
AIDS, globalisation, communication, media, culture, migration, health communication


The working hypothesis of this article is that many of the root causes of AIDS are intrinsically tied to the processes of globalisation. To develop efficient responses to AIDS requires more than conveying a clear message about sexual behaviour. It will often require broader strategies to empower the audiences to handle difficult conditions of everyday life. By drawing on post-colonial theory on the interrelation between media and migration, modernity and globalisation, this text seeks to re-assess the challenge of AIDS communication and prevention, suggesting a fundamental rethinking of current practice where the impacts of economic and cultural globalisation are taken into consideration.


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Tufte, T. (2006). AIDS, globalisation and ontological security. [SIDA, globalización y seguridad ontológica]. Comunicar, 26, 27-34. https://doi.org/10.3916/C26-2006-05



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