Media representation and teenagers’ audiovisual production
Teenagers, audiovisual production, contents analysis, fiction video.Abstract
Audiovisual production has an important role to play in Media Literacy, even if it isn’t as developed as critical reading. Any dialogic process of communication includes expression and creation, which is crucial to help youngters to become competent in our societies. To emphasize this, we analysed the contents of 44 audiovisual productions made by teenagers in different educational and social frameworks. These videos have been produced during practical workshops where participants could choose the subjects to deal with. The most popular issues chosen were: teenagers’ self-image and conflicts, with more or less violence. These subjects allow us to learn about the big influence of TV and cinema in the teenagers’ imaginary..
How to Cite
Mayugo, C., Moix, M., & Ricart, M. (2005). Media representation and teenagers’ audiovisual production. Comunicar, 13(25). Retrieved from
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