
Citizenship, civil society, civic culture, emancipatory journalism, human rights, media education


This article argues that African media education must define a pedagogical agenda for citizenship. That task lies in a postcolonial revisionism of liberal modes of thought and practice about media. This neo-colonial dependence of African media education is evident in the pedagogical emphasis on professional- journalistic automation. However, Africans are increasingly becoming politically and civically apathetic. This analysis calls for an emancipatory vision of journalism that is embedded in civil society. It uses a case study of radio listening clubs to illustrate the civic influence of the media in Malawi and Zambia. It concludes by proposing a model of media education for citizenship. The key tenets of the model include enhancing critical analysis of the correlation between media, democracy and development; developing an emancipatory vision of journalism; cultivating an active citizenship; entrenching a viable institutional infrastructure of democracy; and promoting an informed adherence to human rights.


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Osei-Appiah; Sally;. News Media Logic and Democracy: Strange Bedfellows in Political News-making Practices of Private Radio Stations in Ghana AFRICAN JOURNALISM STUDIES , 2019.


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Osei-Appiah, S. . News Media Logic and Democracy: Strange Bedfellows in Political News-making Practices of Private Radio Stations in Ghana), African Journalism Studies, .

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Banda, F. (2009). Exploring media education as civic praxis in Africa. [Explorando la educación en medios como práctica cívica en África]. Comunicar, 32, 167-180.



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