Ключевые слова

Media Education, competence, consumers education, critical thinking


This contribution is about media competence and the modalities with which to develop it in media educators and consumers education. The concept of media competence is a very important one in Media Education practice: it refers to critical thinking and autonomous relationship between subjects and media. Starting from an analysis of the concept, it will be possible to talk about a sensible transition from an emphasis about text analysis and semiotic methodologies to a new attention about a broad-band system of competencies into which the real focus is the development of metacompetencies.


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Rivoltella, P. (2005). Educating media competence: new ways of consumption and educational perspectives. [Formar a competência midiàtica: novas formas de consumo e perspectivas educativas]. Comunicar, 25. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-167



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