


仇恨言论已成为一个普遍性的现象。然而,目前我们尚不清楚为什么青少年会发表仇恨言论,以及哪些因素与发表该言论的动机有关。为此,我们开发了使用多维测量方法的仇恨言论动机量表 (MHATE),并评估了其心理测量特性。此外,我们还调查了社会规范与参与仇恨言论的动机之间的关联。样本由 346 名曾发表过仇恨言论的瑞士青少年组成(54.6% 为男性;平均年龄=14;标准差=0.96)。分析揭示了 MHATE 量表良好的心理测量特性,包括适当的内部一致性。最常见的分量表为复仇,其次是意识形态、群体一致性、地位提升、兴奋和权力。描述性规范和同伴的压力与实施仇恨言论的多种动机有关。然而,指令性规范只与权力有关。总之,研究结果表明仇恨言论具有多种功能。了解仇恨言论的具体动机有助于制定个性化的干预策略(例如,对愤怒的管理、促进包容的学校氛围)。此外,我们建议从事仇恨言论预防工作的专业人员要特别注意与青少年相关的社会规范。



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引述 Web of Science

Castellvi, J; Sabater, MM; (...); Santisteban, A. Future teachers confronting extremism and hate speech HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS, 2022.


Wachs, S; Castellanos, M; (...); Gamez-Guadix, M. Associations Between Classroom Climate, Empathy, Self-Efficacy, and Countering Hate Speech Among Adolescents: A Multilevel Mediation Analysis JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE, 2022.


Wachs, S; Krause, N; (...); Gamez-Guadix, M. Effects of the Prevention Program "HateLess. Together against Hatred" on Adolescents' Empathy, Self-efficacy, and Countering Hate Speech JOURNAL OF YOUTH AND ADOLESCENCE, 2023.


Mohseni, MR. Motives of Online Hate Speech: Results from a Quota Sample Online Survey APR 2023, 2000.


Kansok-Dusche, J; Wettstein, A; (...); Bilz, L. Associations between Social Competence, Perceived Parents' Prosocial Educational Goals and Adolescents' Hate Speech Perpetration in School VICTIMS & OFFENDERS, 2023.


Quiros-Guindal, A; Laforgue-Bullido, N; (...); Izquierdo-Montero, A. 'You're not a better person, but you look like you are.' Hate speech and privilege: contributions from a participatory research study with teenagers INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION, 2023.


Wachs, S; Valido, A; (...); Bilz, L. The relation of classroom climate to adolescents' countering hate speech via social skills: A positive youth development perspective JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE, 2023.


Castellanos, M; Wettstein, A; (...); Bilz, L. Hate speech in adolescents: A binational study on prevalence and demographic differences FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION, 2023.


Muller-Perez, J; Acevedo-Duque, A; (...); Alvarez-Becerra, R. Consumer Behavior after COVID-19: Interpersonal Influences, eWOM and Digital Lifestyles in More Diverse Youths Sustainability, 2023.


Barth, N; Wagner, E; (...); Wiegartner, B. Contextures of hate: Towards a systems theory of hate communication on social media platforms COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 2023.


Stahel, L and Baier, D. Digital Hate Speech Experiences Across Age Groups and Their Impact on Well-Being: A Nationally Representative Survey in Switzerland CYBERPSYCHOLOGY BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL NETWORKING, 2023.


Martinez-Bacaicoa, J; Alonso-Fernandez, M; (...); Gamez-Guadix, M. Prevalence and Motivations for Technology-facilitated Gender- and Sexuality-based Violence Among Adults: A Mixed-methods Study Sex Roles, 2023.


Wachs, S; Bilz, L; (...); Espelage, DL. Validation of the multidimensional bystander responses to racist hate speech scale and its association with empathy and moral disengagement among adolescents AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR, 2023.


引述 Scopus

Castellví, J., Massip Sabater, M., González-Valencia, G.A., Santisteban, A.. Future teachers confronting extremism and hate speech), Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, .


Wachs, S., Castellanos, M., Wettstein, A., Bilz, L., Gámez-Guadix, M. . Associations Between Classroom Climate, Empathy, Self-Efficacy, and Countering Hate Speech Among Adolescents: A Multilevel Mediation Analysis), Journal of Interpersonal Violence, .


Costa, S., Tavares, M., Bidarra, J., Mendes da Silva, B.. The Enredo Game-Installation: A Proposal to Counter Hate Speech Online), Springer Series in Design and Innovation, .


Wachs, S., Krause, N., Wright, M.F., Gámez-Guadix, M. . Effects of the Prevention Program “HateLess. Together against Hatred” on Adolescents’ Empathy, Self-efficacy, and Countering Hate Speech ), Journal of Youth and Adolescence, .


Ortiz, J.Á.R., Guizado, J.V.. Hate speech in secondary education: intellectual and emotional effects), VISUAL Review. International Visual Culture Review, .


Castellanos, M., Wettstein, A., Wachs, S., (...), Krause, N., Bilz, L. . Hate speech in adolescents: A binational study on prevalence and demographic differences), Frontiers in Education, .


Costa, S., Tavares, M., Bidarra, J., da Silva, B.M. . IN[The Hate Booth]: a Gamified Installation to Counteract Hate Speech), Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, .


Quirós-Guindal, A., Laforgue-Bullido, N., lorón-Díaz, Í., Izquierdo-Montero, A. . ‘You’re not a better person, but you look like you are.’ Hate speech and privilege: contributions from a participatory research study with teenagers), Intercultural Education, .


Kansok-Dusche, J., Wettstein, A., Castellanos, M., (...), Wachs, S., Bilz, L. . Associations between Social Competence, Perceived Parents’ Prosocial Educational Goals and Adolescents’ Hate Speech Perpetration in School), Victims and Offenders, .


Müller-Pérez, J., Acevedo-Duque, Á., Rettig, P.V., (...), Izquierdo-Marín, S.S., Álvarez-Becerra, R.. Consumer Behavior after COVID-19: Interpersonal Influences, eWOM and Digital Lifestyles in More Diverse Youths), Sustainability, .


Wachs, S., Valido, A., Espelage, D.L., (...), Wettstein, A., Bilz, L. . The relation of classroom climate to adolescents' countering hate speech via social skills: A positive youth development perspective ), Journal of Adolescence, .


Essalhi-Rakrak, A., Pinedo-González, R.. #EspañaInvadida. Disinformation and hate speech towards refugees on Twitter: A challenge for critical thinking), Profesional de la Informacion, .


Barth, N., Wagner, E., Raab, P., Wiegärtner, B.. Contextures of hate: Towards a systems theory of hate communication on social media platforms), Communication Review, .


Mohseni, M.R.. Motives of Online Hate Speech: Results from a Quota Sample Online Survey), Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, .


Stahel, L., Baier, D.. Digital Hate Speech Experiences Across Age Groups and Their Impact on Well-Being: A Nationally Representative Survey in Switzerland), Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, .


Martínez-Bacaicoa, J., Alonso-Fernández, M., Wachs, S., Gámez-Guadix, M. . Prevalence and Motivations for Technology-facilitated Gender- and Sexuality-based Violence Among Adults: A Mixed-methods Study ), Sex Roles, .


Wachs, S., Bilz, L., Wettstein, A., Espelage, D.L. . Validation of the multidimensional bystander responses to racist hate speech scale and its association with empathy and moral disengagement among adolescents), Aggressive Behavior, .


引述 Google Scholar

Future teachers confronting extremism and hate speech


Convivencia democrática en dos ciclos educativos en una institución educativa secundaria de jornada escolar completa, Cutervo


Das Programm „HateLess “


Associations Between Classroom Climate, Empathy, Self-Efficacy, and Countering Hate Speech Among Adolescents: A Multilevel Mediation Analysis


La investigación educativa como didáctica en la enseñanza de la posverdad. Análisis de contextos AN Masegosa - Revista de Propuestas Educativas, 2023 - propuestaseducativas.org


Discurso de odio en educación secundaria: efectos intelectuales y emocionales JÁR Ortiz, JV Guizado - VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual …, 2023 - journals.eagora.org


La instalación del juego Enredo : una propuesta para contrarrestar el discurso de odio en línea S Costa, M Tavares , J Bidarra … - Avances en Diseño y…, 2022 - Springer


Hate speech in primary education: its implications for cognitive and emotional learning JAR Ortiz, JV Guizado, FP Ortega - Journal of Positive Psychology …, 2023 - journalppw.com


Adolescents' motivations to perpetrate hate speech and links with social norms S Wachs, A Wettstein, L Bilz, M Gámez-Guadix - Comunicar, 2022 - eprints.rclis.org





Wachs, S., WeJEtstein, A., Bilz, L., & Gámez-Guadix, M. (2022). Adolescents’ motivations to perpetrate hate speech and links with social norms. [Motivos del discurso de odio en la adolescencia y su relación con las normas sociales]. Comunicar, 71, 9-20. https://doi.org/10.3916/C71-2022-01



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