
Young audience, audiovisual experience, audiovisual codes, television consumerism, image interpretation, cognition, reading television


Television produces a homogeneization effect which in turn makes everything seem and worth the same. It creates a passive and bored viewer, in short, a consumer. This discourse does not encourage him to be involved in any decoding operation; therefore, it does not embrace him as a subject. However, it would be healthy to think of the teen audience and their relationship with mass culture, not as a lost generation because of their global non-stop consumerism, but rather as young viewers of complex audiovisual texts which also imply the use of complex codes and languages, thus creating a system that makes them active viewers.


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Funes, V. (2008). Intelligent audiences: a possible challenge. [Espectadores inteligentes, un reto posible]. Comunicar, 31.



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