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引述 Web of Science



Naval, Concepcion; Arbues, Elena. On the use of Internet in promoting social virtues. Case study: Civic Parliament TEORIA DE LA EDUCACION, 2015.


Fernandez-Planells, Ariadna; Figueras-Maz, Monica; Feixa Pampols, Carles. Communication among young people in the #spanishrevolution: Uses of online-offline tools to obtain information about the #acampadabcn NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY, 2014.


Casero-Ripolles, Andreu. Beyond Newspapers: News Consumption among Young People in the Digital Era COMUNICAR, 2012.


Hirsjarvi, Irma; Tayie, Samy. Children and New Media: Youth Media Participation. A Case Study of Egypt and Finland COMUNICAR, 2011.


Vergara, Enrique; Rodriguez, Maite. The Social and Cultural Impact of Advertising among Chilean Youths COMUNICAR, 2010.


Bermúdez-Grajales; Mónica Maria;. Praxis & Saber , 2017.


引述 Scopus

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Hirsjärvi, I., Tayie, S.. Children, new media: Youth media participation. A case study of Egypt, Finland), Comunicar, .


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