Ключевые слова

Health, youth culture, lifestyle, risk culture, identity, risk practices


This paper examines the most significant contributions in health communication on adolescents and young people developed inside the positivist and interpretativist com-municative currents. Analyzing the results obtained by both models, a new investigati-ve approach is required, which would focus on the risk understood as a symptom of uncertain times dominated by a multitude of symbolic mediated resources and as an essential ingredient to youth culture and their lifestyle.


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de-Aguilera-Moyano, M., & Pindado-Pindado, J. (2006). New approaches in health communication: a research exposure. [Nuevos enfoques en comunicación y salud: perspectivas de investigación]. Comunicar, 26, 13-20. https://doi.org/10.3916/C26-2006-03



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