Palabras clave

Ciencia ciudadana, cocreación, codiseño, conocimiento, herramientas, interdisciplinariedad, participación, ciencia abierta


Este artículo describe y analiza el diseño colaborativo de un proyecto de investigación de ciencia ciudadana a través de la cocreación. Tres grupos de estudiantes de centros de educación secundaria y un equipo de científicos idearon de forma participada tres experimentos sobre comportamiento humano y capital social en espacios públicos y urbanos. El objetivo del estudio es abordar cómo pueden integrarse en una investigación científica el trabajo interdisciplinar y la atención a preocupaciones y necesidades sociales, así como la construcción colectiva de preguntas de investigación. Los 95 estudiantes participantes en el proyecto respondieron una encuesta para evaluar su percepción sobre las dinámicas y herramientas utilizadas en el proceso de cocreación de cada experimento, y los cinco científicos respondieron a una entrevista semiestructurada. Los resultados de las encuestas y entrevistas demuestran cómo la ciencia ciudadana puede alcanzar una modalidad «cocreada» más allá del paradigma habitual «contributivo», el cual únicamente suele implicar al público o amateurs en la recopilación de datos. Esta modalidad de ciencia más colaborativa con la ciudadanía fue posible gracias a la adecuación de materiales y mecanismos de facilitación, así como al fomento de aspectos clave en una investigación como pueden ser la confianza, la creatividad y la transparencia. Los resultados apuntan también hacia la posibilidad de adoptar estrategias similares de codiseño en otros contextos de colaboración científica y generación colaborativa de conocimiento

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Citas en Web of Science

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Jesus, Manuella Dultra; Zapelini, Cleverson; Schiavetti, Alexandre; . Can citizen science help delimit the geographical distribution of a species? The case of the Callistoctopus sp. ("eastern octopus") on the Brazilian coast ETHNOBIOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, 2021.

Golumbic, Yaela N.; Fishbain, Barak; Baram-Tsabari, Ayelet; . User centered design of a citizen science air-quality monitoring project INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION PART B-COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT, 2019.

Bernardez Rodal, Asuncion; Padilla Castillo, Graciela; Sosa Sanchez, Roxana Popelka; . From Action Art to Artivism on Instagram: Relocation and instantaneity for a new geography of protest CATALAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION & CULTURAL STUDIES, 2019.

Pico, Maria-Josep; Saez, Emilio; Galan, Esteban; . Transmedia research. Participatory culture in the creation of academic knowledge GLOBAL STATE YOUNG S, 2019.

Sanchez Vazquez, Luis; . Resistance Science? Participatory environmental monitoring in contexts of environmental conflict. Reflections from a decolonial view REVISTA DE PAZ Y CONFLICTOS, 2019.

Hidalgo, Enric Senabre; Fuster Morell, Mayo; . Co-designed strategic planning and agile project management in academia: case study of an action research group PALGRAVE COMMUNICATIONS, 2019.

Garcia-Holgado, Alicia; Jose Garcia-Penalvo, Francisco; Butler, Paul; . Technological Ecosystems in Citizen Science: A Framework to Involve Children and Young People BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 2020.

Sauermann, Henry; Vohland, Katrin; Antoniou, Vyron; Balazs, Balint; Goebel, Claudia; Karatzas, Kostas; Mooney, Peter; Perello, Josep; Ponti, Marisa; . Citizen science and sustainability transitions Bull. Ecol. Soc. Am., 2020.

Lopez-Doblas, Manuela; Perez-Corral, Olivia; Gomez-Dominguez, David; Danet-Danet, Alina; . Qualitative based social media plan participative design for health organizations. Evaluation of the Reina Sofia University Hospital experience GOVERNMENT INFORMATION QUARTERLY, 2019.

Hidalgo, Enric Senabre; Wandl-Vogt, Eveline; Dorn, Amelie; Souza, Renato Rocha; Gonzalez, MAC; Sedano, FJR; Llamas, CF; GarciaPenalvo, FJ; . Mapping uncertainty around research data: a Digital Humanities transdisciplinary perspective adopting the Johari window TEEM'19: SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGICAL ECOSYSTEMS FOR ENHANCING MULTICULTURALITY, 2019.

Vicens, Julian; Perello, Josep; Duch, Jordi; . Citizen Social Lab: A digital platform for human behavior experimentation within a citizen science framework SCIENCE, 2018.

Paredes-Labra, Joaquin; Siri, Ivana-Mariel; Oliveira, Alessandro; . Preparing Public Pedagogies with ICT: The Case of Pesticides and Popular Education in Brazil NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY, 2018.

Senabre Hidalgo, Enric; GarciaPenalvo, FJ; . Dotmocracy and Planning Poker for Uncertainty Management in Collaborative Research Two Examples of Co-creation Techniques Derived from Digital Culture SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGICAL ECOSYSTEMS FOR ENHANCING MULTICULTURALITY (TEEM'18), 2018.

Paredes-Labra, Joaquin; Freitas Cortina, Ada; . The representations of the future teachers on the uses of technology in school. A narrative study RIED-REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA, 2020.

Whittle, Clayton; Tiwari, Sonia; Yan, Shulong; Williams, Jeff; . Emergency remote teaching environment: a conceptual framework for responsive online teaching in crises INFORMATION AND LEARNING SCIENCES, 2020.

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Cigarini, Anna; Bonhoure, Isabelle; Vicens, Julian; Perello, Josep; . Public libraries embrace citizen science: Strengths and challenges ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES, 2021.

Hidalgo, ES; Wagener, A; (...); Robert, L. Manifesto sprint on biocultural diversity: an experimental approach to knowledge co-creation, discourse design and collaborative writing COGENT ARTS & HUMANITIES, 2022.

Parson, L; Donato, S and Johns, J. Adventure Science as Transformative Outdoor Education: An Exploration of Learning QUALITATIVE REPORT, 2022.

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Cigarini, A; Bonhoure, I; (...); Perello, J. Citizen science at public libraries: Data on librarians and users perceptions of participating in a citizen science project in Catalunya, Spain DATA IN BRIEF, 2022.

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del Arco, I; Ramos-Pla, A; (...); Cabeza, LF. Implementing SDGs to a Sustainable Rural Village Development from Community Empowerment: Linking Energy, Education, Innovation, and Research SUSTAINABILITY, 2021.

Thomas, S; Scheller, D and Schroder, S. Co-creation in citizen social science: the research forum as a methodological foundation for communication and participation HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS, 2021.

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Tauginiene, L; Butkeviciene, E; (...); Pruse, B. Citizen science in the social sciences and humanities: the power of interdisciplinarity PALGRAVE COMMUNICATIONS, 2020.

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Citas en Scopus

Vicens, J., Duch, J., Perelló, J.. Citizen social lab: A digital platform for human behavior experimentation within a citizen science framework), PLoS ONE, .

Golumbic, Y.N., Fishbain, B., Baram-Tsabari, A.. User centered design of a citizen science air-quality monitoring project), International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication, Public Engagement, .

López-Doblas, M., Pérez-Corral, O., Gómez-Domínguez, D., Danet-Danet, A.. Qualitative based social media plan participative design for health organizations. evaluation of the Reina Sofia University Hospital experience [Diseño participativo de un plan de social media en salud a través de metodología cualitativa. Evaluación de la experiencia del Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía]), Profesional de la Informacion, .

Picó, M.-J., Sáez, E., Galán, E.. Transmedia research. Participatory culture in the creation of academic knowledge [Investigación transmedia. Cultura participativa en la creación del conocimiento académico]), Profesional de la Informacion, .

Rodal, A.B., Castillo, G.P., Sánchez, R.P.S.. From action art to artivism on instagram: Relocation, instantaneity for a new geography of protest), Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies, .

Hidalgo, E.S., Wandl-Vogt, E., Dorn, A., Souza, R.R.. Mapping uncertainty around research data: A Digital Humanities transdisciplinary perspective adopting the Johari window), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, .

Senabre Hidalgo, E., Fuster Morell, M.. Co-designed strategic planning, agile project management in academia: case study of an action research group), Palgrave Communications, .

Queiruga-Dios, M.A., López-Iñesta, E., Diez-Ojeda, M., Sáiz-Manzanares, M.C., Dorrío, J.B.V. . Citizen science for scientific literacy and the attainment of sustainable development goals in formal education), Sustainability (Switzerland), .

Sauermann, H., Vohland, K., Antoniou, V., (...), Samson, R., Winter, S. . Citizen science and sustainability transitions), Research Policy, .

Tauginienė, L., Butkevičienė, E., Vohland, K., (...), Balázs, B., Prūse, B. . Citizen science in the social sciences and humanities: the power of interdisciplinarity), Palgrave Communications, .

Hidalgo, E.S.. Dotmocracy, planning poker for uncertainty management in collaborative research), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, .

Paredes-Labra, J., Siri, I.-M., Oliveira, A.. Preparing public pedagogies with ICT: The case of pesticides, popular education in Brazil), Sustainability (Switzerland), .

Diego-Mantecón, J.-M., Blanco, T.-F., Ortiz-Laso, Z., Lavicza, Z. . STEAM projects with KIKS format for developing key competences | [Proyectos STEAM con formato KIKS para el desarrollo de competencias clave]), Comunicar, .

Whittle, C., Tiwari, S., Yan, S., Williams, J. . Emergency remote teaching environment: a conceptual framework for responsive online teaching in crises), Information and Learning Science, .

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Paredes-Labra, J., Freitas Cortina, A. . The representations of the future teachers on the uses of technology in school. A narrative study | [LAS REPRESENTACIONES DE LOS FUTUROS PROFESORES SOBRE LOS USOS DE LA TECNOLOGÍA EN LA ESCUELA. UN ESTUDIO NARRATIVO]), Teoria de la Educacion, .

Veeckman, C., Temmerman, L. . Urban living labs and citizen science: from innovation and science towards policy impacts), Sustainability (Switzerland), .

García-Holgado, A., García-Peñalvo, F.J., Butler, P. . Technological ecosystems in citizen science: A framework to involve children and young people), Sustainability (Switzerland), .

Borda, A., Gray, K., Fu, Y. . Research data management in health and biomedical citizen science: Practices and prospects), Palgrave Communications, .

Jesus, M.D., Zapelini, C., Schiavetti, A. . Can citizen science help delimit the geographical distribution of a species? The case of the Callistoctopus sp. ("eastern octopus") on the Brazilian coast), Ethnobiology and Conservation, .

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Perelló, J., Cigarini, A., Vicens, J., (...), Targa, J., Ripoll, A. . Large-scale citizen science provides high-resolution nitrogen dioxide values and health impact while enhancing community knowledge and collective action), Science of the Total Environment, .

Benito-Santos, A., Dorn, A., Gómez, A.G.L., (...), Sánchez, R.T., Wandl-Vogt, E. . Playing Design: A Case Study on Applying Gamification to Construct a Serious Game with Youngsters at Social Risk), Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, .

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Cigarini, A., Bonhoure, I., Vicens, J., Perelló, J. . Public libraries embrace citizen science: Strengths and challenges), Library and Information Science Research, .

Tokazhanov, G., Tleuken, A., Durdyev, S., (...), Turkyilmaz, A., Karaca, F. . Stakeholder based weights of new sustainability indicators providing pandemic resilience for residential buildings), Sustainable Cities and Society, .

Alpuche Álvarez, Y.A., Nava, L.F., Carpio Candelero, M.A., Contreras Chablé, D.I. . Linking science and public policy: The national waters law under the perspectives of systems thinking and ecosystem services | [Vinculando ciencia y política pública la ley de aguas nacionales desde las perspectivas sistémica y de servicios ecosistémicos]), Gestion y Politica Publica, .

Wojnowska-Heciak, M., Heciak, J., Kłak, A.. Concrete Paving Slabs for Comfort of Movement of Mobility-Impaired Pedestrians—A Survey), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .

Cigarini, A., Bonhoure, I., Vicens, J., Perelló, J.. Citizen science at public libraries: Data on librarians and users perceptions of participating in a citizen science project in Catalunya, Spain), Data in Brief, .

Senabre Hidalgo, E., Wagener, A., Wandl-Vogt, E., Robert, L.. Manifesto sprint on biocultural diversity: an experimental approach to knowledge co-creation, discourse design and collaborative writing), Cogent Arts and Humanities, .

Perelló, J.. NEW KNOWLEDGE ENVIRONMENTS On the possibility of a citizen social science), Metode, .

Del Arco, I., Ramos-Pla, A., Zsembinszki, G., Gracia, A., Cabeza, L.F.. Implementing sdgs to a sustainable rural village development from community empowerment: Linking energy, education, innovation, and research), Sustainability, .

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Parson, L., Donato, S., Johns, J.. Adventure Science as Transformative Outdoor Education: An Exploration of Learning), Qualitative Report, .

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Citas en Google Scholar

Tauginienė, L., Butkevičienė, E., Vohland, K., Heinisch, B., Daskolia, M., Suškevičs, M., ... & Prūse, B. (2020). Citizen science in the social sciences and humanities: the power of interdisciplinarity. Palgrave Communications, 6(1), 1-11.

Hidalgo, E. S. (2018, October). Dotmocracy and Planning Poker for Uncertainty Management in Collaborative Research: Two Examples of Co-creation Techniques Derived from Digital Culture. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (pp. 833-839). ACM.

Vicens Bennasar, J. A. Human Behavior Experimentation and Participation in Scientific Activities in the Wild (Doctoral dissertation, Universitat Rovira i Virgili).

Golumbic, Y. N., Fishbain, B., & Baram-Tsabari, A. (2019). User centered design of a citizen science air-quality monitoring project. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 1-19.

Bernárdez rodAl, A., PAdillA cAstillo, G., & Sosa Sánchez, R. P. (2019). From Action Art to Artivism on instagram: relocation and instantaneity for a new geography of protest. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 11(1), 23-37.

Paredes-Labra, J., Siri, I. M., & Oliveira, A. (2018). Preparing public pedagogies with ict: The case of pesticides and popular education in brazil. Sustainability, 10(10), 3377.

López-Doblas, M., Pérez-Corral, O., Gómez-Domínguez, D., & Danet-Danet, A. (2019). Diseño participativo de un plan de social media en salud a través de metodología cualitativa. Evaluación de la experiencia del Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. El profesional de la información, 28(2).


Vicens, J., Perelló, J., & Duch, J. (2018). Citizen Social Lab: A digital platform for human behavior experimentation within a citizen science framework. PloS one, 13(12), e0207219.

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Cómo citar

Senabre, E., Ferran-Ferrer, N., & Perelló, J. (2018). Participatory design of citizen science experiments. [Diseño participativo de experimentos de ciencia ciudadana]. Comunicar, 54, 29-38.



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