A methodology for the quality study of the programmatic audio-visual contents aimed at children



Televising quality, infantile target, methodology


The present communication has as purpose the exhibition of the methodologic process planned by the investigators to study and to analyze the quality of the infantile programs emitted during year 2004 in a random sample of children and children of scholastic centers of Alicante city. The antecedents of the present study are gathered in a previous project titled Quality of the audio-visual contents - programmatic and advertising of television destined to the infantile Target (4-12 years), in which in addition to the primary target to analyze and to evaluate the quality of the audio-visual contents (programming and publicity) that is emitted in the televisions of national cover (TVE1, the 2, A3 and T5) in the 2003, it was counted on two more specific: to as much describe to the supply and the consumption of the infantile programming as of the publicity that contains and to form a system of measurement of the quality of the audio-visual contents directed to the childhood. Although these objectives were reached satisfactorily, the system of measurement of the quality of the present study contemplates four dimensions. The present methodology makes reference to the fulfillment of last that consists of knowing the degree provoked entertainment in the objective public, trying to find out the attitudes, the opinions and the perceptions that the children have of the infantile programming. As the duration of the project oscillates from the 2004 to the 2007, we will begin in the month of September analyzing the programs emitted during the 2004. The first step has been to select the number of children necessary to obtain representative results of the alicantina infantile society. For it, from the listing of scholastic centers of Alicante city, one works on the total of children registered by districts, doing arranged distinction between schools public and schools. From this information, we differentiated to the registered ones in infantile (4 to 6 years) and in primary (7 to 12 years) With a statistical formula we calculated a significant sample for a finite population with a level of confidence of 95%. From this form, the children to interview turn out to be: 367.08 in infantile education and 375,95 in primary, distributed significantly by the different scholastic districts. Once, we have selected the children by districts, centers and by education level, we come to digitize the infantile programs. This phase requires of a digitizer that allows us to congeal frames of these programs that, printed to color, can visualize the children. Each group of age will be exposed to the programs destined to its Target. The used methodologic tool is a survey, that depending on the ages of the interviewed people, autoadministrada or will be directed by the investigators. Although we have maintained contact with some centers informing to them into the study and of the necessity of its collaboration - of informal way -, at the moment we were making the performance cronogram to visit the direction of the centers with object of being able to begin the work of field in the month of September..



How to Cite

Carretón, M. del C., & Espinar, E. (2005). A methodology for the quality study of the programmatic audio-visual contents aimed at children. Comunicar, 13(25). Retrieved from https://www.revistacomunicar.com/ojs/index.php/comunicar/article/view/C25-2005-122



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