Palavras chave

Interação criança-computador, dispositivos móveis, design de interação, design, adaptabilidade, análise de conteúdo, apps, qualidade


A proliferação de dispositivos móveis e sua utilização por crianças de todas as idades geram dúvidas sobre sua qualidade e adequação entre famílias e educadores. Na ausência de um sistema de classificação de aplicativos infantis oficial ou acordado entre as partes, tende-se a consultar sites especializados ou blogs de especialistas para escolher os apps. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma análise de conteúdo das características do design visual e interativo de 100 aplicativos educativos recomendados por especialistas internacionais, destinados a crianças entre seis meses a oito anos. Analisa também a capacidade de adaptação ao público infantil, a partir de uma ficha de análise elaborada por quatro pesquisadores. A fim de procurar e promover a qualidade nos aplicativos móveis para crianças, esta pesquisa se enquadra nos estudos da interação criança-computador (HCI-CCI) a partir de uma perspectiva pedagógica e da psicologia do desenvolvimento. Trata-se de uma contribuição sobre os critérios fundamentais no design de aplicativos infantis para o entretenimento e aprendizagem. Os resultados da análise estatística indicam uma pobre qualidade do design visual e interativo da amostra e conteúdos que reproduzem os problemas do currículo escolar. Mesmo alguns aplicativos que são caracterizados por adaptar o seu conteúdo e design ao público infantil apresentam erros que podem dificultar a compreensão e as interações do usuário.

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Citado por

Citas em Web of Science

Gomez-Garcia, Salvador; Gil-Torres, Alicia; Carrillo-Vera, Jose-Agustin; Navarro-Sierra, Nuria. Constructing Donald Trump: Mobile apps in the political discourse about the President of the United States COMUNICAR, 2019.

Crescenzi Lanna, Lucrezia; Grane Oro, Mariona. Touch gesture performed by children under 3 years old when drawing and coloring on a tablet INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, 2019.

Ibanez-Etxeberria, Alex; Kortabitarte, Aroia; De Castro, Pablo; Gillate, Iratxe. Digital competence using heritage theme apps in the DigComp framework REVISTA ELECTRONICA INTERUNIVERSITARIA DE FORMACION DEL PROFESORADO, 2019.

del Moral Perez, M. Esther; Bellver Moreno, M. Carmen; Guzman Duque, Alba Patricia. CREAPP K6-12: Tool to evaluate the creative potential of app oriented to the design of personal digital storytelling DIGITAL EDUCATION REVIEW, 2018.

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Gomez-Diaz, Raquel; Garcia-Rodriguez, Araceli. Quality criteria and presentation standards in book-apps: The children's content sector PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2018.

Perez Rodriguez, Maria Amor; Delgado Ponce, Agueda; . EMERGING MOBILE MEDIA IN LANGUAGE TEACHING PRISMA SOCIAL, 2018.

Ricoy, Maria-Carmen; Sanchez-Martinez, Cristina; Feliz-Murias, Tiberio; . A Tablet in School and Family Context Key themes in qualitative research: Continuities and change, 2018.

Kristianti, Novera; Purnawati, Niwayan; Suyoto. Virtual Education with Puzzle Games for Early Childhood: A Study of Indonesia INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING PEDAGOGY, 2018.

Montalvo-Castro, Jorge. Narrative interface model to facilitate children's mathematical reasoning DIGITAL EDUCATION REVIEW, 2017.

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Sanroma-Gimenez, Monica; Luis Lazaro-Cantabrana, Jose; Gisbert-Cervera, Merce. Mobile technology. A tool for improving the digital inclusion for people with ASD PSICOLOGIA CONOCIMIENTO Y SOCIEDAD, 2017.

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Sajjadi, Pejman; Vlieghe, Joachim; De Troyer, Olga. Exploring the Relation between the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Games For the Purpose of Player-Centred Game Design ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF E-LEARNING, 2017.

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Reina Jimenez, Elisabeth; Perez Galan, Rafael; Quero Torres, Natalia. Use of tablets in Early Childhood Education: A case study REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIA EDUCATIVA-RELATEC, 2017.

Augusto Cortes-Camarillo, Cesar; Yarel Rosales-Morales, Viviana; Nely Sanchez-Morales, Laura; Alor-Hernandez, Giner; Rodriguez-Mazahua, Lisbeth. Atila: A UIDPs-based educational application generator for mobile devices International Conference on Electronics Communications and Computers CONIELECOMP, 2017.

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Suarez-Guerrero, Cristobal; Lloret-Catala, Carmen; Mengual-Andres, Santiago. Teachers' Perceptions of the Digital Transformation of the Classroom through the Use of Tablets: A Study in Spain COMUNICAR, 2016.

Grane, Mariona; Crescenzi, Lucrezia. Theorical model for Design and Quality Assesment in applications for Children (0-8 years) DIGITAL EDUCATION REVIEW, 2016.

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Aguirregoitia Martinez, Amaia; Allende Lopez, Inigo; Lopez Benito, Jorge R.; Artetxe Gonzalez, Enara. Leihoa: A window to Augmented Reality in Early childhood education 2016 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION (SIIE), 2016.

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Fombona, Javier; Roza Martin, Pablo. Mobile devices in early childhood education EDMETIC, 2016.

Sajjadi, Pejman; Vlieghe, Joachim; De Troyer, Olga. Relation Between Multiple Intelligences and Game Preferences: an Evidence-Based Approach Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-Based Learning, 2016.

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Vicente Torrico, David. The cinema screen leaves the theatre FONSECA-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2016.

Gomez-Garcia, Melchor; Soto-Varela, Roberto; Agustin Moron-Marchena, Juan;. Using Mobile Devices for Educational Purposes in Compulsory Secondary Education to Improve Student's Learning Achievements SUSTAINABILITY , 2020.

Adriana-Mihaela, Guran; Grigoreta-Sofia, Cojocar; Anamaria, Moldovan;. Applying UCD for Designing Learning Experiences for Romanian Preschoolers. A Case Study HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION - INTERACT 2019, PT IV , 2019.

Cored Bandres, Sergio; Vazquez Toledo, Sandra; Liesa Orus, Marta; Baldassarri, Sandra; . The potential of technology in measuring the development of social skills in children with ASD: an analysis from physiological parameters RIE-REVISTA DE INVESTIGACION EDUCATIVA, 2021.

Gallardo Montes, Carmen del Pilar; Rodriguez Fuentes, Antonio; Caurcel Cara, Maria Jesus; . Apps for people with autism: Assessment, classification and ranking of the best Rev. Nac. Int. Educ. Inclusiva, 2021.

Lopez Gomez, Silvia; Martin Gomez, Sebastian; Vidal Esteve, Maria Isabel; . Analysis of mobile applications aimed at early childhood: technical, pedagogical, design and content characteristics REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIA EDUCATIVA-RELATEC, 2021.

Gabarda Mendez, Vicente; Marin Suelves, Diana; Mercedes Romero Rodrigo, Ma;. Evaluation of digital resources for children EDMETIC , 2021.

Gallardo-Montes, Carmen del Pilar; Caurcel Cara, Maria Jesus; Crisol Moya, Emilio; Jarque Fernandez, Sonia; . Assessment of Apps Aimed at Developing Basic Instrumental Skills in Autistic Children and Teenagers Rev. Nac. Int. Educ. Inclusiva, 2021.

Alonso-Fernandez, D; Gutierrez-Sanchez, A; (...); Taboada-Iglesias, Y. Evaluation of Applications for Mobile Devices on the Practice of Physical Exercise in Adolescents APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2022.

Merino-Godoy, MD; Moreno-Sanchez, E; (...); Saez-Padilla, J. An App about Healthy Habits as an Educational Resource during the Pandemic HEALTHCARE, 2022.

Dominguez-Lloria, S; de Castro, RML; (...); Pino-Juste, M. Content Analysis of Mobile Device Applications for Artistic Creation for Children between 4 and 12 Years of Age APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2021.

Gallardo-Montes, CD; Cara, MJC and Fuentes, AR. Technologies in the education of children and teenagers with autism: evaluation and classification of apps by work areas EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, 2022.

Dias, P and Brito, R. Criteria for selecting apps: Debating the perceptions of young children, parents and industry stakeholders COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 2021.

Samarakoon, SMUP; Weerasinghe, TA and Usoof, H. Usability Heuristics for Early Primary Children: A Case Study in Sri Lanka 2021 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (CSCI 2021), 2021.


Samarakoon, U and Usoof, H. Work-in-Progress: Development of a Framework for Incorporating Usability Aspects with Digital Didactical Design for Mobile/Tablet Based Learning in Pre-primary Education INTERNET OF THINGS, INFRASTRUCTURES AND MOBILE APPLICATIONS, 2021.

Coma-Rosello, T; Blasco-Serrano, AC; (...); Arguis, AA. Mediation criteria for interactive serious games aimed at improving learning in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING, 2020.

Nunez-Barriopedro, E; Sanz-Gomez, Y and Ravina-Ripoll, R. Videogames in Education: Benefits and Harms REVISTA ELECTRONICA EDUCARE, 2020.

Guran, AM; Cojocar, GS and Moldovan, A. Designing Edutainment Software for Digital Skills Nurturing of Preschoolers. A Method Proposal. 2020 IEEE/ACM 42ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING IN SOCIETY (ICSE-SEIS 2021), 2020.

Romero, MR; Macas, E; (...); Diaz, J. Is It Possible to Improve the Learning of Children with ASD Through Augmented Reality Mobile Applications? APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES (ICAT 2019), PT II, 2020.

Citas em Scopus

Papadakis, S., Kalogiannakis, M.. Mobile educational applications for children: What educators, parents need to know), International Journal of Mobile Learning, Organisation, .

Sajjadi, P., Vlieghe, J., De Troyer, O.. Exploring the relation between the theory of multiple intelligences, games for the purpose of player-centred game design), Electronic Journal of e-Learning, .

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AlTarawneh, R., AlKhoshrman, M., Nabeel, Y., Humayoun, S.R., Hassanat, A.. The story of designing an educational mobile application for children in South of Jordan), HCI 2017: Digital Make Believe - Proceedings of the 31st International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference, HCI 2017, .

Cortes-Camarillo, C.A., Rosales-Morales, V.Y., Sanchez-Morales, L.N., Alor-Hernández, G., Rodríguez-Mazahua, L. . Atila: A UIDPs-based educational application generator for mobile devices), Electronic Journal of e-Learning, .

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Ricoy, M.-C., Sánchez-Martínez, C., Feliz-Murias, T.. A tablet in school, family context [Tablet u školskom i obiteljskom okruženju]), Croatian Journal of Education, .

Rodríguez, M.A.P., Ponce, A.D.. Emerging mobile media in language teaching [Medios móviles emergentes en la enseñanza de lenguas]), Prisma Social, .

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Gómez-Díaz, R., García-Rodríguez, A.. Quality criteria, presentation standards in book-apps: The children's content sector [Criterios de calidad y estándares de presentación en los libros-app: El sector de los contenidos infantiles]), Profesional de la Informacion, .

Del Moral Pérez, M.E., Moreno, M.C.B., Guzmán Duque, A.P.. CREAPP K6-12: Tool to evaluate the creative potential of app oriented to the design of personal digital storytelling [CREAPP K6-12: Instrumento para evaluar la potencialidad creativa de app orientadas al diseño de relatos digitales personales]), Digital Education Review, .

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Ibáñez-Etxeberria, A., Kortabitarte, A., De Castro, P., Gillate, I. . Digital competence using heritage theme apps in the DigComp framework | [Competencia digital mediante apps de temática patrimonial en el marco DigComp]), Digital Education Review, .

Gómez-García, S., Gil-Torres, A., Carrillo-Vera, J.-A., Navarro-Sierra, N.. Constructing Donald Trump: Mobile apps in the political discourse about the President of the United States [Creando a Donald Trump: Las apps en el discurso político sobre el presidente de Estados Unidos]), Comunicar, .

Chikileva, L.S.. The role of the tutor in the choice of pedagogical management tools for autonomous work in foreign languages), Integration of Education, .

Amaro, B., Mira, E., Dominguez, L., D’Amato, J.P. . A usability analysis of a serious game for teaching stock market concepts in secondary schools), Integration of Education, .

Adriana-Mihaela, G., Grigoreta-Sofia, C., Anamaria, M.. Applying UCD for Designing Learning Experiences for Romanian Preschoolers. A Case Study), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), .

Crescenzi Lanna, L., Grané Oro, M.. Touch gesture performed by children under 3 years old when drawing, coloring on a tablet), International Journal of Human Computer Studies, .

Sajjadi, P., De Troyer, O. . Multiple intelligences and digital learning game design: How to consider the intelligences of players?), International Journal of Human Computer Studies, .

Romero, M.R., Macas, E., Harari, I., Diaz, J. . Is It Possible to Improve the Learning of Children with ASD Through Augmented Reality Mobile Applications?), Communications in Computer and Information Science, .

Gómez-García, M., Soto-Varela, R., Morón-Marchena, J.A., del Pino-Espejo, M.J. . Using mobile devices for educational purposes in compulsory secondary education to improve student's learning achievements), Sustainability (Switzerland), .

Núñez-Barriopedro, E., Sanz-Gómez, Y., Ravina-Ripoll, R. . Videogames in education: Benefits and harms | [Os vídeojogos na educação: Benefícios e prejuízos]), Revista Electronica Educare, .

Amaia, A.M., Iñigo, A.L., Jorge, R.L.B., Enara, A.G. . Leihoa: A window to augmented reality in early childhood education), #EANF#, .

Grané, M., Crescenzi, L.. Theorical model for Design, Quality Assesment in applications for Children (0-8 years) [Modelo teórico para el diseño y evaluación de la calidad en las apps infantiles (0-8 años)]), Digital Education Review, .

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Sajjadi, P., Vlieghe, J., De Troyer, O.. Relation between multiple intelligences, game preferences: An evidence-based approach), Proceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learning, .

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Suárez-Guerrero, C., Lloret-Catalá, C., Mengual-Andrés, S.. Teachers' perceptions of the digital transformation of the classroom through the use of tablets: A study in Spain), Comunicar, .

Guran, A.-M., Cojocar, G.-S., Moldovan, A. . A user centered approach in designing computer aided assessment applications for preschoolers), Communications in Computer and Information Science, .

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Samarakoon, U., Usoof, H. . Work-in-Progress: Development of a Framework for Incorporating Usability Aspects with Digital Didactical Design for Mobile/Tablet Based Learning in Pre-primary Education), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, .

Guran, A.-M., Cojocar, G.-S., Moldovan, A. . Designing edutainment software for digital skills nurturing of preschoolers. a method proposal), Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering, .

Coma-Rosellé, T., Blasco-Serrano, A.C., Garrido Laparte, M.Á., Aguelo Arguis, A. . Mediation criteria for interactive serious games aimed at improving learning in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)), Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, .

Guran, A.-M., Cojocar, G.S., Dioşan, L.S. . Developing smart edutainment for preschoolers: A multidisciplinary approach), TEM Journal, .

Georgiev, V., Nikolova, A. . Tools for Creating and Presenting Online Learning Resources for Preschool Kids), Revista Electronica Educare, .

Dias, P., Brito, R. . Criteria for selecting apps: Debating the perceptions of young children, parents and industry stakeholders), Computers and Education, .

Gallardo Montes, C.D.P., Rodríguez Fuentes, A., Caurcel Cara, M.J. . Apps for people with autism: Assessment, classification and ranking of the best), Technology in Society, .

Guran, A.-M., Cojocar, G.-S., Moldovan, A. . Designing Edutainment Software for Digital Skills Nurturing of Preschoolers. A Method Proposal), Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering, .

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Sánchez-Martínez, C., Ricoy, M.-C., Feliz-Murias, T.. Activities, dynamics with tablets in an Elementary School in Spain [Actividades y dinámicas implementadas con la tableta en un centro de educación básica de España]), Educacao e Pesquisa, .

Gallardo-Montes, C.D.P., Caurcel Cara, M.J., Crisol Moya, E., Jarque Fernández, S. . Assessment of apps aimed at developing basic instrumental skills in autistic children and teenagers), Mathematics, .

Bandrés, S.C., Toledo, S.V., Orús, M.L., Baldassarri, S. . The potential of technology in measuring the development of social skills in children with ASD: An analysis from physiological parameters | [La potencialidad de la tecnología en la medición del desarrollo de habilidades sociales en niños con TEA: Un análisis desde parámetros fisiológicos]), Revista de Investigacion Educativa, .

Crescenzi-Lanna, L.. The developmental appropriateness of digital games and its impact on young children's enjoyment and playtime), International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, .

Gallardo-Montes, C.P., Caurcel Cara, M.J., Rodríguez Fuentes, A. . Technologies in the education of children and teenagers with autism: evaluation and classification of apps by work areas), Education and Information Technologies, .

Alonso-Fernández, D., Gutiérrez-Sánchez, Á., Portela-Pino, I., Taboada-Iglesias, Y.. Evaluation of Applications for Mobile Devices on the Practice of Physical Exercise in Adolescents), Applied Sciences, .

Nicolaidou, I., Tozzi, F., Antoniades, A.. A gamified app on emotion recognition and anger management for pre-school children), International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, .

Herodotou, C., Mangafa, C., Srisontisuk, P.. An Experimental Investigation of ‘Drill-and-Practice’ Mobile Apps and Young Children), International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, .

Domínguez-Lloria, S., de Castro, R.M.L., Fernández-Aguayo, S., Pino-Juste, M.. Content analysis of mobile device applications for artistic creation for children between 4 and 12 years of age), Applied Sciences, .

Samarakoon, S.M.U.P., Weerasinghe, T.A., Usoof, H.. Usability Heuristics for Early Primary Children: A Case Study in Sri Lanka), Proceedings - 2021 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, CSCI 2021, .

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Sajjadi, P., Vlieghe, J., & De Troyer, O. (2017). Exploring the Relation between the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Games for the Purpose of Player-Centred Game Design. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 15(4), 320-334.

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Ricoy, M. C., Sánchez-Martínez, C., & Feliz-Murias, T. (2018). A Tablet in School and Family Context. Croatian Journal of Education: Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, 20(4), 1353-1379.


del Moral Pérez, M. E., Bellver Moreno, M. C., & Guzmán Duque, A. P. (2018). CREAPP K6-12: Instrumento para evaluar la potencialidad creativa de app orientadas al diseño de relatos digitales personales. Digital Education Review, (33).


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AlTarawneh, R., AlKhoshrman, M., Nabeel, Y., Humayoun, S. R., & Hassanat, A. (2017, July). The story of designing an educational mobile application for children in south of Jordan. In Proceedings of the 31st British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Conference (p. 10). BCS Learning & Development Ltd..

Gómez-García, S., Gil-Torres, A., Carrillo-Vera, J. A., & Navarro-Sierra, N. (2019). Constructing Donald Trump: Mobile Apps in the Political Discourse about the President of the United States. Comunicar: Media Education Research Journal, 27(59), 49-58.

del Moral Pérez, M. E., Moreno, M. C. B., & Duque, A. P. G. (2018). CREAPP K6-12: Tool to evaluate the creative potential of app oriented to the design of personal digital storytelling. Digital Education Review, (33), 284-305.

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Como citar

Crescenzi-Lanna, L., & Grané-Oró, M. (2016). An analysis of the interaction design of the best educational apps for children Aged zero to eight. [Análisis del diseño interactivo de las mejores apps educativas para niños de cero a ocho años]. Comunicar, 46, 77-85.



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