Ecosystems of Media Training and Competence: International Assessment of Its Implementation in Higher Education



Edu-communication, communicative ecosystem, social inclusion, didactic methodology, collaborative learning, meaningful learning, teaching, blended-learning


In a globalized and media society with unprecedented technological development, institutions of higher education are adapting their training models to face this new challenge. This study aimed to determine students' self-perception of their media competence and the differential influence of an ecosystemic model of training that is being implemented experimentally. The research methodology is mixed, as both a quantitative (descriptive and inferential analysis) as well as a qualitative analysis (are made of the contents of the open reports). A total of 808 university students enrolled in the 2015-16 course in different university centres and countries (Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, and Faculty of Economics-Business of University of Oviedo (Spain) and Technological Institute of Mexico), completed a questionnaire about media competence and wrote open reports about their experience with ecosystemic models. The results showed that university students have a favorable self-perception of their level of media competence, and they consider it important to develop by means of transversal training and ecosystemic training models. Significant differences between the students of the different degrees also emerged depending on whether or not an ecosystemic approach was used to develop the subjects. In conclusion, the study shows that these models favor teaching-learning processes in the university by adapting the technology to the users and improving their media competence..



How to Cite

Álvarez-Arregui, E., Rodríguez-Martín, A., Madrigal-Maldonado, R., Grossi-Sampedro, B.- Ángeles, & Arreguit, X. (2017). Ecosystems of Media Training and Competence: International Assessment of Its Implementation in Higher Education. Comunicar, 25(51), 105–114. Retrieved from



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