
Ключевые слова

Digital media, social media, learning theories, deep learning, active learning, collective intelligence, social change, participatory culture


There is today a great deal of controversy over digital and social media. Even leaders in the tech industry are beginning to decry the time young people spend on smartphones and social networks. Recently, the World Health Organization proposed adding “gaming disorder” to its official list of diseases, defining it as a pattern of gaming behavior so severe that it takes “precedence over other life interests”. At the same time, many others have celebrated the positive properties of video games, social media, and social networks. This paper argues that a deeper understanding of human beings is needed to design for deep learning. For the purposes of this study “design for deep learning” means helping people matter and find meaning in ways that make them and others healthy in mind and body, while improving the state of the world for all living things, with due respect for truth, sensation, happiness, imagination, individuality, diversity, and the future. In particular, fifteen features related to human nature are suggested based on recent scientific developments to answer the question: What is a human being? Consequently, proposals that are linked to learning and transformation, as well as social improvement, should fit with the ways in which humans, as specific sorts of biological and social creatures, learn best (or can learn at all) and can change for the better.

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Цитаты в Web of Science

Esteban-Guitart; Moises;. Advancing the funds of identity theory: A critical and unfinished dialogue MIND CULTURE AND ACTIVITY , 2021.

Gonzalez-Patino, Javier; Esteban-Guitart, Moises. Affinity online: how connection and shared interest fuel learning MIND CULTURE AND ACTIVITY, 2019.


Esteban-Guitart, M and Gee, JP. "Inside the Head and Out in the World". An Approach to Deep Teaching and Learning REMIE-MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH , 2020.

Kozleski, Elizabeth B.; Stepaniuk, Inna; Proffitt, William;. Leading through a critical lens: The application of DisCrit in framing, implementing and improving equity driven, educational systems for all students JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION , 2020.

Esteban-Guitart, Moises; Monreal-Bosch, Pilar; Palma, Montserrat;. Sustaining Students' Identities within the Context of Participatory Culture. Designing, Implementing and Evaluating an Interactive Learning Activity SUSTAINABILITY , 2020.

Munoz-Rodriguez, Jose Manuel; Torrijos Fincias, Patricia; Serrate Gonzalez, Sara; Murciano Hueso, Alicia; . Digital environments, connectivity and education: Time perception and management in the construction of young people's digital identity COMUNICAR, 2020.

Iglesias, Edgar; Gonzalez-Patino, Javier; Luis Lalueza, Jose;. A Manifest in a Time of Pandemic: For a Communitarian, Sustainable, Intergenerational and Critical Education REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE EDUCACION PARA LA JUSTICIA SOCIAL , 2020.

Esteban-Guitart, Moises; Luis Lalueza, Jose; Zhang-Yu, Cristina; Llopart, Mariona. Sustaining Students' Cultures and Identities. A Qualitative Study Based on the Funds of Knowledge and Identity Approaches SUSTAINABILITY, 2019.


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Gonzalez-Ceballos, I; Palma, M; (...); Esteban-Guitart, M. Meaningful Learning Experiences in Everyday Life During Pandemics. A Qualitative Study FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY , 0.

Gonzalez-Patino, J and Esteban-Guitart, M. Transforming to Expanded Experiences in Higher Education: #UAMskills Digital Identity Course RED-REVISTA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA, 2021.

Runchina, C; Sanchez-Caballe, A and Gonzalez-Martinez, J. New media literacies for transmedia learning. How students are regarding their transliteracy in Italian licei classici COGENT EDUCATION, 2022.

Runchina, C; Fauth, F and Gonzalez-Martinez, J. Adolescents Facing Transmedia Learning: Reflections on What They Can Do, What They Think and What They Feel BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 2022.

Ordonez, D; Siques, C and Esteban-Guitart, M. 'The best way to learn language is by not doing language'. Incorporating funds of identity for learning Spanish in a Shared Education Unit INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND BILINGUALISM, 2021.

Kumar, S. Deep learning based affective computing JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, 2021.

Estebanell-Minguell, M; Gonzalez-Martinez, J; (...); Serrat-Sellabona, E. Media profiles and transmedia learning in university students INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEARNING TECHNOLOGY, 2021.

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Runchina, C; Fauth, F; (...); Gonzalez-Martinez, J. New Media Literacies and Transmedia Learning horizontal ellipsis Do We Really Have the Conditions to Make the Leap? An Analysis from the Context of Two Italian licei classici SOCIAL SCIENCES-BASEL, 2022.

Menendez-Alvarez-Hevia, D; Urbina-Ramirez, S; (...); Rodriguez-Martin, A. Contributions of futures studies to education: A systematic review Comunicar, 2022.

Rodrigo-Moriche, MP; Valdivia-Vizarreta, P and Sanchez-Cabrero, R. Digital skill acquisition in young people who had received leisure and free time training based on the DigComp framework TEKNOKULTURA: REVISTA DE CULTURA DIGITAL Y MOVIMIENTOS SOCIALES, 2022.

Esteban-Guitart, M; Iglesias, E; (...); Palma, M. The common and the public in teaching practices from the community funds of knowledge and identity approach REVISTA DE EDUCACION, 2022.

Цитаты в Scopus

Esteban-Guitart, M., Lalueza, J.L., Zhang-Yu, C., Llopart, M.. Sustaining students' cultures, identities. A qualitative study based on the funds of knowledge, identity approaches), Sustainability (Switzerland), .

Kozleski, E.B., Stepaniuk, I., Proffitt, W. . Leading through a critical lens: The application of DisCrit in framing, implementing and improving equity driven, educational systems for all students), Journal of Educational Administration, .

Esteban-Guitart, M., Gee, J.P. . “Inside the Head and Out in the World”. An Approach to Deep Teaching and Learning | [“dentro de la cabeza y fuera en el mundo”. Una aproximación a la enseñanza y aprendizaje profundo]), Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, .

Esteban-Guitart, M., Llopart, M.. The creation, educational usage of identity artifacts [La creación y utilización educativa de artefactos identitarios]), Profesorado, .

Ordoñez, D., Siqués, C., Esteban-Guitart, M.. ‘The best way to learn language is by not doing language’. Incorporating funds of identity for learning Spanish in a Shared Education Unit), International Journal of Bilingual Education, Bilingualism, .

Esteban-Guitart, M., Monreal-Bosch, P., Palma, M., González-Ceballos, I. . Sustaining students' identities within the context of participatory culture. Designing, implementing and evaluating an interactive learning activity), Sustainability (Switzerland), .

Iglesias, E., González-Patiño, J., Lalueza, J.L., Esteban-Guitart, M. . A manifest in a time of pandemic: For a communitarian, sustainable, intergenerational and critical education | [Manifiesto en tiempos de pandemia: Por una educación crítica, intergeneracional, sostenible y comunitaria]), Revista Internacional de Educacion para la Justicia Social, .

Atiaja Atiaja, L., García Martínez, A. . Proposal for an Integral System for Massive Open Online Courses (ISMOOC)), Communications in Computer and Information Science, .

Muñoz-Rodríguez, J.M., Torrijos Fincias, P., Serrate González, S., Murciano Hueso, A. . Digital environments, connectivity and education: Time perception and management in the construction of young people’s digital identity | [Entornos digitales, conectividad y educación. Percepción y gestión del tiempo en la construcción de la identidad digital de la juventud]), Revista Espanola de Pedagogia, .

Murciano Hueso, A., Torrijos Fincias, P., Serrate González, S. . Youth Perception of Connectivity: Times and Uses), Texto Livre, .

Esteban-Guitart, M., Iglesias, E., González-Patiño, J., González-Ceballos, I. . Personalized education during a period of educational change and innovation. An illustrative example | [La personalización educativa en tiempos de cambio e innovación educativa. Un ejemplo ilustrativo]), Aula Abierta, .

Esteban-Guitart, M. . Advancing the funds of identity theory: A critical and unfinished dialogue), Mind, Culture, and Activity, .

González-Ceballos, I., Palma, M., Serra, J.M., Esteban-Guitart, M. . Meaningful Learning Experiences in Everyday Life During Pandemics. A Qualitative Study), Frontiers in Psychology, .

Zea, M.P.C., Quimi, W.D.C., Panta, K.A.P., García, M.S., Torres, M.M. . Virtual education in times of covid-19: An experience in the master of education | [La educación virtual En tiempos del covid-19: Una experiencia en la maestría de educación]), Universidad y Sociedad, .

Link Google Scholar

Runchina, C., Fauth, F., González-Martínez, J.. Adolescents Facing Transmedia Learning: Reflections on What They Can Do, What They Think and What They Feel), Behavioral Sciences, .

Runchina, C., Fauth, F., Sánchez-Caballé, A., González-Martínez, J.. New Media Literacies and Transmedia Learning … Do We Really Have the Conditions to Make the Leap? An Analysis from the Context of Two Italian licei classici), Social Sciences, .

Runchina, C., Sánchez-Caballé, A., González-Martínez, J.. New media literacies for transmedia learning. How students are regarding their transliteracy in Italian licei classici), Cogent Education, .

Esteban-Guitart, M., Iglesias, E., Lalueza, J.L., Palma, M.. The common and the public in teaching practices from the community funds of knowledge and identity approach), Revista de Educacion, .

Kumar, S.. Deep learning based affective computing), Journal of Enterprise Information Management, .

Siegel, P.. Schrodinger's Deepfake: Multimodal analysis to combat deepfakes), Deep Fakes, Fake News, and Misinformation in Online Teaching and Learning Technologies, .

Blankenship, R.J.. Deep fakes, fake news, and misinformation in online teaching and learning technologies), Deep Fakes, Fake News, and Misinformation in Online Teaching and Learning Technologies, .

Estebanell-Minguell, M., González-Martínez, J., Esteban-Guitart, M., Serrat-Sellabona, E.. Media profiles and transmedia learning in university students), International Journal of Learning Technology, .

Menéndez-Alvarez-Hevia, D., Urbina-Ramírez, S., Forteza-Forteza, D., Rodríguez-Martín, A.. Contributions of futures studies to education: A systematic review ), Comunicar, .

Цитаты в Google Scholar

Ordoñez, D., Siqués, C., & Esteban-Guitart, M. (2018). ‘The best way to learn language is by not doing language’. Incorporating funds of identity for learning Spanish in a Shared Education Unit. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1-12.

Cruz Alava, J. L. (2019). Analizar el social media marketing en la generación millennial y post-millennial de la zona comercial de Cumbayá (Bachelor's thesis).

Carpio, K., Quintana, A., López Tello, C., Razo, R., & García, A. Realidad virtual para el aprendizaje de competencias en primeros auxilios y atención prehospitalaria.

Iglesias Vidal, E., González Patiño, J., Lalueza, J. L., & Esteban Guitart, M. (2020). Manifiesto en tiempos de pandemia: Por una educación crítica, intergeneracional, sostenible y comunitaria. Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social (RIEJS), 2020, vol. 9, núm. 3, p. 181-198.

Hervás-Gómez, C., & Rodríguez-Gallego, M. Innovación e investigación en la sociedad digital.

Murciano Hueso, A., Torrijos Fincias, P., & Serrate González, S. (2020, October). Youth Perception of Connectivity: Times and Uses. In Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (pp. 909-914).


Carpio, K., & Quintana, A. Virtual Reality applied to the first aid and pre-hospital emergency care competencies’ learning process.

Esteban-Guitart, M., & Llopart, M. (2019). La creación y utilización educativa de artefactos identitarios. Profesorado, Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado, 23(2), 321-334.

Santana, L. A. M., Pérez, A. G., Guzmán, L. A. D., Santana, D. A. E., Cifuentes, Y. J. L., & Díaz, D. Y. M. Adecuación y tratamiento de señales cardíacas para la adquisición en PC. In Libro de memorias del 2do Congreso Internacional TIC para la Amazonia (p. 78).


Flacks, G., Mattei, G., & Skinner, C. Web Based Presentation-Noddings Final Reflections on Teaching-Does the Use of Technology in the Classroom Foster Effective Teaching and Learning?.


Esteban-Guitart, M., Lalueza, J. L., Zhang-Yu, C., & Llopart, M. (2019). Sustaining students’ cultures and identities. A qualitative study based on the funds of knowledge and identity approaches. Sustainability, 11(12), 3400.

Esteban-Guitart, M., Monreal-Bosch, P., Palma, M., & González-Ceballos, I. (2019). Sustaining Students’ Identities within the Context of Participatory Culture: Designing, Implementing and Evaluating an Interactive Learning Activity.

González-Patiño, J., & Esteban-Guitart, M. (2019). Affinity online: how connection and shared interest fuel learning: by Mizuko Ito, Crystle Martin, Rachel Cody Pfister, Matthew H. Rafalow, Katie Salen, and Amanda Wortman, NY, New York University Press, 2019, 256 pp., $26.00 (paperback).

Leboe, N. C. (2019). Digital wellness: supporting teachers around the fast-changing realm of digital tools.


Esteban-Guitart, M., & Gee, J. (2020). “Inside the Head and Out in the World”. An Approach to Deep Teaching and Learning. Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research, 10(1), 1-25.

Alvarado Tigrero, M. G. (2019). Interactividad, visibilidad y contenido de medios digitales orenses.

Esteban Guitart, M., & Llopart Rossell, M. (2019). La creación y utilización educativa de artefactos identitarios. Profesorado: revista de currículum y formación del profesorado, 2019 (abril-juny), vol. 23, núm. 2, p. 321-334.

Atiaja, L. A., & Martínez, A. G. (2019, December). Proposal for an Integral System for Massive Open Online Courses (ISMOOC). In International Conference on Smart Technologies, Systems and Applications (pp. 202-214). Springer, Cham.

Esteban-Guitart, M., Monreal-Bosch, P., Palma, M., & González-Ceballos, I. (2020). Sustaining Students’ Identities within the Context of Participatory Culture. Designing, Implementing and Evaluating an Interactive Learning Activity. Sustainability, 12(12), 4870.

Kozleski, E. B., Stepaniuk, I., & Proffitt, W. (2020). Leading through a critical lens: The application of DisCrit in framing, implementing and improving equity driven, educational systems for all students. Journal of Educational Administration.


Zambrano Pantusin, A. R. (2020). Estudios de los consumos Culturales de música Ecuatoriana en los Estudiantes de la Carrera de Comunicación Social en la Universidad de Guayaquil (Bachelor's thesis).

Vidal, E. I., González-Patiño, J., Lalueza, J. L., & Esteban-Guitart, M. (2020). Manifiesto en tiempos de pandemia: Por una educación crítica, intergeneracional, sostenible y comunitaria. Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 9(3), 181-198.

Esteban Guitart, M., DiGiacomo, D., Penuel, W., & Ito, M. (2020). Principios, aplicaciones y retos del aprendizaje conectado. Contextos educativos, 2020, núm. 26, p. 157-176.

MUÑOZ-RODRÍGUEZ, J. M., TORRIJOS FINCIAS, P., SERRATE GONZÁLEZ, S., & MURCIANO HUESO, A. (2020). Entornos digitales, conectividad y educación. Percepción y gestión del tiempo en la construcción de la identidad digital de la juventud. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 78(277), 457-476.

González-Patiño, J., & Esteban-Guitart, M. (2021). La transformación hacia experiencias expandidas en educación superior: curso# UAMskills de identidad digital.

Esteban-Guitart, M., Iglesias, E., González-Patiño, J., & González-Ceballos, I. (2020). La personalización educativa en tiempos de cambio e innovación educativa. Un ejemplo ilustrativo. Aula Abierta, 49(4), 395-402.

González-Patiño, J., & Esteban-Guitart, M. (2021). La transformación hacia experiencias expandidas en educación superior: curso# UAMskills de identidad digital. Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), 21(65).

Mellman, L. M. (2020). Getting Online With Generation Z: Learning Approaches.


Альтернативные метрики

Как процитировать

Gee, J., & Esteban-Guitart, M. (2019). Designing for deep learning in the context of digital and social media. [El diseño para el aprendizaje profundo en los medios de comunicación sociales y digitales]. Comunicar, 58, 9-18.



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