
Proximity television, horizontal networks, empire politics, quality television


2005. Spain. The Digital Television is coming and it doesn’t mean better and more freedoom, it means better and more bussiness. We are in the middle of the global system of the information, The biopolitics governs our lifes from the Impire. It is the moment to fight with the same weapons and in its own battlefield. The local television was born as a proximity idea of comunication and is time to get in touch all these proximity voices to fight together against the Impire. 2004, Granollers. G9 is born, a organization of associations of local television, as a powerful voice who claims a new model o local comunication based on the quality, proximity and independent contents of different proximity televisions associated in horizontal networds.


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Picazo-Sanz, P. (2005). The local television of proximity: horizontal networks. [La televisión local de proximidad: redes horizontales]. Comunicar, 25.



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