
Values, sport, football, mass media, spectacle, formers


Sport is very influential in our societies; above all, on youngsters. Young consumers are exposed to sport, not only at school, but also through the mass media. Sometimes, the values that teachers and coaches instil in their young pupils, sportsmen and sportswomen, are not the same values which they receive when they watch sport-entertainment events, through mass media or live. In this paper, we analyse an experience, a Barça-Madrid derby, to try to develop the critical capability of students regarding sport.


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引述 Web of Science

Moscoso Sanchez, David; Fernandez Gavira, Jesus; Perez Flores, Antonio. The media construction of the sports' elite from the European perspective: an analysis of the European Symposium of Sports 2010 SPORT IN SOCIETY, 2018.


引述 Scopus


引述 Google Scholar





Ginesta-Portet, X. (2007). Values in sport: a pedagogical experience with the football match Barça-Madrid. [Los valores en el deporte: una experiencia educativa a través del Barça-Madrid]. Comunicar, 28, 148-156. https://doi.org/10.3916/C28-2007-14



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