The Cognitive Processing of an Educational App with EEG and 'Eye Tracking'



Neuromarketing, neurocommunication, health communication, app, gamification, eye tracking, attention


The use of apps in education is becoming more frequent. However, the mechanisms of attention and processing of their contents and their consequences in learning have not been sufficiently studied. The objective of this work is to analyze how information is processed and learned and how visual attention takes place. It also investigates the existence of gender differences. The responses to 15 images are analyzed using 'Eye Tracking' and EEG in a sample of 22 young students. The recall and liking of the stimuli is also analyzed. The characteristics of the images are evaluated by experts. The results indicate that there is a different pattern of visual activity between men and women which does not affect subsequent recall. The recall is determined by the emotional value of the image and its simplicity: more complex images demand more time of visual fixation but are less remembered. EEG responses confirm the importance of the playful component of the memory and low involvement processing. The conclusion is that the behavior against an app of this type resembles the low commitment behavior of advertising itself. Finally, some considerations for the app content design are proposed..



How to Cite

Cuesta-Cambra, U., Niño-González, J.-I., & Rodríguez-Terceño, J. (2017). The Cognitive Processing of an Educational App with EEG and ’Eye Tracking’. Comunicar, 25(52), 41–50. Retrieved from

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