


随着智能设备和无线网络的普及,隐私问题成为了政府、学术和技术领域的关键话题。本研究旨在了解台湾大学生在在线广告及其智能手机日常使用方面的隐私问题和防护行为。通过对810个有效样本的调查,研究结果显示: 1) 广告相关性在对广告的关注性上有直接影响 。2)广告相关性与隐私问题(例如下滑的个人控制能力和上涨的公司权力)和防护行为(自动过滤和广告屏蔽)成反比关联。3) 无论是隐私问题还是防护行为都不会对智能手机的日常使用产生负面影响。与之前的研究相反,我们的研究结论得出由于没有发现因手机定位广告引起的隐私问题,没有防护行为的迹象,也没有因隐私和防护问题而导致的智能手机日常使用的减少,在台湾高校学生中没有发现隐私悖论。综上所述,台湾大学生对脆弱的在线隐私管理所带来的潜在风险和危机的意识不强。为了解决这个问题,我们建议不仅仅是只提供隐私设置的技术教程,更要迫切加强青少年对数码危险了解的教育。



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引述 Web of Science

Garrett, Paul M.; Wang, YuWen; White, Joshua P.;. Young Adults View Smartphone Tracking Technologies for COVID-19 as Acceptable: The Case of Taiwan INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH , 2021.


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引述 Scopus

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Garrett, P.M., Wang, Y., White, J.P., (...), Dennis, S., Yang, C.-T. . Young adults view smartphone tracking technologies for covid-19 as acceptable: The case of taiwan), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .


Vázquez-Cano, E., Parra-González, Ma.E., Segura-Robles, A., López-Meneses, E.. The Negative Effects of Technology on Education: A Bibliometric and Topic Modeling Mapping Analysis (2008-2019)), International Journal of Instruction, .


Koohang, A., Sargent, C.S., Nord, J.H., Paliszkiewicz, J.. Internet of Things (IoT): From awareness to continued use), International Journal of Information Management, .


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Simonova, I., Prochazkova, Z., & Lorenc, V. (2020, January). Smart and/or Mobile: An Investigation Within Czech University Students. In International Conference on Mobile Computing and Sustainable Informatics (pp. 361-372). Springer, Cham.


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