Ключевые слова

Educational radio & television, multimedia, technologic convergence, satellite, digital networks


Due to the development of so many different educational experiments in radio and television with more than 40 years of existence in many Latin American countries, the appearance of new institutional initiatives done by most of the educational institutions of Latin America and, facing the innovating approaches of technological convergence of telecommunications, the audiovisual means and computer science, with the possible complementarity and interrelation of radio, television and Internet in new broadband IP digital networks, it becomes necessary to raise new lines of future and intervention to encourage the Televisión Educativa Iberoamericana (TEIb) (Latin American Educational Television), Program of Cooperation of the Latin American Heads of States and Governments Summit, and its managing association, the ATEI.



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Как процитировать

Ojeda-Castañeda, G. (2005). For a new educational use of radio and television in Latin america. [Por un nuevo uso educativo de la radio y la televisión en Iberoamérica]. Comunicar, 25, 87-90. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-012



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