
Comunicar 杂志在各方面深具国际性。杂志主题涉及全球关注各类话题,其科学委员会和审稿人由来自五大洲超过50个国家的科研人员组成,接收并发表的作品来自世界各地。本杂志希望在国际层面,从研究角度为教育和媒体的创造性和创新性提供对策…,从而成为科学界和社会转型领域相关的国际期刊。




Mrs. Magali de Lourdes Pedro

Mrs. Magali de Lourdes Pedro, University of Brasilia (巴西)


Mrs. Lilian Vieira da Rocha Ribeiro

Mrs. Lilian Vieira da Rocha Ribeiro, University of Huelva (西班牙)Ver Researchgate



Dr. Ismar de Oliveira Soares

Dr. Ismar de Oliveira Soares, University of São Paulo (巴西)Ver Academia

圣保罗大学(USP) 教师。他负责传播学和教育学中心(NCE)以及USP的教育传播学本科课程的协调工作。 著作有《 Educommunicatiom: the concept, the professional and the application》,Paulinas Publisher, 2011。Ismar博士还是巴西教育传播学研究者和就业者协会的主席。

Dr. Adilson Vaz Cabral Filho

Dr. Adilson Vaz Cabral Filho, Federal Fluminense University (巴西)Ver AcademiaVer Researchgate

巴西Fluminense 联邦大学媒体与程序研究生项目教师。社会传播博士学位和硕士学位。西班牙马德里卡洛斯三世大学传播学博士后。 EMERGE项目-通讯与紧急情况研究与生产中心 (巴西) 协调员 。

Dr. Gabriela Borges

Dr. Gabriela Borges, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (巴西)Ver ScholarVer AcademiaVer ResearchgateVer Publons

巴西Juiz de Fora联邦大学传播学教师。葡萄牙阿尔加威大学传播学博士后。圣保罗天主教大学获得传播和符号学博士,期间曾在西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学和都柏林三一学院实习。

Dr. Monica Fantin

Dr. Monica Fantin, Federal University of Santa Catarina (巴西)Ver AcademiaVer ResearchgateVer Scopus


Dr. Martha Prata Linhares

Dr. Martha Prata Linhares, Federal University of the Mining Triangle (巴西)Ver AcademiaVer ResearchgateVer ScopusVer Publons

Triangulo Mineiro联邦大学教师。巴西圣保罗天主教大学教育学博士。远程教育与技术学习中心的教师和研究员。负责协调开展巴西Triangulo Mineiro联邦大学教育学研究生课程。










Dr. Alexander Fedorov

Dr. Alexander Fedorov, Taganrog institute of A.P. Chekhov (俄罗斯)Ver orcidVer ScholarVer AcademiaVer ResearchgateVer ScopusVer Publons

Russian scientist, teacher, media education specialist, film critic. PhD in Media Education (1993), Professor at Anton Chekhov Taganrog Institute, Honorary President of the Russian Association for Film and Head of many media literacy education projects (DAAD, Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, RSF, RFBR, etc.). Editor-in-Chief of the “Media Education” journal (indexed in Web of Science). He is a laureate of the International Honorary Award with the participation of UNESCO "Global Media and Information Literacy - 2019".


Dr. Anastasia Levitskaya

Dr. Anastasia Levitskaya, Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics (俄罗斯)Ver orcidVer AcademiaVer ResearchgateVer ScopusVer Publons

Associate professor, vice-rector for research at Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics (Russia). Member of the Russian Association of Film and Media Education. Award of the national competition "Golden names of higher education" (2019). A. Levitskaya has completed research projects funded by the Russian Science Foundation (2014-2016), DAAD (Germany, 2006, 2013), Fulbright (USA, 2003-2004). The author of over 150 publications. The range of research interests covers schoolchildren's and students' media literacy, media competence development.

Dr. Chelysheva Irina

Dr. Chelysheva Irina, Rostov State University of Economics (俄罗斯)Ver orcidVer AcademiaVer ResearchgateVer Publons

Media teacher and researcher in the field of media culture and media education. Winner of grant competitions of Russian and foreign scientific foundations (RFBR, RHF, CDC). Vice-President of the Russian Association for Film and Media Education, member of the Russian Communication Association. Winner of All-Russian and international competitions in media and media education. Speaker at various academic institutes in Russia, Poland, Estonia, Hungary, Ukraine, Germany, Belarus.

Dr. Galina Mikhaleva

Dr. Galina Mikhaleva, Rostov State University of Economics (俄罗斯)Ver orcidVer Scopus

PhD in Education, lecturer in the Department of Foreign Languages at Rostov State University of Economics. She is a member of the Russian Association for Film and Media Education. Lines of research: teacher training, methodology, media education, ICT in education.





Dr. Abel Suing

Dr. Abel Suing, Private Technical University of Loja (厄瓜多尔)Ver orcidVer ScholarVer AcademiaVer ResearchgateVer ScopusVer Publons

经济学家,洛哈技术私立大学传播学博士,教师和研究员,目前负责主持通讯本科专业。研究领域:电视,传媒政策,高等教育。地址: 洛哈特私立技术大学传播学系。

D. Juan Fernando Muñoz Uribe

D. Juan Fernando Muñoz Uribe, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín (哥伦比亚)Ver orcidVer ScholarVer ResearchgateVer Scopus


Dr. Marialva Barbosa

Dr. Marialva Barbosa, Intercom (巴西)Ver orcidVer ScholarVer Academia

里约热内卢联邦大学传播学院的全职教师, UFRJ的传播学硕士和博士。历史学博士。 INTERCOM (跨学科传播研究学会) 主席 。CNPq的1D研究员。

Dr. Gabriel Kaplun

Dr. Gabriel Kaplun, Alaic (乌拉圭)Ver orcidVer ScholarVer Academia


Dr. Jorge A. González

Dr. Jorge A. González, UNAM (墨西哥)Ver orcidVer AcademiaVer Researchgate

Full-time researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Humanities of the -National Autonomous University of Mexico. Studies the symbolic dimension of food from the theory of complex systems. Member of the National System of Researchers, Mexico, Level 3.

Dr. Fernando Gutiérrez Cortés

Dr. Fernando Gutiérrez Cortés, Tecnológico de Monterrey (墨西哥)Ver orcidVer ScholarVer AcademiaVer ResearchgateVer Scopus

PhD in Design and Information Visualization Research professor at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, director of the Division of Humanities and Education. Executive Secretary of the Media Ecology Association (MEA), General Coordinator of the World Internet Project Mexico (WIP-Mexico) Member of the National System of Researchers (SNI).

Dr. Margarida Maria Krohling Kunsch

Dr. Margarida Maria Krohling Kunsch, Universidad de São Paulo (巴西)Ver orcid

PhD in Communication Sciences and Professor of Institutional Communication Theory: Policies and Processes, by ECA-USP. Vice-Dean of Culture and Extension, University of São Paulo. She is the author of a vast production in Communication Sciences and in Organizational Communication and Public Relations.

Dr. Marco López Paredes

Dr. Marco López Paredes, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (厄瓜多尔)Ver orcidVer AcademiaVer Scopus

PhD in Communication Sciences with post-doctoral studies at the International Centre for Higher Education in Communication for Latin America (CIESPAL), Professor and Researcher at the Pontificia Universidad Cátolica del Ecuador. Member of the Alfamed network, Director of the scientific journal Razón y Palabra.

Dr. Lance Strate

Dr. Lance Strate , Fordham University (美国)Ver ScholarVer AcademiaVer Researchgate

Professor of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham University in New York City. He is a founder and past president of the Media Ecology Association, a trustee and former executive director of the Institute of General Semantics, president of the New York Society of General Semantics, and former president of the New York State Communications Association. He is the author of eight books, including Media Ecology: An Approach to Understanding the Human Condition.



Intercom   Felafacs   Alaic




Dr. Antonio Alcalá

Dr. Antonio Alcalá, ITESM (墨西哥)


Dr. Martha del Ángel

Dr. Martha del Ángel, ITESM (墨西哥)


Dr. Leonor Rosales

Dr. Leonor Rosales, ITESM (墨西哥)Ver Academia

在蒙特雷科技大学- 蒙特雷校区担任了17年全职教师。拥有应用语言学的文学学士学位,主攻为翻译学; ESL教育学硕士学位和教育技术硕士学位。

Dr. William Clark Murray

Dr. William Clark Murray, ITESM (墨西哥)

他教授文学和哲学课程以及与他论文“技术项目”相关的其他课程。作为“技术创新”研究团队的成员,他从社会学和哲学角度研究变革。目前,他的研究方向从身份、空间和概念演变角度了解技术社会学的发展 。目前,他是包括国际关系和语言部门在内的全球研究系主任。他写过两本小说:“Why Southerners Go South” (2004) and “The Gulf, my shoulder…North was the horizon” (2009).


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