Ключевые слова

Education, curriculum, teachers training, television.


This paper states the need to initiate teachers in the use of the camera, edition and audiovisual production, previous to the introduction of such elements and procedures in the syllabus. In our research, we have argued that syllabus innovations should entail a suitable training option considering the key transmission element: the trainer. Trainers know about television and audiovisual media, especially as spectators. If we wish teachers to introduce a televisual and audiovisual culture we should offer them new support mechanisms. This network of relations can be checked at the crucial time of the trainers’ initial training. If there is no previous contact with camera and edition, it will be extremely difficult for the teacher to be able to properly handle the theoretical concepts ruling television language, and consequently, an important part of visual culture.


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Huerta-Ramón, R. (2005). Setting audiovisual creation between teachers and trainers. [Ubicando la creación audiovisual entre maestros y sus maestros]. Comunicar, 25. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-179



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