18), 33-46.
Mangana, R., Piñeiro-Naval, V., & Morais, R. (2021). Os estudos de framing no contexto da investigação em comunicação: uma análise a partir das principais revistas científicas de Brasil e Portugal. Media & Jornalismo, 21(38), 241-260.
Moya, J. A. G., Ortega-Mohedano, F., & Caffarel-Serra, C. (2021). Análisis de las revistas mejor indexadas en comunicación en España. Mapa de la difusión de los artículos vinculados a proyectos I+ D+ i en revistas españolas desde 2007 hasta 2018. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, 27(3), 845-854.
Barranquero, A., & Angel, A. (2021). Estudiando el lenguaje y sus sentidos. Tradiciones y tendencias en las revistas latinoamericanas de la comunicación. Cultura, Lenguaje y Representación, 25, 65-84.
Calvo, D. (2021). Comunal, colaborativa y libre: enseñanzas de la cultura libre para la investigación social. Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 21(2), 2788.
González, C. G., & Pardo, R. G. (2021). Análisis de las publicaciones en “televisión pública” indexadas en Web of Science (2001-2019). Historia y comunicación social, 26(1), 291-305.
Gutiérrez-González, C., & Pardo, R. G. (2021). Análisis de las publicaciones en “televisión pública” indexadas en Web of Science (2001-2019). Historia y Comunicación Social, 26(1), 291.
Sáez, V. M. M., & do Nascimento, C. M. (2021). Communication Research, the Geopolitics of Knowledge and Publishing in High-Impact Journals: The Chronicle of a Commodification Process Foretold. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, 19(2), 307-324.
Альтернативные метрики
Как процитировать
Piñeiro-Naval, V., & Morais, R. (2019). Study of the academic production on communication in Spain and Latin America. [Estudio de la producción académica sobre comunicación en España e Hispanoamérica]. Comunicar, 61, 113-123. https://doi.org/10.3916/C61-2019-10