
网络排斥, 社会排斥, 在线排斥, 社交网站, 社交焦虑, 情感


本研究的重点是网络排斥对社交网站的影响。基于解释排斥体验的需求-威胁时间模型,我们分析了反射反应的影响,特别是情绪的恶化和感知其四个基本需求遭受威胁(归属感,自尊感,有意义的存在感和控制感 ),和表现为亲社会,反社会或回避行为的反思反应。我们还关注社交焦虑在网络排斥中扮演的角色。通过使用实验工具Ostracism Online,我们进行了一项操纵排斥行为的在线实验,在最近开发的合作金融游戏中测量自我评价的反射反应。实验参与者为196名捷克年轻人(18至30岁;62%为女性)。T检验分析显示,被排斥者在反射阶段表现出最严重的情绪恶化和感知其四个基本需求遭受到威胁。回归模型表明,社交焦虑对反射反应影响很小,但并没有减轻对排斥现象的影响。受到威胁的需求类型和社交焦虑不能预测反射反应。反社会反应的唯一重要标志是受过排斥的经历。甚至是陌生人对发布的共享文章没有作出反应这种轻度排斥方式也会导致负面的情绪和行为。



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引述 Web of Science

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Quarmley, M; Feldman, J; (...); Jarcho, JM. Testing effects of social rejection on aggressive and prosocial behavior: A meta-analysis AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR, 2022.


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Reich, S; Schneider, FM and Zwillich, B. No Likes - no control? examining the role of coping deprivation and social anxiety in social media ostracism Reich, S; Schneider, FM and Zwillich, B BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 2023.


Thomas, MF; Binder, A and Matthes, J. The psychological influence of dating app matches: The more matches the merrier? NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY, 2023.


Carcelen-Garcia, S; Ventisca, MDB and Galmes-Cerezo, M. Young People's Perception of the Danger of Risky Online Activities: Behaviours, Emotions and Attitudes Associated with Their Digital Vulnerability SOCIAL SCIENCES-BASEL, 2023.


Boykina, EE. Social Ostracism and Minors? Antisocial Behavior PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW, 2023.


引述 Scopus

Shi, L., Li, H., Huang, L., Hou, Y., Song, L. . Does Cyberostracism Reduce Prosocial Behaviors? The Protective Role of Psychological Resilience), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .


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Carcelén-García, S., Díaz-Bustamante Ventisca, M., Galmes-Cerezo, M.. Young People’s Perception of the Danger of Risky Online Activities: Behaviours, Emotions and Attitudes Associated with Their Digital Vulnerability), Social Sciences, .


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