Ключевые слова

Audience participation, digital media, podcasting, engagement, interaction, transmedia, interaction analysis, mixed methodology


Transmedia podcasting (transpodcast) is an example of a digital medium essentially promoted by a community of independent creators that arises from the technological advancement derived from the arrival of Web 2.0. This medium is considered to offer its users greater possibilities of participation and co-creation by abandoning the traditional communicative models based on unidirectionality. The objective of this work is to determine how audience engagement takes place in this medium, taking into consideration the analysis of its participation spaces. In order to reach this goal, a Mixed Method Research Design was used, integrating two case studies with a total sample of 2,490 units of participation generated by users on the iVoox platform, the blogs of the two selected projects, and messages on Twitter. The research was complemented with an ethnographic investigation through observational methods on the presence of the user’s voice in the podcasts of a total of 19 transpodcast projects. Despite the fact that numerous and relevant voices have defended that the new media ecosystem causes the decentralization and democratization of the agenda-setting and empowers ordinary citizens, this study shows a less optimistic and more critical perspective about the possibilities of meaningful citizen participation in online discourse.

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Цитаты в Web of Science

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Torrego-Gonzalez, Alba; Vazquez-Calvo, Boris; Garcia-Marin, David; . The fandom of Blue Jeans: online reading and literary socialisation SOCIAL MEDIA + SOCIETY, 2021.


Sanchez-Lopez, Ivan; Perez-Rodriguez, Amor; Fandos-Igado, Manuel; . The explosion of digital storytelling. Creator's perspective and creative processes on new narrative forms Int. J. Computer Game Res., 2020.


Garcia-Marin, David; . From zine to podcast. Rethinking participatory culture from a comparative analysis of alternative media Comunicar y educar en el mundo que viene, 2020.


Garcia-Marin, David; . The Spanish Podcast Community as a Non-Formal Learning Environment. Educommunicative Skills and Strategies Acquired by Independent Podcasters ATTACKING RURAL POVE, 2020.


Aguaded, Ignacio; Ortiz-Sobrino, Miguel-Angel; . Audiovisual and Multiscreen Education RIED-REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA, 2022.


Garcia-Marin, D. New Media, New Practices? A Study of the First Spanish Podcast Community and Its Pioneers SOCIAL SCIENCES-BASEL, 2022.


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Balsebre-Torroja, A; Ortiz-Sobrino, MA and Soengas-Perez, X. Cross-media radio and hybrid radio: the new way to inform and entertain yourself on the digital stage REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2023.


Contreras, LM; Garcia-Marin, D and Ardini, CG. Anatomy of a transpodcaster: a new type of independent podcast producer AUSTRAL COMUNICACION, 2022.


Gamir-Rios, J and Cano-Oron, L. Characteristics of the Spanish podcast sphere: between democratization and commercial logic PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2022.


Manas-Pellejero, M and Paz, E. Podcast fandom in Europe: Audio audiences' participation in a digital context PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2022.


Anzola-gomez, J; Rivera-rogel, D and Aguaded, I. Social Interaction and DiscursiveInteraction of anEducational YouTube Channel FONSECA-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2022.


Цитаты в Scopus

Sanchez-Lopez, I., Perez-Rodriguez, A., Fandos-Igado, M. . The explosion of digital storytelling. Creator's perspective and creative processes on new narrative forms), Heliyon, .


García-Marín, D. . From zine to podcast. Rethinking participatory culture from a comparative analysis of alternative media | [Del zine al podcast. Repensar la cultura de la participación desde un análisis comparativo de los medios alternativos]), #EANF#, .


Torrego, A., Gutiérrez-Martín, A., Hoechsmann, M. . The fine line between person and persona in the spanish reality television show la isla de las tentaciones: Audience engagement on instagram), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


García-Marín, D. . The Spanish Podcast Community as a Non-Formal Learning Environment. Educommunicative Skills and Strategies Acquired by Independent Podcasters | [La podcastfera española como comunidad de aprendizaje no formal. competencias y estrategias educomunicativas desarrolladas por los podcasters independientes]), Doxa Comunicacion, .


Torrego-González, A., Vazquez-Calvo, B., García-Marín, D. . The fandom of Blue Jeans: Online reading and literary socialisation), OCNOS, .


Berg, F.S.A. . Independent podcasts on the Apple Podcasts platform in the streaming era), Heliyon, .


Aguaded, I., Ortiz-Sobrino, M.-A. . Audiovisual and multiscreen education | [La educación en clave audiovisual y multipantalla]), Frontiers in Psychology, .


García-Marín, D. . New Media, New Practices? A Study of the First Spanish Podcast Community and Its Pioneers), Social Sciences, .


Цитаты в Google Scholar

Sanchez-Lopez, I., Perez-Rodriguez, A., & Fandos-Igado, M. (2020). The explosion of digital storytelling. Creator's perspective and creative processes on new narrative forms. Heliyon, 6(9), e04809.


GARCÍA-MARÍN, D. (2020). The Spanish Podcast Community as a Non-Formal Learn-ing Environment. Educommunicative Skills and Strategies Acquired by Independent Podcasters. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 20, 201-220.


GARCÍA-MARÍN, D. (2020). La podcastfera española como comunidad de aprendizaje no formal. Competencias y estrategias educomunicativas desarrolladas por los podcasters independientes. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (20), 201-220.


García Marín, D. (2020). Del zine al podcast: repensar la cultura de la participación desde un análisis comparativo de los medios alternativos.


Torrego-González, A., Vazquez-Calvo, B., & García-Marín, D. (2021). El fandom de Blue Jeans: lectura y socialización literaria en línea. Ocnos: Revista de estudios sobre lectura, 20(1), 65-81.


Torrego-González, A., & Vazquez-Calvo, B. (2021). lectura y socialización literaria en línea The fandom of Blue Jeans: online reading and literary socialization. Ocnos, 20(1), 65-81.


García-Marín, D. (2020). La podcastfera española como comunidad de aprendizaje no formal. Competencias y estrategias educomunicativas desarrolladas por los podcasters independientes.


Torrego, A., Gutiérrez-Martín, A., & Hoechsmann, M. (2021). The Fine Line between Person and Persona in the Spanish Reality Television Show La isla de las tentaciones: Audience Engagement on Instagram. Sustainability, 13(4), 1753.


Torrego, A., Gutiérrez-Martín, A., & Hoechsmann, M. (2021). The Fine Line between Person and Persona in the Spanish Reality Television Show La isla de las tentaciones: Audience Engagement on Instagram. Sustainability 2021, 13, 1753.


Guevara, M. I., & Llano, F. A. El podcast como dispositivo socializador y la inclusión de las narrativas digitales en la escuela The podcast as a socializing device and the inclusion of digital narratives at school O podcast como dispositivo de socialização e à inclusão de narrativas digitais na escola.


Llano, F. A. (2021). The podcast as a socializing device and the inclusion of digital narratives at school.


Vargas Rosas, A. M. (2021). Pensar la vejez desde el diálogo intergeneracional: una estrategia didáctica en el marco de la educación geográfica.


Berg, F. S. A. (2021). Independent podcasts on the Apple Podcast platform in the streaming era. MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research, 37(70), 110-130.



Альтернативные метрики

Как процитировать

García-Marín, D., & Aparici, R. (2020). Domesticated voices and false participation: Anatomy of interaction on transmedia podcasting. [Voces domesticadas y falsa participación: Anatomía de la interacción en el podcasting transmedia]. Comunicar, 63, 97-107. https://doi.org/10.3916/C63-2020-09



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