
Popularization magazines, scientific popularization, university investigation


In this paper, the author sums up what he has been achieved in his three years as the editor of Valencia University´s popular scientific journal «Mètode». He describes the difficulties of reporting scientific activity so that it could be attractive to both academic and general public. Finally, he looks at «Métode» in terms of its role as a bridge between the university community and mass media. He believes it is necessary to encourage scientists to release their reasearch work to make it more accessible to a wider public


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引述 Web of Science


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Domínguez-Romero, M. (2002). Science popularization using scientific journalism: Mètode. [Divulgar la investigación con revistas científicas: el caso de Mètode]. Comunicar, 19, 49-53. https://doi.org/10.3916/C19-2002-09



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