Palavras chave
Musical performance, musical expression, emotion transmission
Through the practice experience as violin´s performer, in this paper the author shows the communicative intention of music and emphasizes the expressive and emotional feelings that musicians feel and perceive through the music they perform, transmitting their sensations to the audience. With a very personal vision, she shows how the communicative function of performers has always existed along the history of music, and she remembers the most representative figures of all times, as performers and as expressive creators.
CORREDOR, J.M. (1955): Conversation avec Pablo Casals. París, Albin Michel.
HOPPENOT, D. (1981): Le violon intérieur. Van de Velde.
MENUHIN, Y. (1980): Les variations sans thème. París, Buchet.
VERDEAU, J.; PAILLES, B. y PLOZZA, M. P. (1995): La troisième oreille et la pensée musicale. París, Fuzeau
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Como citar
Glowacka-Pitet, D. (2004). Music and its performance like a vehicle of expression and communication. [La música y su interpretación como vehículo de expresión y comunicación]. Comunicar, 23, 57-60.