


了解不同年龄及教育水平读者的阅读习惯,以及他们对阅读材料消费的看法,一直都属于公众利益。最近,研究人员对数码文本给予了更多关注。尽管有报道称在发表的研究中这种话题有所进展,处于大学和职业人士水平的读者行为和观点的信息却仍不完整。本研究描述了两个专业领域的(人类科学和经济商业科学)大学生自我报告的关于纸媒阅读和数码媒体阅读的阅读行为,这些阅读有三个目的:学术目的,娱乐,和信息查找。研究结果揭示,读者的偏好因此三种目的的不同而不同。这些读者报告称他们使用不同的媒体,但对纸媒有明显的偏好;他们还报告说他们的认知处理也是有所不同的(记忆,理解,和学习),而他们所属学科对其偏好并无根本性影响。这一切引导我们得出结论:目前存在着一个处于过渡期的世代,“古腾堡 – 谷歌”世代,他们仍然承认纸媒关联,尤其是在抱学术目的的情况下。



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引述 Web of Science

Cabero Almenara, Julio; Valencia, Rubicelia;. And COVID-19 transformed the educational system: reflections and experiences to learn IJERI-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND INNOVATION , 2021.


Kumar, Jeya Amantha; Bervell, Brandford; Osman, Sharifah;. Google classroom: insights from Malaysian higher education students' and instructors' experiences EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES , 2020.


Consuclo Lemus-Pool, Maria; Barcenas-Curtis, Cesar; Alberto Gomez-Issasi, Jose; . Youth and digital technologies. Diagnosis of the use and appropriation of digital platforms in the conurbation area of southern Tamaulipas CIENCIAUAT, 2020.


Jimenez Davila, Rosario Gloria; Izquierdo Dorantes, Martha Lorena; Hernandez Trejo, Miguel Angel. Reading habits in students of the first year community of educational psychology of the Universidad Pedagogica Nacional (UPN), Mexico E-CIENCIAS DE LA INFORMACION, 2020.


Vaca; Claudia;. Reading Ethos: Educational Innovation and Cultural Diversity in Reading ENCRUCIJADA AMERICANA , 2019.

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Alvarez-Alvarez, Carmen; Pascual-Diez, Julian. Didactic strategies around reading used in initial teacher training in Spain OCNOS-REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS SOBRE LA LECTURA, 2019.


Wahid, Ratnaria; Saidin, Khaliza; Arif, Nurhaizal Azam. A Clog on the Right to Quality Education through OER: A Case of Japan and Malaysia JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES-JIS, 2018.

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Renes-Arellano, Paula; Genoveva Alvites-Huamani, Cleofe; Caldeiro-Pedreira, Mari-Carmen;. The transmission of social values through the Internet abstract AULA ABIERTA , 2020.


Theriault, JC. College Students' Conceptualizations of Academic Reading: What Metaphors Suggest About the Important Role of Purpose in College Reading and Learning JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENT & ADULT LITERACY, 2022.


Diaz, ICS; Calvillo, MJ and Ibanez, ET. Motivation for the academic reading of future teachers EDUCACAO & FORMACAO, 2021.


Cabero-Almenara, J; Martinez-Perez, S; (...); Palacios-Rodriguez, A. University Students' Perceptions of the Use of Technologies in Educational Activities and Mental Effort Invested RIED-REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA, 2022.


Sazonova, Y. Inventions in Media Education with the Use of the Innovative Technologies (with the Example of Teaching the Discipline "History of Journalism") MEDIA LITERACY AND ACADEMIC RESEARCH, 2022.

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Marzal, MA. The function of the school library in the construction of the reading society METODOS DE INFORMACION, 2022.

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Orellana, RI; Nahuelquin, FM and Covarrubias, AS. The effect of exposure to coherence relations on its processing and comprehension: Exploring Chilean primary school students' performance REVISTA SIGNOS, 2021.


引述 Scopus

Kumar, J.A., Bervell, B., Osman, S. . Google classroom: insights from Malaysian higher education students’ and instructors’ experiences), Education and Information Technologies, .


Álvarez-Álvarez, C., Pascual-Díez, J. . Didactic strategies around reading used in initial teacher training in Spain), OCNOS, .


Parodi, G., Moreno-de-León, T., Julio, C. . Comprehension of written texts: Reconceptualizing 21st century challenges | [Comprensión de textos escritos: Reconceptualizaciones en torno a las demandas del siglo xxi]), Ikala, .


Insúa, E.S. . Maps of student genres in engineering: A didactic model for teaching academic and professional Spanish language), Aula Abierta, .


Renés-Arellano, P., Alvites-Huamaní, C.G., Caldeiro-Pedreira, M.-C. . The transmission of social values through the Internet abstract | [La transmisión de valores sociales a través de Internet]), Education and Information Technologies, .


Martín-Palacio, M.E., Giusto, C.D., Avilés-Dávila, A., Perlaza, A. . Comparative perception of teaching activity between professors and university students and its impact on academic performance | [Percepción comparada de profesores y alumnos universitarios de la actividad docente y su incidencia en el rendimiento académico]), Formacion Universitaria, .


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Alsaeedi, Z.S., Ngadiran, N.B.M., Kadir, Z.A., Altowayti, W.A.H. . An Overview of Reading Habits and Medium Preference among University Students), Library Philosophy and Practice, .


Orellana, R.I., Nahuelquín, F.M., Covarrubias, A.S.. The effect of exposure to coherence relations on its processing and comprehension: Exploring Chilean primary school students’ performance), Revista Signos, .



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Theriault, J.C.. College Students' Conceptualizations of Academic Reading: What Metaphors Suggest About the Important Role of Purpose in College Reading and Learning), Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, .


Cabero-Almenara, J., Martínez-Pérez, S., Gutiérrez-Castillo, J.J., Palacios-Rodríguez, A.. University Students’ Perceptions of the Use of Technologies in Educational Activities and Mental Effort Invested), RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion a Distancia, .


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Parodi, G., Burdiles, G., MORENO DE LEÓN, T. O. M. Á. S., & Julio, C. (2018). HÁBITOS LECTORES Y GÉNEROS DEL DISCURSO EN FILOSOFÍA Y EN ECONOMÍA Y NEGOCIOS: DEL DISCURSO ACADÉMICO AL DISCURSO PRO FESIONAL. RLA. Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada, 56(2), 117-152.


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Molina, M., Vásquez-Rocca, L., & Parodi, G. (2018). Relación palabra-gráfico en un género profesional de la economía: el Informe Mensual de Estadísticas Monetarias y Financieras. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 76, 153-178.


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