What values do adolescents perceive in their favourite TV programmes?



Adolescents, values, scale of television value domains


This paper presents the results obtained from a sample of adolescents from the Basque Country (Spain) regarding the relationship between their personal values and the values perceived in their favourite television programmes. The theoretical framework used for conceptualizing and assessing such values was the Schwartz model; and the instrument used for the study was an own scale developed by the authors (Val-TV 0.1), which was statistically validated using a multidimensional analysis. In accordance with our hypotheses, which are based on previous studies, we can affirm that, in general, the subjects tend to perceive the same values in television programmes that they themselves show..



How to Cite

Medrano, C. (2008). What values do adolescents perceive in their favourite TV programmes?. Comunicar, 16(31). Retrieved from https://www.revistacomunicar.com/ojs/index.php/comunicar/article/view/C31-2008-46