
Internet, mediation, strategies, behavior, family, children, parents, intervention


This article explores online parental mediation strategies in Spain and their association with sociodemographic and family context factors. The results of a survey conducted at the end of 2018 are presented herein, based on a sample of 2,900 Spanish minors between 9 and 17 years of age who use Internet. The impact of the diverse parental mediation strategies applied to Internet use has been calculated by taking into account the sociodemographic factors of the participating minors (age and gender). Association analysis was performed using the SPSS statistical analysis programme. In this case, an extra analysis was carried out with regard to the relationship of influence between different strategies and the rules of behaviour and family support in the household context as perceived by the minor. Findings suggest that enabling and restrictive mediation strategies are very common in Spanish families, while technical mediation strategies have a very limited presence. It is noteworthy that restrictions and security strategies generally apply more to girls than to boys. Household rules related to the behaviour of minors have a positive correlation with an increase of influence of nearly all strategies. However, there is no relevant association between family support perceived by children and restrictive strategies and techniques applied by parents.

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Received: 10-01-2020

Revised: 25-03-2020

Accepted: 27-04-2020

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Publication date: 01-10-2020

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Cites in Web of Science

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Lopez-de-Ayala, MC; Polite, C and Martin-Nieto, R. Parental mediation and digital skills of adolescents in the Community of Madrid: skills and performance REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2021.

Fuentes, JL and Belando-Montoro, MR. Social networks and other digital channels as civic participation means: a qualitative study of madrilean youth FORO DE EDUCACION, 2022.

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Cites in Scopus

López-De-ayala, M.C., Ponte, C., Martín-Nieto, R. . Parental mediation and digital skills of adolescents in the community of madrid: Skills and performance | [Mediación parental y habilidades digitales de los adolescentes de la comunidad de madrid: Competencias y desempeño]), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .

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Fernández, B.F., Gómez, E.F. . Influential children on YouTube and Instagram: Content and presence of brands during confinement | [Crianças influentes no YouTube e Instagram: Conteúdo e presença da marca durante o confinamento]),, .

Chelysheva, I., Mikhaleva, G.. Methodology, Technology and Practice of Organizing Media Education Seminars and Workshops for Teachers on Promoting Interethnic Tolerance in the University Student Community), International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, .

Feijoo, B., Sádaba, C., Martínez, G.. On My Own: Acquiring Technical Digital Skills for Mobile Phone Use in Chile. Parents-children Perceptions), International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, .

Fuentes, J.L., Belando-Montoro, M.R.. Social networks and other digital channels as civic participation means: a qualitative study of madrilean youth), Foro de Educacion, .

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Salinas, A.C., Escoriaza, J.C., Hernández, S.O. . Internet abuse and teenagers: Gratifications, family supervision, and responsible use. Educational and family implications | [Abuso de Internet y adolescentes: Gratificaciones, supervisión familiar y uso responsable. Implicaciones educativas y familiares]), Digital Education Review, .

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Cites in Google Scholar

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How to cite

Martínez, G., Casado, M., & Garitaonandia, C. (2020). Online parental mediation strategies in family contexts of Spain. [Estrategias online de mediación parental en contextos familiares de España]. Comunicar, 65, 67-76.



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