Palavras chave

Change, media education, need of renovation


Many changes are in progress in the field of media education in Latin American context. These changes have made possible that we can find new actors, new languages and new strategies. This situation implies the need to think about new issues and to renovate the basis of the theory and practice in this field.



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Vistas: 37243

Leituras dos resumos: 32679

Descargas em PDF: 4564

Métricas completas do Comunicar 24

Vistas: 1004784

Leituras dos resumos: 876585

Descargas em PDF: 128199

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Como citar

Pérez-Tornero, J. (2005). Towards a new concept of media education. [Hacia un nuevo concepto de educación en medios]. Comunicar, 24, 21-24.



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