Which tv do teachers want? From unrecognized experiences to emerging knowledge of the selection of video and TV programs


  • Glaucia Guimarães
  • Nilda Alves
  • Raquel Goulart


Experience, knowledge, emancipation.


Based on hints gathered in documents and observations, the aim of this work is to reveal emancipatory meanings present, though invisible or not fully realized in regulatory processes, as well as to understand knowledge and ideas impregnated in the daily practices of social agents. In order to valorize edge knowledge and social practices, this work is grounded on Boaventura de Sousa Santos, especially on his formulation of a two-fold Sociology: one related to the social experiences that have not been recognized yet as valuable and the second related to the expansion of possible social experiences. The movement corresponds to the construction of an archeology of already developed social experiences, though not visible or recognized by the existing theoretical frameworks, so as to reveal both kinds of experiences: the recognized ones and the possible ones. By means of experiences developed by ordinary people, the aim is to get to know and socialize experiences conducted in boundary scientific works in several social areas to make it possible to gather hints to the production of alternatives to hegemonic ideas and to the maintenance of traditions abandoned by modern sciences. Based on what can be called «Sociology of absences», experiences can be valued, publicized and used to convey hidden meanings, to exploit possible ways to deal with posed questions and to legitimate new forms of thinking. Based on these assumptions, we present a reflection on an experience in the social field, regarding possible conflicts and dialogues between forms of knowledge. In this case, we treat the pedagogical experience with video and TV programs, developed by teachers and experts on education and communication in the official schools of Rio de JaneiroCity, being the latter put in charge of helping the former in their pedagogical practices. By means of the hints gathered, sometimes taken as unimportant, it was possible to identify in the teachers´ speeches and actions, particular ways to work works with video and TV programs that, far from being characterized by lack of knowledge, were plenty of alternative logical thinking and could lead to the production of creative and emancipatory practices. In short, what could be seen as meaningless could also be regarded as emerging knowledge..



How to Cite

Guimarães, G., Alves, N., & Goulart, R. (2005). Which tv do teachers want? From unrecognized experiences to emerging knowledge of the selection of video and TV programs. Comunicar, 13(25). Retrieved from https://www.revistacomunicar.com/ojs/index.php/comunicar/article/view/C25-2005-181



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