A scale for the measurement of University teachers’ attitudes towards the integration of ICT



Construction of the scale of attitudes, information technologies, university teachers, reliability of the scales, validity of the scales


Our intention was to study the attitudes of educators in the context of the research project entitled «Integration of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) as teaching tools at University within the framework of the European Higher Education Area». To do this, a Likert-type scale of attitudes was created rigorously following all the steps indicated by the experts. The scale consists of 24 items along with their characteristics of discrimination (all the t values for each item when compared to the averages among extreme groups are highly significant); reliability (calculated through different procedures, provides us with values, all of which are above 0.95); and validity (factorial validity; criteria validity: a correlation of 0.92 between the scores of the scale regarding the criterion «behaviour») could be considered completely satisfactory..



How to Cite

Tejedor, F. J., García-Valcárcel, A., & Prada, S. (2009). A scale for the measurement of University teachers’ attitudes towards the integration of ICT. Comunicar, 17(33), 115–124. Retrieved from https://www.revistacomunicar.com/ojs/index.php/comunicar/article/view/C33-2009-14



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