Understanding the Emergence of Social Protocols on MySpace: Impact and its Ramifications


  • Hiesun Cecilia Suhr


Labor, social protocols, popularity, social networking, musician


Over the recent years, MySpace has been vital to fostering the growth of independent musicians’ followings and have played critical roles in helping mainstream artists maintain fan communities. The popularity of MySpace has been accompanied by the establishment of social protocols which allow musicians to network with one another in an efficient and successful way. These protocols have inspired the publication of various books (such as «MySpace Music Profit Monster!: Proven Online Marketing Stra - tegies!» by Nicky Kalliongis devoted to providing tips and strategies for musicians. While some of these protocols pertain to being savvy with the technological aspect of MySpace, other protocols are directly related to learning a particular manner to network on MySpace. Furthermore, these practices are considered a serious work as they require a lot of time and networking skills to achieve a certain level of success, i.e. increasing the number of friends on one’s network. Thus, this article examines the emerging social protocols on MySpace as a form of affective and immaterial labor. The author argues that the implementation of various tips as provided by MySpace expert will possibly have a regressive effect on musicians’ social networking practices as these could become a standardized and repetitive practice. As a whole, this article traces the evolution of MySpace, especially in regards to the decreasing popularity of the site as a current trend..



How to Cite

Suhr, H. C. (2010). Understanding the Emergence of Social Protocols on MySpace: Impact and its Ramifications. Comunicar, 17(34), 45–53. Retrieved from https://www.revistacomunicar.com/ojs/index.php/comunicar/article/view/C34-2010-06



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