Integrating Physical Media Education into Elderly Care Programs: A Case Study of Enhancing Well-being and Promoting High-Quality Life
Media Awareness of Social Media, Elderly Programs, Benefits, Challenges, Older Adults, ChinaAbstract
This study examined the impact of media education for elderly care programs in China on the well-being and quality of life of elderly population. This study investigated how media education turned older population in techno-savvy and improved the well-being and quality of life of the elderly population. The objectives of the study were to bring forth the role played by media awareness of social media, to examine the challenges associated with it, and to recommend efficient strategies to promote the engagement of older adults in media education of social media and usage of media gadgets that helps them to be techno-savvy and improve their well-being. The qualitative methodology was used and data was collected through semi-structured interviews from a sample of 8 informants comprising caretakers working at Chinese old age homes and senior community centers. Following a thematic analysis, it was revealed that media education in elderly care programs potentially benefits older by improving their self- efficacy, social connectedness, and overall well-being. It was also found that media awareness of older adults significantly assisted them to be techno-savvy and enhanced high-quality life in them. Limited equipment, unwillingness, and inefficient technological knowledge were some significant challenges that hindered the proper integration of media education in elderly care programs. It was recommended that training sessions, workshops, and proper allocation of resources should be enhanced to get the potential benefits of media education for older adults. These outcomes have significant contributions for policy-makers and practitioners of old-age institutions. In addition, this study offers novel contributions to relevant literature within the context of China.
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