


关于阴谋论的言论风格及其受众相关认知过程的讨论越来越多,但是迄今为止,对可以有效揭穿阴谋论并降低阴谋论在媒体曝光产生的有害影响的方法和策略的发展研究还是有限的。本研究通过在 Amazon Mechanical Turk 上进行的实验 (N = 607),批判性地评估了五种减少阴谋论的方法的有效性。研究结果表明,基于内容反阴谋论的方法可以部分减轻其阴谋信念。具体来说,以科学和事实为重点的纠正能够有效地减轻阴谋论,而媒体素养和接种疫苗策略并没有造成重大变化。更重要的是,这两种以公众为中心的方法,包括破译阴谋论迷思和重新设想群体间关系,都有效地降低了对阴谋论的认知接受度。基于以上见解,本研究有助于系统审查影响(或不影响)阴谋信念的不同认识论方法,这是在新冠疫情期间和之后面对的明显信息流行病威胁时的一项紧迫任务。



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引述 Web of Science

Oleksy, T; Wnuk, A; (...); Pisula, E. Barriers and facilitators of willingness to vaccinate against COVID-19: Role of prosociality, authoritarianism and conspiracy mentality. A four-wave longitudinal study PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES, 2022.


Hughes, Brian; White, Kesa; West, Jennifer; Criezis, Meili; Zhou, Cindy; Bartholomew, Sarah; . Cultural Variance in Reception and Interpretation of Social Media COVID-19 Disinformation in French-Speaking Regions INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2021.


Cernicova-Buca, M and Ciurel, D. Developing Resilience to Disinformation: A Game-Based Method for Future Communicators SUSTAINABILITY , 2022.


Diez-Gutierrez, E; Verdeja, M; (...); Macias-Tovar, J. Political hate speech of the far right on Twitter in Latin America COMUNICAR 30 (72), 2022.


Guan, TR and Wang, Q. Examining the Democratic Potential of Data Journalism in Curing Misinformation JOURNALISM PRACTICE, 2022.


Holden, R and Leigh, A. The race that stopped a nation: lessons from Australia's Covid vaccine failures OXFORD REVIEW OF ECONOMIC POLICY, 2022.


Bam, NE . Strategies to address conspiracy beliefs and misinformation on COVID-19 in South Africa: A narrative literature review HEALTH SA GESONDHEID, 2022.


Dynel, M (Dynel, Marta) ; Zappavigna, M (Zappavigna, Michele). Enacting polyvocal scorn in #CovidConspiracy tweets: The orchestration of voices in humorous responses to COVID-19 conspiracy theories DISCOURSE CONTEXT & MEDIA, 2023.


引述 Scopus

Hughes, B., White, K., West, J., (...), Zhou, C., Bartholomew, S. . Cultural variance in reception and interpretation of social media COVID-19 disinformation in French-speaking regions), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .


Oleksy, T., Wnuk, A., Gambin, M., (...), Bargiel-Matusiewicz, K., Pisula, E. . Barriers and facilitators of willingness to vaccinate against COVID-19: Role of prosociality, authoritarianism and conspiracy mentality. A four-wave longitudinal study), Personality and Individual Differences, .


Cernicova-Buca, M., Ciurel, D. . Developing Resilience to Disinformation: A Game-Based Method for Future Communicators), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Díez-Gutiérrez, Enrique-Javier; Verdeja, María; Sarrión-Andaluz, José; Buendía, Luis; Macías-Tovar, Julián. Political hate speech of the far right on Twitter in Latin America), 2022, .


Guan, T., Wang, Q.. Examining the Democratic Potential of Data Journalism in Curing Misinformation), Journalism Practice, .


Olivares-Delgado, F., Benlloch-Osuna, M., Rodríguez-Valero, D., Breva-Franch, E.. Corporate Disinformation: Concept and Typology of Forms of Corporate Disinformation), Springer Series in Design and Innovation, .


Bam, N.E. . Strategies to address conspiracy beliefs and misinformation on COVID-19 in South Africa: A narrative literature review ), Health SA Gesondheid, .


Dynel, M., Zappavigna, M.. Enacting polyvocal scorn in #CovidConspiracy tweets: The orchestration of voices in humorous responses to COVID-19 conspiracy theories), Discourse, Context and Media, .


Pilch, I., Turska-Kawa, A., Wardawy, P., Olszanecka-Marmola, A., Smołkowska-Jędo, W.. Contemporary trends in psychological research on conspiracy beliefs. A systematic review), Frontiers in Psychology, .


Holden, R., Leigh, A.. The race that stopped a nation: lessons from Australia's Covid vaccine failures), Oxford Review of Economic Policy, .


Hornsey, M.J., Bierwiaczonek, K., Sassenberg, K., Douglas, K.M.. Individual, intergroup and nation-level influences on belief in conspiracy theories), Nature Reviews Psychology, .


Herrero-Diz, P., Sánchez-Martín, M., Aguilar, P., Muñiz-Velázquez, J.A.. Adolescents’ vulnerability to disinformation: Its measurement and relationship to critical thinking and moral disengagement), Revista Espanola de Pedagogia, .


Arias, D., González Pardo, R.E., Peña, O.C. . Post-truth and fake news in scientific communication in Ibero-American journals), Comunicacion y Sociedad (Mexico), .


引述 Google Scholar

Cernicova-Buca, M., & Ciurel, D. (2022). Developing Resilience to Disinformation: A Game-Based Method for Future Communicators. Sustainability, 14(9), 5438.


Díez-Gutiérrez, E., Verdeja, M., Sarrión-Andaluz, J., Buendía, L., & Macías-Tovar, J. (2022). Discurso político de odio de la ultraderecha desde Twitter en Iberoamérica. Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación, 30(72).


Oleksy, T., Wnuk, A., Gambin, M., Łyś, A., Bargiel-Matusiewicz, K., & Pisula, E. (2022). Barriers and facilitators of willingness to vaccinate against COVID-19: Role of prosociality, authoritarianism and conspiracy mentality. A four-wave longitudinal study. Personality and Individual Differences, 111524.


Hughes, B., White, K., West, J., Criezis, M., Zhou, C., & Bartholomew, S. (2021). Cultural Variance in Reception and Interpretation of Social Media COVID-19 Disinformation in French-Speaking Regions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(23), 12624.


Díez Gutiérrez, E. J., Verdeja Muñiz, M., Sarrión Andaluz, J., Buendía, L., & Macías Tovar, J. (2022). Discurso político de odio de la ultraderecha desde Twitter en Iberoamérica. Comunicar: revista científica iberoamericana de comunicación y educación.


Díez-Gutiérrez, E., Verdeja, M., Sarrión-Andaluz, J., & Buendía, L. (2022). Political hate speech of the far right on Twitter in Latin America. Comunicar, 30(72), 101-113.


Corporate Disinformation: Concept and Typology of Forms of Corporate Disinformation F Olivares-Delgado, M Benlloch-Osuna… - … Conference on Design …, 2023 - Springer


Examining the Democratic Potential of Data Journalism in Curing Misinformation T Guan, Q Wang - Journalism Practice, 2022 - Taylor & Francis


Contemporary trends in psychological research on conspiracy beliefs. A systematic review I Pilch, A Turska-Kawa, P Wardawy… - Frontiers in …, 2023 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov


Individual, intergroup and nation-level influences on belief in conspiracy theories MJ Hornsey, K Bierwiaczonek, K Sassenberg… - Nature Reviews …, 2023 - nature.com


Psychological underpinnings of disinformation countermeasures: A systematic scoping review Ziemer C , Rothmund T


The race that stopped a nation: lessons from Australia's Covid vaccine failures R Holden, A Leigh - Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2022 - academic.oup.com


Enacting polyvocal scorn in# CovidConspiracy tweets: The orchestration of voices in humorous responses to COVID-19 conspiracy theories M Dynel, M Zappavigna - Discourse, Context & Media, 2023 - Elsevier





Guan, T., Liu, T., & Yuan, R. (2021). Facing disinformation: Five methods to counter conspiracy theories amid the Covid-19 pandemic. [Combatiendo la desinformación: Cinco métodos para contrarrestar las teorías de conspiración en la pandemia de Covid-19]. Comunicar, 69, 71-83. https://doi.org/10.3916/C69-2021-06



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