Palabras clave

Transformación, agencia, escuela, comunidad, tecnologías digitales, aprendizaje


Los desafíos sociales y educativos que enfrentamos en la actualidad nos obligan a repensar cuál es el rol de las instituciones educativas y de las tecnologías digitales en el siglo XXI, lo cual requiere una comprensión más profunda de las actividades de aprendizaje de las escuelas. En este artículo analizamos iniciativas para la transformación educativa implementadas en centros de secundaria públicos de Noruega, Chile y España que involucraron a 230 alumnos y 14 profesores. Se llevaron a cabo tres estudios de caso etnográficos a partir de entrevistas, grupos de discusión, observaciones participantes y análisis documental en seis centros. El objetivo principal fue comprender en profundidad cómo estas iniciativas contribuyen a generar prácticas conectadas y a involucrar al profesorado, el estudiantado y las comunidades en la discusión sobre el tipo de sociedad en la que quieren vivir en un futuro. Los resultados del análisis indican que el fomento de una agencia transformadora en los centros de secundaria tiene el potencial de involucrar al alumnado en el estudio de problemáticas sociales contemporáneas y que la conectividad digital puede contribuir a conectar las escuelas con las trayectorias de vida y las comunidades de los jóvenes. Este primer estudio sobre agencia transformadora y conectividad digital desvela una línea de transformación educativa que puede interesar a todos aquellos individuos que, de una forma u otra, están involucrados en los sistemas educativos de todo el mundo.

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Citado por

Citas en Web of Science


Rivera-Vargas, Pablo; Romani, Cristobal Cobo; . EDITORIAL: Digital learning: distraction or default for the future DIGITAL EDUCATION REVIEW, 2020.

Estalayo Bielsa, Paula; Mino-Puigcercos, Raquel; Malinverni, Laura; Rivera-Vargas, Pablo; . The challenge of social inclusion, beyond school: Tensions and deficiencies in the integration policies of migrant girls and boys in Spain EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS ARCHIVES, 2021.

Sanchez-Lopez, I; Bonilla-del-Rio, M and Soares, IO. Digital creativity to transform learning: Empowerment from a com-educational approach COMUNICAR, 2021.

Fardella, Carla; Jimenez, Felipe; Rivera-Vargas, Pablo; Baleriola, Enrique; . Coming out of the shadow. A systematic review of shadowing as a methodological approach to educational research RIE-REVISTA DE INVESTIGACION EDUCATIVA, 2022.

Esteban, MB. Children's Participation, Progressive Autonomy, and Agency for Inclusive Education in Schools SOCIAL INCLUSION, 2022.

Rivera-Vargas, P; Mino-Puigcercos, R; (...); Jacovkis, J. Social movements, activism and resistance from school Special Issue IZQUIERDAS, 2022.

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Alfandari, N and Tsoubaris, D. Controversial issues in science: Exploring the power dynamics of applying critical pedagogies in secondary schools IZQUIERDAS, 2022.

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Cadavid, DAG. Challenges and pedagogical strategies in school teaching with digital media PRAXIS & SABER, 2022.

Esteban, MB; Novella, AM and Martinez, M. Principle of progressive autonomy, participation, and recognition of agency. Substantive citizenship in the transition from childhood to adolescence FORO DE EDUCACION, 2022.

Vargas, PR; Ferrante, L and Herrera, G. Pedagogies of Conflict for Emancipation. Straining Regulated Knowledge and Common Sense in School REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE EDUCACION PARA LA JUSTICIA SOCIAL, 2022.

Membrive, A; Silva, N; (...); Merino, I. Advancing the conceptualization of learning trajectories: A review of learning across contexts LEARNING CULTURE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION, 2022.

Guallar, J; Hernandez-Campillo, TR and Codina, L. Content curation in scientific articles. Categories and cases TELOS-REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINARIA EN CIENCIAS SOCIALES, 2022.

Pozos-Perez, K; Herrera-Urizar, G; (...); Alonso-Cano, C. Use of Mobile Phones in Classrooms and Digitalisation of Educational Centres in Barcelona EDUCATION SCIENCES, 2023.

Aguaded, I; Civila, S and Vizcaino-Verdu, A. Paradigm changes and new challenges for media education: Review and science mapping (2000-2021) Aguaded, I; Civila, S and Vizcaino-Verdu, A Profesional de la Informacion, 2022.

Lopez-Mari, M; Peirats-Chacon, J and San Martin-Alonso, A. Visions on gamification as an inclusive methodological strategy in primary education Lopez-Mari, M; Peirats-Chacon, J and San Martin-Alonso, A ALOMA-REVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA CIENCIES DE L EDUCACIO I DE L ESPORT, 2022.

Mora-Rivera, J and Vasquez-Quevedo, N. Determinants of Satisfaction of Tecnologico de Monterrey Students with the Implementation of the Flexible-Digital Model During the COVID-19 Crisis TECHNOLOGY-ENABLED INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION, 2022.

Rivera-Vargas, P and Oyanedel, JC. Editorial: Subjective well-being in online and mixed educational settings FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2023.

Rivera-Vargas, P; Fardella, C and Alonso-Cano, C. Precariousness and insecurity in school systems and actors FORO DE EDUCACION, 2022.

Citas en Scopus

Bielsa, P.E., Miño-Puigcercós, R., Malinverni, L., Rivera-Vargas, P. . The challenge of social inclusion, beyond school: Tensions and deficiencies in the integration policies of migrant girls and boys in spain | [O desafio da inclusão social, além da escola: Tensões e deficiências nas políticas de integração de meninos e meninas migrantes na espanha]), Education Policy Analysis Archives, .

Rivera-Vargas, P., Romani, C.C. . Digital learning: Distraction or default for the future), Digital Education Review, .

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Sánchez-López, I., Bonilla-del-Río, M., de Oliveira Soares, I. . Digital creativity to transform learning: Empowerment from a com-educational approach | [Creatividad digital para transformar el aprendizaje: Empoderamiento desde un enfoque com-educativo]), Comunicar, .

Fardella, C., Vargas, F.J., Rivera-Vargas, P., Baleriola, E. . Coming out of the shadow. A systematic review of shadowing as a methodological approach to educational research | [Salir de la sombra. Una revisión sistemática sobre shadowing como propuesta metodológica para la investigación educativa]), Revista de Investigacion Educativa, .

Alfandari, N., Tsoubaris, D. . Controversial issues in science: Exploring the power dynamics of applying critical pedagogies in secondary schools | [Temas controvertidos en la ciencia: Explorando las dinámicas de poder mediante la aplicación de pedagogías críticas en educación secundaria]), Izquierdas, .

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Rivera-Vargas, P., Miño-Puigcercós, R., Passeron, E., Jacovkis, J. . Social movements, activism and resistance from school Special Issue | [Movimientos sociales, activismos y resistencias desde la escuela Monográfico]), Izquierdas, .

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Tallón-Rosales, S., Cáceres-Reche, M.D.P., Gómez-García, G., Rodríguez-Jiménez, C. . Professional profile of the pedagogy degree: analysis of university perceptions | [Perfil profesional del grado en pedagogía: análisis de las percepciones universitarias]), Formacion Universitaria, .

Esteban, Marta B.. Children’s Participation, Progressive Autonomy, and Agency for Inclusive Education in Schools), Social Inclusion, .

Rivera-Vargas, Pablo; Miño-Puigcercós, Raquel; Passerón, Ezequiel; Urízar, Gustavo Herrera. What is the future of schooling? Resignifying the meaning of schools in the COVID-19 era), Psicoperspectivas, .

Esteban, M.B., Novella, A.M., Martínez, M. . Principle of progressive autonomy, participation, and recognition of agency. Substantive citizenship in the transition from childhood to adolescence), Foro de Educacion, .

Membrive, A., Silva, N., Rochera, M.J., Merino, I.. Advancing the conceptualization of learning trajectories: A review of learning across contexts), Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, .

Pozos-Pérez, K., Herrera-Urizar, G., Rivera-Vargas, P., Alonso-Cano, C. . Use of Mobile Phones in Classrooms and Digitalisation of Educational Centres in Barcelona ), Education Sciences, .

Baleriola, E., Contreras, T., Sánchez, F., Díaz, R., Hormazábal, A. Participation as government technique under the new public education system in Chile . ), Education Policy Analysis Archives, .

Open Access Aguaded, I., Civila, S., Vizcaíno-Verdú, A. . Paradigm changes and new challenges for media education: Review and science mapping (2000-2021)), Profesional de la Informacion, .

Rivera-Varga, P., Ferrante, L., Herrera, G. . Pedagogies of Conflict for Emancipation. Straining Regulated Knowledge and Common Sense in School), Revista Internacional de Educacion para la Justicia Social, .

Rivera-Vargas, P., Fardella, C., Alonso-Cano, C.. Precariousness and insecurity in school systems and actors), Foro de Educacion, .

Re-imagining Educational Futures in Developing Countries: Lessons from Global Health Crises. Covid-19: Study of Online Teaching, Availability and Use of Technological Resources ), Del Pino Espinoza, A.D., Ruiz Guzmán, N.D., Torre, F.V., (...), Pérez, A., Arredondo, S., .

Parcerisa, L., Jacovkis, J., Rivera-Vargas, P., Herrera-Urízar, G.. Technological corporations, digital platforms and privacy: comparing the discourses about the entry of BigTech in public education), Revista Espanola de Educacion Comparada, .

Rivera-Vargas, P., Oyanedel, J.C. . Editorial: Subjective well-being in online and mixed educational settings ), Frontiers in Psychology, .

Santos, C., Pedro, L., Carvalho, A.R., Ferreira, A.L.. Designing and validating the gamification strategy model of a digital platform to promote extracurricular projects in K-12 schools the GENE gamification strategy model 2023 Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI), Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, .

Suárez-Guerrero, C., Rivera-Vargas, P., Raffaghelli, J. . EdTech myths: towards a critical digital educational agenda ), Technology, Pedagogy and Education, .

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Advancing the conceptualization of learning trajectories: A review of learning across contexts A Membrive, N Silva, MJ Rochera, I Merino - Learning, Culture and Social …, 2022 - Elsevier

La participación como técnica de gobierno bajo el nuevo sistema de educación pública en Chile E Baleriola, T Contreras-Villalobos… - Education Policy …, 2022 -

The Relationship between Organizational Identity and Academic Optimism with the Mediating Role of Organizational Image in the Islamic Schools in Tehran O Mehni, M Mashayekhi, S Mokhtari, A Faizy… - Quarterly Journal of …, 2021 -


Métricas alternativas

Cómo citar

Erstad, O., Miño, R., & Rivera-Vargas, P. (2021). Educational practices to transform and connect schools and communities. [Prácticas educativas para transformar y conectar escuelas y comunidades]. Comunicar, 66, 9-20.



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