本研究的目的是,通过使用社交网络分析工具和语言处理工具检验推特上关于对主要新冠疫苗利弊的看法和互动程度。此外,我们还研究了每种主要疫苗与上述言论的相关性,以及与之相关的争议程度。此外,这项研究是第一次不仅从内容的角度,而且通过详细分析经验证的帐户信息并使用工具检测机器人,从构成对话的参与者的角度对对话进行的调查。整体上来看,经过验证的账户结果显示对新冠疫苗的支持度中等,接受度最高的是牛津-阿斯利康、辉瑞、莫德纳和 Sputnik V 疫苗。 另一方面,最受关注的疫苗是俄罗斯Sputnik V疫苗,该疫苗和中国疫苗是受到争议最多的疫苗。最后结果显示,经验证的账户由于其更大的传播力和覆盖面被认为是对话的主导者,而机器人的出现实际上不存在。
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引述 Web of Science
Mogos, AA; Grapa, TE and Sandru, TF. Russian disinformation in Eastern Europe. Vaccination media frames in ro.sputnik.md COMUNICAR 30 (72), 2022.
Cascini, F; Pantovic, A; (...); Ricciardi, W. Social media and attitudes towards a COVID-19 vaccination: A systematic review of the literature ECLINICALMEDICINE, 2022.
Perez-Curiel, C; Ruas-Araujo, J and Rivas-de-Roca, R. When Politicians Meet Experts: Disinformation on Twitter About Covid-19 Vaccination MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION, 2022.
Padilla-Castillo, G and Rodriguez-Hernandez, J. International Youth Movements for Climate Change: The #FridaysForFuture Case on Twitter Sustainability, 2023.
Noguera-Vivo, JM; Grandio-Perez, MD; (...); Camacho, D. Disinformation and vaccines on social networks: Behavior of hoaxes on Twitter Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, 2023.
Paredes, B; Cardaba, MAM; (...); Petty, RE. Strengthening the Link between Vaccine Predispositions and Vaccine Advocacy through Certainty VACCINES, 2022.
Navarro, JT and Santofimia, EO. EU Member States' Institutional Twitter Campaigns on COVID-19 Vaccination: Analyses of Germany, Spain, France and Italy VACCINES, 2023.
Perez-Curiel, C; Dominguez-Garcia, R and Velasco-Molpeceres, A. Exploring the Political Debate over the COVID-19 Vaccination on Twitter: Emotions and Polarization in the Spanish Public Sphere SOCIAL SCIENCES-BASEL, 2023.
Des Jarlais, DC; Lieff, S; (...); Yang, L. COVID-19 stigmatization after the development of effective vaccines: Vaccination behavior, attitudes, and news sources PLOS ONE, 2023.

引述 Scopus
Noguera-Vivo, J.M., Del Mar Grandío-Pérez, M., Villar-Rodríguez, G., Martín, A., Camacho, D.. Disinformation and vaccines on social networks: Behavior of hoaxes on Twitter), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .
Cascini, F., Pantovic, A., Al-Ajlouni, Y.A., (...), Lontano, A., Ricciardi, W.. Social media and attitudes towards a COVID-19 vaccination: A systematic review of the literature), eClinicalMedicine, .
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Padilla-Castillo, G., Rodríguez-Hernández, J. . International Youth Movements for Climate Change: The #FridaysForFuture Case on Twitter ), Sustainability, .
Open Access Pérez‐curiel, C., Rúas‐araújo, J., Rivas‐de‐Roca, R. . When Politicians Meet Experts: Disinformation on Twitter About Covid‐19 Vaccination ), Media and Communication, .
Alina-Mogoș, Andreeaa; Grapă, Teodora-Elenab; Șandru, Teodora-Feliciab. Article• Gold Open Access Source type Journal ISSN 11343478 DOI 10.3916/C72-2022-03 View more Russian disinformation in Eastern Europe. Vaccination media frames in ro.sputnik.md), Comunicar, .
Advocacy through Certainty Open Access Paredes, B., Cárdaba, M.A.M., Moreno, L., (...), Cuesta, U., Petty, R.E. . Strengthening the Link between Vaccine Predispositions and Vaccine Advocacy through Certainty), Vaccines, .
Pérez-Curiel, C., Domínguez-García, R., Velasco-Molpeceres, A.. Exploring the Political Debate over the COVID-19 Vaccination on Twitter: Emotions and Polarization in the Spanish Public Sphere), Social Sciences, .
Tuñón Navarro, J., Oporto Santofimia, E.. EU Member States’ Institutional Twitter Campaigns on COVID-19 Vaccination: Analyses of Germany, Spain, France and Italy), Vaccines, .
Des Jarlais, D.C., Lieff, S., Grivel, M., (...), Chang, V.W., Yang, L.. COVID-19 stigmatization after the development of effective vaccines: Vaccination behavior, attitudes, and news sources ), PLoS ONE, .

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