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Citas en Web of Science

Ramirez de la Piscina, T.; Basterretxea, J. I.; Jimenez, E.. Report about the Media Literacy Situation in the Basque School Community COMUNICAR, 2011.

Rivera-Rogel, Diana; Piedra, Nelson; Iriarte, Margoth. PEDAGOGICAL CHALLENGES IN A DIGITAL WORLD INTED Proceedings, 2016.

Link Google Scholar

Sanchez Medero, Gema; Pastor Albaladejo, Gema;. The use of a wiki to boost open and collaborative learning in a Spanish university KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT & E-LEARNING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL , 2020.

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Marin Suelves, Diana; Vidal Esteve, Maria Isabel; Peirats Chacon, Jose;. Transversal digital competence in teacher training: analysis of an experience INNOEDUCA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION , 2019.

Tejada, Jesus; Thayer, Tomas;. Design, implementation and evaluation of a music-technology intervention based on TPACK and PBL in the initial formation of High-School music teachers REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIA EDUCATIVA-RELATEC , 2019.

Ortega-Tudela, Juana-Maria; Camara-Estrella, Africa-Maria; Diaz-Pareja, Elena-Maria. Service learning as a tool to enhance future teachers' media competence CULTURA Y EDUCACION, 2015.

Sancho Gil, Juana M.; Bosco Paniagua, Alejandra; Alonso Cano, Cristina; Sanchez Valero, Joan Anton. The formation of teachers in Educational Technology: how realities generate myths REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIA EDUCATIVA-RELATEC, 2015.

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Marin Gutierrez, Isidro; Rivera Rogel, Diana; Celly Alvarado, Stephany. Study on training in audiovisual competence of teachers and students in southern Ecuador CUADERNOS INFO, 2014.

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Santibanez, Josefina. Virtual and Real Classroom in Learning Audiovisual Communication and Education COMUNICAR, 2010.

Aguaded Gomez, Jose Ignacio; Lopez Meneses, Eloy; Alonso Diaz, Laura. Teacher Training and Social Software ESTUDIOS SOBRE EDUCACION, 2010.

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Citas en Scopus

Santibáez, J.. Virtual, real classroom in learning audiovisual communication, education [Aula virtual y presencial en aprendizaje de comunicación audiovisual y educación]), Comunicar, .

de la Piscina, T.R., Basteretxea, J.I., Jiménez, E.. Report about the media literacy situation in the Basque school community [Estado de la alfabetización audiovisual en la comunidad escolar vasca]), Comunicar, .

Ortega-Tudela, J.-M., Cámara-Estrella, A.-M., Diaz-Pareja, E.-M.. Service learning as a tool to enhance future teachers' media competence [Aprendizaje-Servicio como estrategia favorecedora del desarrollo de la competencia mediática en futuros docentes]), Cultura y Educacion, .

Gutiérrez, I.M., Rogel, D.R., Alvarado, S.C.. Study on training in audiovisual competence of teachers, students in southern Ecuador [Estudio sobre formación en competencia audiovisual de profesores y estudiantes en el sur de Ecuador]),, .

Thayer, T., Tejada, J., Murillo, A. Technological training in secondary-school music teachers. An intervention-based study on the integration of musical, technological and pedagogical contents at the University of Valencia ), Revista Electronica Interuniversitaria de Formacion del Profesorado, .

Calderón-Garrido, D., Carrera, X., Gustems-Carnicer, J.. The presence of the ICT in the subjects of music of the Teacher's Degrees: An analysis of the educational plans), Revista Electronica Complutense de Investigacion en Educacion Musical, .

Pérez, S.M., Robles, B.F., Osuna, J.B. . Augmented reality as a resource for training in higher education | [La realidad aumentada como recurso para la formación en la educación superior]), Campus Virtuales, .

Link Google Scholar

Medero, G.S., Albaladejo, G.P.. The use of a wiki to boost open and collaborative learning in a Spanish university), Knowledge Management and E-Learning, .

Tarango, J., González-Quiñones, F., Morales-Ángel, E.I. . Identification of digital capacities in students and teachers in mexican high school education | [Identificación de capacidades digitales en estudiantes y docentes en educación media superior mexicana]), Biblios, .

Tejada, J., Morel, T.T.. Design and validation of a music technology course for initial music teacher education based on the tpack framework and the project-based learning approach), Journal of Music, Technology and Education, .

Citas en Google Scholar

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Aguaded, I. (2009). The short-sightednes of the new teacher training plans in Spain: Analogical or digital teachers?. [Miopía en los nuevos planes de formación de maestros en España: ¿Docentes analógicos o digitales?]. Comunicar, 33, 7-8.



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