


科技2.0正改變著網路媒體的互動和參與。本研究旨在研究拉美地區媒體的網路2.0技術的應用程度,以及探討其所具備的網路媒體特徵。為達此目的,在2010年開展的兩個研究的基礎上,本研究借鑒了《哥倫比亞和拉丁美洲的網路媒體》專案(由Norte大學及LosAndes大學支持開展的)的架構,分析了拉美地區的19家數字媒體。本研究採用了Rodríguez-Martínez, Codina & Pedraza-Jiménez (2010)所提出的研究方法。本研究方法已由本文作者在之前的研究中加以測試。跟據我們的結果,一大部分拉美媒體已經採用網路2.0技術。但在品質上,排名靠前的媒體(哥倫比亞和墨西哥)和排名靠後的媒體(智利和玻璃維亞)呈現出明顯的差距。這個排名讓我們看到,在普遍指標方面,拉美數字媒體存在的明顯弱點,包括連接錯誤,受歡迎程度,可視程度等。而在具體指標方面,拉美數位媒體的弱點則體現在它們的資訊深度和互動工具不夠完善。正如本文作者所言,揭示這些弱點可以讓我們更好的設計拉美網路媒體的將來,特別是從使用者的積極參與這個角度出發。


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引述 Web of Science

Leonardo Ochoa, Rafael; Maria Crovi, Delia. Evaluation of accessibility in Mexican cybermedia UNIVERSAL ACCESS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY, 2019.


Ochoa-Urrego, Rafael. Accessibility index for Mexican cybermedia REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA, 2019.


Li, Rita Yi Man; Tang, Beiqi; Chau, Kwong Wing. Sustainable Construction Safety Knowledge Sharing: A Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling and A Feedforward Neural Network Approach SUSTAINABILITY, 2019.


Vazquez-Herrero, J.; Negreira-Rey, M. C.; Lopez-Garcia, X.. Multimedia and interactive innovation in Argentinean online journalism REVISTA DE COMUNICACION-PERU, 2019.


Moreira, Sonia Virginia; Alonso, Martin Oller. JOURNALISTS IN NEWSROOMS: Professional roles, influences, and changes to journalism BRAZILIAN JOURNALISM RESEARCH, 2018.


Mora Fernandez, Jorge; Ortiz, Fernando; Avila Solano, Bolivar; Romero Galarza, Armando. [en] The LOC and the education in principles through the Ecuadorian social mediation on the digital communication practices MEDIACIONES SOCIALES, 2018.


Diaz-Cervero, Elba; Barredo Ibanez, Daniel. The possibilities of user participation in the main Mexican national cybermedia CUADERNOS INFO, 2017.


Cristobal-Fransi, Eduard; Hernandez-Soriano, Francisco; Marimon, Frederic. Critical factors in the evaluation of online media: creation and implementation of a measurement scale (e-SQ-Media) UNIVERSAL ACCESS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY, 2017.


Leonardo Ochoa, Rafael; Crovi Drueta, Delia Maria. Characterization of Mexican cybermedia A vision from the diffusion of innovations 2017 CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE INNOVACION Y TENDENCIAS EN INGENIERIA (CONIITI), 2017.

Link Google Scholar

Duran Becerra, Tomas; Tejedor Calvo, Santiago. Interaction in educommunicational platforms. A reflection on different types of platforms and their usability. The case of Colombia TEKNOKULTURA: REVISTA DE CULTURA DIGITAL Y MOVIMIENTOS SOCIALES, 2017.


Barredo-Ibanez, Daniel; Diaz-Cervero, Elba. Interactivity in Latin American digital journalism. An analysis of the main cybermedia of Colombia, Mexico and Ecuador (2016) REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2017.


Segado-Boj, F.; Diaz-Campo, J.; Lloves-Sobrado, B.. Latin American leaders on Twitter. Old uses for new media during political crises REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2015.


Barredo, Daniel; Calderón, Carlos Arcila; Barbosa, Eduar;. Observatorio (OBS*) , 2016.

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Kalyango, Yusuf, Jr.; Mould, David H.. Introduction: Trends in Global Journalism and New Media Performance GLOBAL JOURNALISM PRACTICE AND NEW MEDIA PERFORMANCE, 2014.

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Cea Esteruelas, Ma Nereida. The audience of the spanish on line newspaper in spanish-speaking markets REVISTA MEDITERRANEA COMUNICACION-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2013.

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Mora, Jorge. The Analysis of Interactive Media and Digital Culture - Hypermedia Literacy in Peru and Bolivia COMUNICAR, 2012.


Said-Hung, Elias; Valencia-Cobos, Jorge. External factors and structural features characterizing the development of digital mass media in the Americas REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA, 2012.


引述 Scopus

Mora-Fernández, J.I.. The analysis of interactive media, digital culture hypermedia literacy in Peru, Bolivia), Comunicar, .


Said-Hung, E., Valencia-Cobos, J.. External factors, structural features characterizing the development of digital mass media in the Americas [Factores externos y rasgos estructurales que caracterizan el desarrollo de los cibermedios en América]), Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica, .


Kalyango, Y., Jr., Mould, D.H.. Global journalism practice, new media performance), Global Journalism Practice and New Media Performance, .


Barredo, D., Arcila, C., Barbosa, E.. El perfil de los usuarios de Twitter más influyentes en Ecuador y la influencia del mensaje en la captación de seguidores), Observatorio, .

Link Google Scholar

Barredo-Ibáñez, D., Díaz-Cerveró, E., Garzón, K.T.P., Del Rosario Gómez, R., Pérez, S., Nava, F.E., Quintero, N.F., Estrada, L.G.. Interactivity in Latin American digital journalism. An analysis of the main digital media of Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador (2016)), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .


Díaz-Cerveró, E., Ibáñez, D.B.. The possibilities of user participation in the main Mexican national cybermedia [Las posibilidades de participación de los usuarios en los principales cibermedios nacionales mexicanos]), Cuadernos.info, .


Cristobal-Fransi, E., Hernández-Soriano, F., Daries-Ramon, N.. New readers for new media: Online media e-readers segmentation [Nuevos lectores para nuevos medios: Segmentación de los e-lectores de un cibermedio]), Espacios, .

Link Google Scholar

Suing, A., Ordóñez, K., Carpio, L.. Does the interactivity, participation of the audience in the iberoamerican cyber-media advance?), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, .


Moreira, S.V., Alonso, M.O.. Journalists in newsrooms: Professional roles, influences,, changes to journalism), Brazilian Journalism Research, .


Vázquez-Herrero, J., Negreira-Rey, M.C., López-García, X.. Multimedia, interactive innovation in Argentinean online journalism [La innovación multimedia e interactiva en el ciberperiodismo argentino]), Revista de Comunicacion, .


Ochoa-Urrego, R.. Accessibility index for Mexican cybermedia [Índice de accesibilidad para cibermedios mexicanos]), Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica, .


Ordóñez, K., Suing, A., Punín, M.I., Jaramillo, M.. The connectivity as value strategic: The development the digital media in Bolivia), WEBIST 2019 - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems, Technologies, .

Link Google Scholar

Ochoa, R.L., Crovi, D.M.. Evaluation of accessibility in Mexican cybermedia), Universal Access in the Information Society, .


Li, R.Y.M., Tang, B., Chau, K.W.. Sustainable construction safety knowledge sharing: A partial least square-structural equation modeling, a feedforward neural network approach), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Cristóbal-Fransi, E., Hernández-Soriano, F., Marimon, F.. Critical factors in the evaluation of online media: creation, implementation of a measurement scale (e-SQ-Media)), Universal Access in the Information Society, .


Segado-Boj, F., Díaz-Campo, J., Lloves-Sobrado, B.. Latin American leaders on twitter. Old uses for new media during political crises [Líderes latinoamericanos en twitter. Viejas costumbres para nuevos medios en tiempos de crisis políticas]), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .


Morales-Vargas., A., Pedraza-Jiménez., R., Codina., L.. Website quality in digital media: literature review on general evaluation methods and indicators and reliability attributes), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .


引述 Google Scholar





Said-Hung, E., & Arcila-Calderón, C. (2011). The cyber media in Latin America and Web 2.0. [Los cibermedios en América Latina y la Web 2.0]. Comunicar, 37, 125-131. https://doi.org/10.3916/C37-2011-03-04



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