
Television, strategy, trademark, audience, image, identity, advertising


The audiovisual design of television continuity, as a model of corporate communication specific of television, is an identifying wrapper of the television channels. It has become a strategic model that increasingly manages to create television trademarks and offers values to the audience. It is precisely in this business concept of television channels where the importance of dealing with communication as a fundamental tool has reappeared; a tool that is able to transmit its trademark in order to project an Image and a positive attitude in the audience.


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González-Aguilar, J.M. . Cuatro´s gamble for independent production | [La apuesta de Cuatro por la producción independiente (2005-2015)1]), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, .

Besalú Casademont, R.. Relationship building with viewers through television continuity [La construcción de una relación con los espectadores en la continuidad televisiva]), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, .

Pereira-Villazón, T., Portilla, I., Rodríguez-Salcedo, N.. Review of the literature on corporate brands: Towards an integrative definition and management), Doxa Comunicacion, .

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González-Oñate, C. (2008). «Cuatro»: the new strategy of television trademark to connect with young people. [«Cuatro»: la nueva estrategia de marca televisiva para conectar con los jóvenes]. Comunicar, 31.



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