Ключевые слова

Higher education, communication technologies, lifelong learning, knowledge society, european higher education area


The creation of an Europe based on the knowledge represents for the universities a great challenge. For it, the European Union has created the european space of the university education, across which the improvement of the systems of education and formation in the whole Europe are favoured. In all this process of change, the technologies of the education (TIC) appear as protagonists in the production, transmission and development of the information and the knowledge. In this paper one tries to think about the new role and the new requirements that the current society raises to the university.


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Как процитировать

Cebreiro-López, B., & Fernández-Morante, C. (2003). The technologies of the education in the european space for the university education. [Las tecnologías de la comunicación en el espacio europeo para la educación superior]. Comunicar, 21, 57-61. https://doi.org/10.3916/C21-2003-08



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