UNESCO’s Media and Information Literacy curriculum for teachers from the perspective of Structural Considerations of Information



Media literacy, critical thinking, structural considerations of information, media competence, teacher training, media systems, media production, disinformation


The discipline Structural Considerations of Information explores the interests underlying communicational dynamics and information strategies, as well as the ways in which they correlate with messages. Considering this knowledge to be key in Communication Education, and having confirmed its close relationship with the dimensions of media competence, its presence is analyzed in the Media and Information Literacy (MIL) curriculum for teachers, whose training is crucial for the success of the process, developed by UNESCO, an organization that is a global referent in the field. A semantic content analysis reveals, from a quantitative perspective, a strong presence of thematic areas covered by the Structural Considerations of Information subject within the competencies and contents of the curriculum. However, at a qualitative level, there are fundamental weaknesses in its relationship with the structural approach to information. This occurs when the critical spirit of the text declines, starting with a definition of the media as sources of reliable information. The ubiquity of disinformation, and the key role played by stakeholders’ knowledge, as well as the development of critical thinking to address it requires an update of this curriculum–the present review contributes to this development– highlighting the current necessity to address it from a structural vantage that fosters critical citizenship and a democratic process..



How to Cite

Alcolea-Díaz, G., Reig, R., & Mancinas-Chávez, R. (2020). UNESCO’s Media and Information Literacy curriculum for teachers from the perspective of Structural Considerations of Information. Comunicar, 28(62), 103–114. Retrieved from https://www.revistacomunicar.com/ojs/index.php/comunicar/article/view/C62-2020-09



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