电子学习环境对其功能和所供资源质量都加以增强,因而简化了适用于残疾学生的学习生态的创造。注册在线课程的残疾学生数量之小,而各自残障又如此特殊,这使量化和识别采用何种适当支持手段变得困难。我们的工作在两个关键方面为科研有所贡献:1)辨识这些学生遇到了哪些障碍,及用来创造学习生态的哪些工具适用于他们的残障情况;2)提出了一个案例研究结果,案中 161位残疾情况确知的学生评估了高等教育研究中使用在线学习环境的效率和难易。研究强调,我们需要提供有字幕的多媒体材料,转译成文字,和可以选择下载编辑,这样学生才能根据需要和自己的学习方式加以利用。
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引述 Web of Science
Perera, Victor H.; Morina, Anabel; Sanchez-Diaz, Nieves; Spinola-Elias, Yolanda; . Technological Platforms for Inclusive Practice at University: A Qualitative Analysis from the Perspective of Spanish Faculty Members SUSTAINABILITY, 2021.
Reyes, Jose Israel; Meneses, Julio; Melian, Efrem; . A systematic review of academic interventions for students with disabilities in Online Higher Education Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2000.
Penarrubia-Lozano, Carlos; Segura-Berges, Manuel; Lizalde-Gil, Manuel; Bustamante, Juan Carlos; . A Qualitative Analysis of Implementing E-Learning during the COVID-19 Lockdown COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 2021.
Garcia-Prieto, V; Aguaded, I and Garcia-Rojas, AD. Diversity and public television: analysis of subtitling as an accessibility service COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY-SPAIN, 2022.
Garcia-Prieto, Victoria; Aguaded, Ignacio; . The accessibility of BBC television to users with disabilities: from the law to user satisfaction HIKMA, 2021.
Morina, Anabel; Orozco, Inmaculada; . Inclusive faculty members who teach student teachers: an analysis from the learning ecologies framework INNOVATION-THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH, 2000.
Iniesto, Francisco; Tabuenca, Bernardo; Rodrigo, Covadonga; Tovar, Edmundo; . Challenges to Achieving a More Inclusive and Sustainable Open Education EDULEARN16: 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND NEW LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES, 2021.
Curioso-Vilchez, Ivan Carlos; . The use of the Internet as a socialization tool in adults with cerebral palsy in Brazil RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, 2021.
Desbrow, JM; Criado, MA and Garcia, AH. Self-perception of the learning experience in the virtual environment in young university students with intellectual disabilities JOURNAL OF LEARNING STYLES, 2020.
She, LN and Martin, F. Systematic Review (2000 to 2021) of Online Accessibility Research in Higher Education AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION, 2022.
Baldiris, S; Vargas, D; (...); Burgos, D. Evaluation of authoring tools under ATAG and WCAG recommendations UNIVERSAL ACCESS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY, 2022.
Lin, CM. Assessment of the Accessibility of the Integrated Information System for People with Disabilities JOURNAL OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION STUDIES, 2022.
Reyes, JI; Meneses, J and Xavier, M. Suitability of Online Higher Education for Learners with Disabilities: The Students' Voices JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY, 2022.
Daza, MCS and Sanchez, M. Technologies as a mediating element of processes of digital self-inclusion of rural womenRF PIXEL-BIT- REVISTA DE MEDIOS Y EDUCACION, 2022.
引述 Scopus
Peñarrubia-Lozano, C., Segura-Berges, M., Lizalde-Gil, M., Bustamante, A.J.C. . A qualitative analysis of implementing e-learning during the covid-19 lockdown), Sustainability (Switzerland), .
Reyes, J.I., Meneses, J., Melián, E. . A systematic review of academic interventions for students with disabilities in Online Higher Education), European Journal of Special Needs Education, .
Perera, V.H., Moriña, A., Sánchez‐díaz, N., Spínola‐elias, Y. . Technological platforms for inclusive practice at university: A qualitative analysis from the perspective of spanish faculty members), Sustainability (Switzerland), .
Al-Ramamneh, A.K.S. . Assessing distance- education services for students with learning difficulties during the corona pandemic), Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, .
García-Prieto, V., Aguaded, I. . The accessibility of bbc television to users with disabilities: From the law to user satisfaction), Profesional de la Informacion, .
García-Prieto, V., Aguaded, I., García-Rojas, A.D.. Diversity and public television: analysis of subtitling as an accessibility service), Diversity and public television: analysis of subtitling as an accessibility service, .
She, L., Martin, F.. Systematic Review (2000 to 2021) of Online Accessibility Research in Higher Education), American Journal of Distance Education, .
Iniesto, F., Tabuenca, B., Rodrigo, C., Tovar, E.. Challenges to Achieving a More Inclusive and Sustainable Open Education), Journal of Interactive Media in Education, .
Moriña, A., Orozco, I.. Inclusive faculty members who teach student teachers: an analysis from the learning ecologies framework), International Journal of Inclusive Education, .
Daza, M.C.S., Sánchez, M.R.F.. Technologies as a mediating element of processes of digital self-inclusion of rural women), Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, .
Baldiris, S., Vargas, D., Garzón, J., Ávila-Garzón, C., Burgos, D. . Evaluation of authoring tools under ATAG and WCAG recommendations), Universal Access in the Information Society, .
引述 Google Scholar
Desbrow, J. M., Criado, M. A., & García, A. H. (2020). Autopercepción de la experiencia de aprendizaje en el entorno virtual en jóvenes universitarios con discapacidad intelectual. Revista de Estilos de Aprendizaje, 13(Especial), 140-156.
Peñarrubia-Lozano, C., Segura-Berges, M., Lizalde-Gil, M., & Bustamante, J. C. (2021). A Qualitative Analysis of Implementing E-Learning during the COVID-19 Lockdown. Sustainability, 13(6), 3317.
Roma, M. C. (2021). La accesibilidad en los entornos educativos virtuales: Una revisión sistemática. Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara, 6.
Perera, V. H., Moriña, A., Sánchez-Díaz, N., & Spínola-Elias, Y. (2021). Technological Platforms for Inclusive Practice at University: A Qualitative Analysis from the Perspective of Spanish Faculty Members. Sustainability, 13(9), 4755.
Reyes, J. I., Meneses, J., & Melián, E. (2021). A systematic review of academic interventions for students with disabilities in Online Higher Education. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 1-18.
Souto-Seijo, A. (2020). Ecologías de aprendizaje de los docentes universitarios de Ingeniería y Arquitectura.
Buren, C. A. (2021). A Phenomenological Study of Post-Secondary Instructors Experiences of 3D Holographic Programming on Adults with Learning Disabilities in an Online Class (Doctoral dissertation, Northcentral University).
Rodrigo, C., & Tabuenca, B. (2020). Learning ecologies in online students with disabilities. [Ecologías de aprendizaje en estudiantes online con discapacidades]. Comunicar, 62, 53-65. https://doi.org/10.3916/C62-2020-05