Ключевые слова
Television, quality, media education, RTP2, children, teenagers
Media education is one of the obligations of Portuguese public television. In the last few years, RTP2 has shown great concern about the quality of its programmes, mainly those addressed to children and teenager audiences. This paper focuses on the communicative and educational strategies used by television programmes «Kulto» and «Pica» and discusses if they contribute to teach children and teenagers to watch television, thus enhancing their media literacy.
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Borges, G., Sánchez-Gey, N., Mendes, B.. Comparative analysis between Canal sur 2 and the RTP2 of Portugal from the perpective of televisión quality), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, .
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Borges, G. (2008). Portuguese RTP2 and the promotion of media education. [RTP2 de Portugal y el fomento de la educación para los medios de comunicación]. Comunicar, 31. https://doi.org/10.3916/c31-2008-03-054