社交网络创造开放、协作和参与空间的能力使年轻女性能够参与政治和社会活动并获得权力。在该背景下,本研究的目标侧重于分析在对女权主义和变性之间的捍卫的社交网络辩论中发生的两极分化,尤其是在以使用限定词“TERF”作为象征的年轻公众中。为此,我们使用了社交网络分析技术分析了 Twitter 和 TikTok 上的现有社区,以及其中年轻人的存在。结果表明,两个网络中的辩论都不是很有凝聚力,高度模块化的结构表明每个社区本身都是孤立的。由于上述原因,我们可以认为关于性别认同的辩论导致了社交网络中女权主义激进主义的强烈两极分化。同样,跨性别女权主义的立场在年轻人中占多数,这强化了女权运动内部意识形态辩论的想法,这也可以从世代的角度来理解。最后,可以验证这两个社交网络之间的差异使用,在这个问题上,TikTok 比 Twitter 显示出更少的党派倾向和更多的对话网络,因为它以更中立的语气进行讨论和参与。
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收到: 30-09-2022
修订: 23-10-2022
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引述 Web of Science
Thakur, N. Sentiment Analysis and Text Analysis of the Public Discourse on Twitter about COVID-19 and MPox BIG DATA AND COGNITIVE COMPUTING, 2023.
Cabezas-Gonzalez, M; Casillas-Martin, S and Munoz-Repiso, AGV. Theoretical Models Explaining the Level of Digital Competence in Students COMPUTERS, 2023.
引述 Scopus
Cabezas-González, M., Casillas-Martín, S., García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso, A.. Theoretical Models Explaining the Level of Digital Competence in Students), Computers, .
Thakur, N.. Sentiment Analysis and Text Analysis of the Public Discourse on Twitter about COVID-19 and MPox), Big Data and Cognitive Computing, .
引述 Google Scholar
Theoretical Models Explaining the Level of Digital Competence in Students M Cabezas-González, S Casillas-Martín… - Computers, 2023 - mdpi.com
Sentiment Analysis and Text Analysis of the Public Discourse on Twitter about COVID-19 and MPox N Thakur - Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 2023 - mdpi.com
Investigating Self-Reporting of Long COVID on Twitter: Findings from Sentiment Analysis N Thakur - 2023 - preprints.org
Analyzing Public Reactions during the MPox Outbreak: Findings from Topic Modeling of Tweets N Thakur, YN Duggal, Z Liu - 2023 - preprints.org
Peña-Fernández, S., Larrondo-Ureta, A., & Morales-i-Gras, J. (2023). Feminism, gender identity and polarization in TikTok and Twitter. [Feminismo, identidad de género y polarización en TikTok y Twitter]. Comunicar, 75, 49-60. https://doi.org/10.3916/C75-2023-04