Palabras clave

Comunicación científica, ciencia, información, comunicación, Internet, redes sociales, técnicas cuantitativas, web social, Web 2.0


En el presente trabajo se realiza una revisión de las altmetrics o indicadores alternativos. Este concepto se define como la creación y estudio de nuevos indicadores, basados en la web 2.0, para el análisis de la actividad científica y académica. La idea que subyace es que, por ejemplo, las menciones en blogs, el número de tuits o el de personas que guardan un artículo en su gestor de referencias puede ser una medida válida del uso y repercusión de las publicaciones científicas. En este sentido, estas medidas se han situado en el centro del debate de los estudios bibliométricos cobrando especial relevancia. En el artículo se ilustran en primer lugar las plataformas e indicadores principales de este tipo de medidas, para posteriormente estudiar un conjunto de trabajos del ámbito de la comunicación, comparando el número de citas recibidas con sus indicadores 2.0. Los resultados señalan que los artículos más citados de la disciplina en los últimos años también presentan indicadores significativamente más elevados de altmetrics. Seguidamente se realiza un repaso por los principales estudios empíricos realizados, deteniéndonos en las correlaciones entre indicadores bibliométricos y alternativos. Se finaliza, a modo de reflexión, señalando las principales limitaciones y el papel que las altmetrics pueden desempeñar a la hora de captar la repercusión de la investigación en las plataformas de la web 2.0.


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Vistas: 67359

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Métricas completas de Comunicar 41

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Citas en Web of Science

Robinson-Garcia, Nicolas; Torres-Salinas, Daniel; Zahedi, Zohreh; Costas, Rodrigo. NEW DATA, NEW POSSIBILITIES: EXPLORING THE INSIDES OF ALTMETRIC.COM PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2014.

Bornmann, Lutz. Validity of altmetrics data for measuring societal impact: A study using data from Altmetric and F1000Prime JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2014.

Bornmann, Lutz. Do altmetrics point to the broader impact of research? An overview of benefits and disadvantages of altmetrics JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2014.

Zahedi, Zohreh; Costas, Rodrigo; Wouters, Paul. How well developed are altmetrics? A cross-disciplinary analysis of the presence of 'alternative metrics' in scientific publications SCIENTOMETRICS, 2014.

Aguinis, Herman; Shapiro, Debra L.; Antonacopoulou, Elena P.; Cummings, Thomas G.. Scholarly Impact: A Pluralist Conceptualization ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT LEARNING & EDUCATION, 2014.


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Alperin, Juan Pablo. Geographic variation in social media metrics: an analysis of Latin American journal articles ASLIB JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, 2015.

Haustein, Stefanie; Sugimoto, Cassidy R.; Lariviere, Vincent. Guest editorial: social media in scholarly communication ASLIB JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, 2015.

Melero; Remedios;. Altmetrics - a complement to conventional metrics BIOCHEMIA MEDICA , 2015.

Costas, Rodrigo; Zahedi, Zohreh; Wouters, Paul. The thematic orientation of publications mentioned on social media Large-scale disciplinary comparison of social media metrics with citations ASLIB JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, 2015.

Barnes, Cameron. The Use of Altmetrics as a Tool for Measuring Research Impact AUSTRALIAN ACADEMIC & RESEARCH LIBRARIES, 2015.

Bornmann, Lutz. Alternative metrics in scientometrics: a meta-analysis of research into three altmetrics SCIENTOMETRICS, 2015.

Thelwall, Mike; Maflahi, Nabeil;. Are Scholarly Articles Disproportionately Read in Their Own Country? An Analysis of Mendeley Readers JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2015.

Orduna-Malea, Enrique; Torres-Salinas, Daniel; Delgado Lopez-Cozar, Emilio. Hyperlinks embedded in twitter as a proxy for total external in-links to international university websites JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2015.

Garcia Aretio, Lorenzo. Publish (almost exclusively) in high impact journals RIED-REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA, 2015.

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Ringelhan, Stefanie; Wollersheim, Jutta; Welpe, Isabell M.. I Like, I Cite? Do Facebook Likes Predict the Impact of Scientific Work? PLOS ONE, 2015.

Bornmann, Lutz. Scientific Revolution in Scientometrics: The Broadening of Impact from Citation to Societal THEORIES OF INFORMETRICS AND SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION: A FESTSCHRIFT IN HONOR OF BLAISE CRONIN, 2016.

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Alvarez-Bornstein, Belen; Montesi, Michela;. Researchers' communication on Twitter. A virtual ethnography in the area of information science REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA , 2016.

Torres-Salinas, Daniel; Robinson-Garcia, Nicolas; Jimenez-Contreras, Evaristo. Can we use altmetrics at the institutional level? A case study analysing the coverage by research areas of four Spanish universities 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INDICATORS (STI 2016), 2016.

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Direito-Rebollal, Sabela; Campos-Freire, Francisco. Altmetrics A measure of scientific impact on social networks Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 2016.

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Orduna-Malea, Enrique. The social web as a new communication medium and scientific evaluation REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA, 2016.

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Haunschild, Robin; Bornmann, Lutz. Normalization of Mendeley reader counts for impact assessment JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2016.

Campos-Freire, Francisco; Ruas-Araujo, Jose. The use of professional and scientific social networks: The case of three Galician universities PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2016.

Jabur, Naeema H.. Altmetrics as alternative tool for measuring the impact of scholarly documents based on readers attention: A Comparative Study QUALITATIVE & QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN LIBRARIES, 2016.

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Vanti, Nadia; Sanz-Casado, Elias. Altmetrics: Social media metrics for a more democratic science TRANSINFORMACAO, 2016.

Luis Gonzalez-Valiente, Carlos; Pacheco-Mendoza, Josmel; Arencibia-Jorge, Ricardo. A review of altmetrics as an emerging discipline for research evaluation LEARNED PUBLISHING, 2016.

Scotti, Valeria; De Silvestri, Annalisa; Scudeller, Luigia; Abele, Paola; Topuz, Funda; Curti, Moreno. Novel bibliometric scores for evaluating research quality and output: a correlation study with established indexes INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MARKERS, 2016.

Wang, Xianwen; Fang, Zhichao; Guo, Xinhui. Tracking the digital footprints to scholarly articles from social media SCIENTOMETRICS, 2016.

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Costas, Rodrigo; Perianes-Rodriguez, Antonio; Ruiz-Castillo, Javier. On the quest for currencies of science Field "exchange rates" for citations and Mendeley readership ASLIB JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, 2017.

De Silva, Pali U. K.; Vance, Candace K.. Assessing the Societal Impact of Scientific Research Fascinating Life Sciences, 2017.

Cespedes Villegas, Alejandor; Peralta Gonzalez, Maria Josefa; Paz Enrique, Luis Ernesto. Alternative indicators of Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas scientific activity in the Web 2.0 CUADERNOS DE DOCUMENTACION MULTIMEDIA, 2017.

Maricato, Joao de Melo; Martins, Dalton Lopes;. Altmetrics: complexities, challenges and new forms of measurement and understanding of scientific communication in the social web BIBLIOS-REVISTA DE BIBLIOTECOLOGIA Y CIENCIAS DE LA INFORMACION , 2017.

Montesi, Michela. Science and society: a new challenge for information professionals IBERSID-REVISTA DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMACION Y DOCUMENTACION, 2017.

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Butler, Joseph S.; Kaye, I. David; Sebastian, Arjun S.; Wagner, Scott C.; Morrissey, Patrick B.; Schroeder, Gregory D.; Kepler, Christopher K.; Vaccaro, Alexander R.. The Evolution of Current Research Impact Metrics From Bibliometrics to Altmetrics? CLINICAL SPINE SURGERY, 2017.

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Sugimoto, Cassidy R.; Work, Sam; Lariviere, Vincent; Haustein, Stefanie. Scholarly Use of Social Media and Altmetrics: A Review of the Literature JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2017.

Hughes, Hannah; Hughes, Andrew; Murphy, Colin G.. The Use of Twitter by Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery Journals: Twitter Activity, Impact Factor, and Alternative Metrics CUREUS, 2017.

de Rosa, Annamaria Silvana; Dryjanska, Laura; Bocci, Elena. The Impact of the Impact of Meta-Data Mining From the SoReCom "AS de Rosa" @-Library ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 4TH EDITION, 2018.

Aliaga, Francisco M.; Gutierrez-Braojos, Calixto; Fernandez-Cano, Antonio. Research journals in education: SWOT Analysis RIE-REVISTA DE INVESTIGACION EDUCATIVA, 2018.

Yang, Sharon Q.; Dawson, Patricia H.. Altmetrics and Their Potential as an Assessment Tool for Digital Libraries IEEE 5TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EMERGING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGIES IN LIBRARIES AND INFORMATION SERVICES (ETTLIS 2018), 2018.

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Huang, Wenya; Wang, Peiling; Wu, Qiang. A correlation comparison between Altmetric Attention Scores and citations for six PLOS journals PLOS ONE, 2018.

Torres-Salinas, Daniel; Castillo-Valdivieso, Pedro-Angel; Perez-Luque, Alvaro; Romero-Frias, Esteban. Altmetrics at institutional level: Visibility on the web of the scientific production of Spanish universities from PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2018.

Travieso Rodriguez, Crispulo; de Araujo, Ronaldo Ferreira. Altmetrics and citation indicators applied to scientific production in ScienceOpen: descriptive analysis for Brazil, Spain and Portugal BIBLIOTECAS-ANALES DE INVESTIGACION, 2018.

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Bornmann, Lutz; Haunschild, Robin; Adams, Jonathan. Do altmetrics assess societal impact in a comparable way to case studies? An empirical test of the convergent validity of altmetrics based on data from the UK research excellence framework (REF) JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2019.

Bautista-Puig, Nuria; De Filippo, Daniela; Mauleon, Elba; Sanz-Casado, Elias. Scientific Landscape of Citizen Science Publications: Dynamics, Content and Presence in Social Media PUBLICATIONS, 2019.

Repiso, Rafael; Castillo-Esparcia, Antonio; Torres-Salinas, Daniel. Altmetrics, alternative indicators for Web of Science Communication studies journals SCIENTOMETRICS, 2019.

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Torres-Salinas, Daniel; Romero-Frias, Esteban; Arroyo-Machado, Wenceslao. Mapping the backbone of the Humanities through the eyes of Wikipedia JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2019.

Israel Martinez-Lopez, J.; Barron-Gonzalez, Samantha; Martinez Lopez, Alejandro. Which Are the Tools Available for Scholars? A Review of Assisting Software for Authors during Peer Reviewing Process PUBLICATIONS, 2019.

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Arroyo-Machado, Wenceslao; Torres-Salinas, Daniel; Herrera-Viedma, Enrique;. Science through Wikipedia: A novel representation of open knowledge through co-citation networks PLOS ONE , 2020.

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Campos, Francisco; Valencia, Andrea. Managing Academic Profiles on Scientific Social Networks Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2015.

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Torres-Salinas, Daniel; Jimenez-Contreras, Evaristo; Robinson-Garcia, Nicolas. Trends in science mapping: Co-use of scientific literatures as evidence of researchers' interests PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2014.

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De Filippo, Daniela; Luisa Lascurain, Maria; Pandiella-Dominique, Andres;. Scientometric Analysis of Research in Energy Efficiency and Citizen Science through Projects and Publications SUSTAINABILITY , 2020.

Copiello; Sergio;. Other than detecting impact in advance, alternative metrics could act as early warning signs of retractions: tentative findings of a study into the papers retracted by PLoS ONE SCIENTOMETRICS , 2020.

Saraite Sariene, Laura; Caba Perez, Carmen; Lopez Hernandez, Antonio M.;. Expanding the actions of Open Government in higher education sector: From web transparency to Open Science PLOS ONE , 2020.

Citas en Scopus

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Duart, J.M., Mengual-Andrés, S.. Impact of the knowledge society in the university, in scientific communication), RELIEVE - Revista Electronica de Investigacion y Evaluacion Educativa, .

Ruiz-Corbella, M., Galán, A., Diestro, A.. Scientific journals on Education in Spain: Evolution, prospects for the future [Las revistas centíficas de educación en España: Evolución y perspectivas de futuro]), RELIEVE - Revista Electronica de Investigacion y Evaluacion Educativa, .

Fonseca-Mora, M.C., Aguaded, I.. Scientific journals as platforms to publish research of excellence in education: Strategies to attract researchers), RELIEVE - Revista Electronica de Investigacion y Evaluacion Educativa, .

Llópez, W.L.. Altmetrics, other alternative indicators to measure knowledge diffusion [Altmetrics y otros indicadores alternativos para la medición de la divulgación del conocimiento]), Universitas Psychologica, .

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Liu, Y., Huang, Z., Fang, J., Yan, Y.. An article level metric in the context of research community), WWW 2014 Companion - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web, .

Robinson-García, N., Torres-Salinas, D., Zahedi, Z., Costas, R.. New data, new possibilities: Exploring the insides of, Profesional de la Informacion, .

Torres-Salinas, D., Jiménez-Contreras, E., Robinson-García, N.. Tendencias en mapas de la ciencia: co-uso de información científica como reflejo de los intereses de los investigadores), Profesional de la Informacion, .

Torres-Salinas, D., Milanés-Guisado, Y.. Presencia en redes sociales y altmétricas de los principales autores de la revista El profesional de la información), Profesional de la Informacion, .

Bornmann, L.. Do altmetrics point to the broader impact of research? An overview of benefits, disadvantages of altmetrics), Journal of Informetrics, .

Aguinis, H., Shapiro, D.L., Antonacopoulou, E.P., Cummings, T.G.. Scholarly impact: A pluralist conceptualization), Academy of Management Learning and Education, .

Barnes, C.. The Use of Altmetrics as a Tool for Measuring Research Impact), Australian Academic and Research Libraries, .

Bornmann, L.. Alternative metrics in scientometrics: A meta-analysis of research into three altmetrics), Scientometrics, .

Melero, R.. Altmetrics – A complement to conventional metrics), Biochemia Medica, .

Campos, F., Valencia, A.. Managing academic profiles on scientific social networks), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, .

Costas, R., Zahedi, Z., Wouters, P.. The thematic orientation of publications mentioned on social media: Large-scale disciplinary comparison of social media metrics with citations), Aslib Journal of Information Management, .

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PÉREZ-RODRÍGUEZ, M. A., GARCÍA-RUIZ, R., & AGUADED, I. Comunicar: quality, visibility, and impact.


Métricas alternativas

Cómo citar

Torres-Salinas, D., Cabezas-Clavijo, ., & Jiménez-Contreras, E. (2013). Altmetrics: New indicators for scientific communication in Web 2.0. [Altmetrics: nuevos indicadores para la comunicación científica en la Web 2.0]. Comunicar, 41, 53-60.



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