Ключевые слова

Colour, young people, design, message, communication


This colour research is set out as a formal element whose presence influences the acceptance or rejection of written communication. The awareness of these preferences allow us to lay out more attractive designs to catch young people. There is a certain consensus about the fact that the use of colour is an added value in the communicative strategy, but the tone selection is a task which is delegated to the designers and is more the result of intuition rather than study. This research which is part of a doctoral thesis on the management of colour in the print media, is about the preferences and rejection that young people show in the use of colour.


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Как процитировать

del-Olmo-Barbero, J. (2006). Colour as a communicative element, an issue on its acceptance or rejection among young people. [El color como elemento comunicacional]. Comunicar, 26, 111-116. https://doi.org/10.3916/C26-2006-17



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