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引述 Web of Science

Viteri, Fatima; Clarebout, Geraldine; Crauwels, Marion. Environmental education in Ecuador: conceptions and currents in Quito's private elementary schools ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, 2013.


Romero Herrera, Rodolfo; Gallegos Funes, Francisco;. Affective Educational Application of Fish Tank Hydroponics System INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS , 2019.

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Rodriguez Rodriguez, Jesus; Garcia Garcia, Ivan. The elaboration of didactic materials in municipal education contexts. The ''Ulla Elemental'' Educational Project BORDON-REVISTA DE PEDAGOGIA, 2011.

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引述 Scopus

Rodríguez, J.R., García, I.G.. The elaboration of didactic materials in municipal education contexts. the 'Ulla Elemental' educational project [La elaboración de materiales didácticos en los contextos educativos municipales. el proyecto educativo «ulla elemental»]), Bordon, .

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Viteri, F., Clarebout, G., Crauwels, M.. Environmental education in Ecuador: Conceptions, currents in Quito's private elementary schools), Environmental Education Research, .


Viteri, F., Clarebout, G., Crauwels, M.. Children's recall, motivation for an environmental education video with supporting pedagogical materials), Environmental Education Research, .


Villalta, M.A.. Inter-cultural education in Latin America: An analysis of field research in the region [Educación intercultural en Latinoamérica: Análisis de las investigaciones de campo en la región]), Psicoperspectivas, .


Herrera, R.R., Francisco, G.F. . Affective educational application of fish tank hydroponics system), International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, .

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